
Parse Service Pathnames

in flag

(get-ciminstance cim_service).pathname outputs something like:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /V

Does anyone know of a solution to remove all arguments and options from the output? Or a method of outputting all service executable file path locations?

Edit: My initial statement was a bit misleading I'm only looking for non system32 services. so my full script looks like:

$pathnames=(get-ciminstance cim_service).pathnames foreach ($pathname in $pathnames){if ($null -ne $pathname){if ($pathname -like "*system32*"){}else{get-acl $pathname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}}}

cn flag
That approach will not be very useful. A lot of services are launched in a generic hosting executable, C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe. To get the actual path name, you need to get it from the registry.
RevoCaine avatar
in flag
@GregAskew your correct. I edited my response to better explain my intentions I hope this helps with clarification. Thank you
cn flag
I would say if it begins with a double quote, get the string up to and including the second double quote. Else the first space.
in flag

took some time but I just parsed it bit by bit

foreach ($pathname in $pathnames){
if ($null -ne $pathname){
    if ($pathname -like "*system32*"){
        if($pathname -like '"*" *'){
            foreach ($path in $pathname.split('" ')){
                if ($path -like '"C:*'){
        }elseif($pathname -like '"*'){
            }elseif($pathname -like "\??\*"){
                foreach ($path in $pathname.split(' ')){
                    if (!($path -like 'C:\*')){

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