
NAPTR DNS in Gandi registrar

ae flag

as it's said on i have to add this in my Gandi DNS :

@ IN NAPTR 10 0 "s" "RELAY:turn.udp" ""

But every time i try to add this, i have an syntax error, so what's wrong in this line ? I have successfully added the others lines needed but not this one.


jp flag

Does "Gandi DNS" mean "Gandi's Live DNS"? While it does have support for NAPTR records, the web interface seems to support the obsolete specification from September 2000 in RFC 2915, and even that only partially. You may contact their support with your issue.

Also, the LiveDNS API is a lot more flexible than the "DNS Records" tab. Although I didn't test it, you might be able to add your RFC 5928 (Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) Resolution Mechanism) records using the API.


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