
How to check if secondary database definition exists

fr flag

Can anyone please help me on how to check if secondary database is set. If not throw an error.

I am currently defining database connection as below.

Database::getConnection('default', 'sqlite')

I am trying to defining a if , else condition based the database defining.

When I try

if(Database::getConnection('default', 'sqlite')){
  echo success;
}else {
  echo fail;

I am getting below error. If secondary database definition is not defined in settings.php

The specified database connection is not defined: sqlite in Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage->save() (line 811 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Sql/SqlContentEntityStorage.php).
us flag

To check if a connection has been defined, I would use code similar to the following one.

if ($connections = Database::getAllConnectionInfo() && isset($connections['default']['sqlite'])) {
  // The connection is defined.

Database::getConnection() returns a connection object, and it could return the one for default/primary server, when the requested information is for an ignored connection or the requested connection isn't defined.

  // If the requested target does not exist, or if it is ignored, we fall back
  // to the default target. The target is typically either "default" or
  // "replica", indicating to use a replica SQL server if one is available. If
  // it's not available, then the default/primary server is the correct server
  // to use.
  if (!empty(self::$ignoreTargets[$key][$target]) || !isset(self::$databaseInfo[$key][$target])) {
    $target = 'default';
  if (!isset(self::$connections[$key][$target])) {

    // If necessary, a new connection is opened.
    self::$connections[$key][$target] = self::openConnection($key, $target);

This means that expecting an exception from Database::getConnection() when the connection isn't defined is wrong.

miststudent2011 avatar
fr flag
Thanks its better than the other answer.
id flag
try {
    $connection = Database::getConnection('default', 'sqlite');
catch (Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException $e) {
    // Do something here.
finally {
    // Optional: do something in any case.
miststudent2011 avatar
fr flag
Thanks , it works. But just wondering whether we have any method in core to check if the connection exists. Something like `hasConnection()`
fr flag

Although cilefen pointed me in the right direction. It still throws fatal error when using cilefen's answer. I am able to resolve this issue by slightly modifying exception handling.

try {
  $connection = Database::getConnection('default', 'sqlite');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
  return new \Exception("SQLite Database configurtion is not setup.", 1);

Created a core issue #3282024 to add native method to check database connection.

id flag
You may need a slash before the exception, like \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException. \Exception could be anything at all.
miststudent2011 avatar
fr flag
Adding slash produces the same error.

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