
Some Google Cloud SQL Authorized Network IPs do not work?

vn flag

I use Google Cloud SQL for my databases. It's connected to my website and working just fine, but I also authorized my local computer to access the Database via Sequel Pro. But for today, I went to my parent's place and tried to log into these databases. For hours I could not get into it and to work on it, but after adding the correct IP to the Authorized Networks section, in the SQL console. But with no luck, Nothing did work. Until, I hot spotted my computer via phone, using LTE of my phone's network. I then searched for the IP and added it to the Authorized Networks, Now, it worked perfectly.

My question is: Why do some IPs work within the Authorized Networks while others do not?

I've attached an image. Localhost is my phone's LTE network via hotspot. It worked and I could log into my database. Localhost2 is my parent's WIFI network and did not work. So why do some IPs work when they are authorized while others do not? Is there some kind of proxy with my parent's WIFI? My home office WIFI IP works fine as well too( not shown in the image).

What's the deal?

enter image description here

John Hanley avatar
cn flag
1) Without knowing the actual IP address, we can only guess. 2) Some ISPs convert IPv4 to IPv6 and back. Some block specific ports and or traffic types 3) There is no problem on the Google side with IP whitelisting that I know of. The problem is most likely your ISP connection and network.

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