
Nginx reverse proxy in front of lighttpd nextcloud server

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I am running nginx proxy manager on a docker container (nginx proxy manager image) and my router is forwarding http and https traffic to my raspberry pi. My question is if the traffic is going to directly to the proxy, since it is listening on ports 80 and 443. The lighttpd server is listening on port 8443.

suprovsky avatar
hu flag
hey, you should be more precise - is the lighttpd nextcloud server also a container? do you use docker-compose?
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No, the lighttpd nextcloud server is installed on the system. For the nginx proxy manager I used a docker-compose.yml file with jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest image and it has ports 80:80, 443:443 defined and 81:81 to access the proxy configuration via browser.
suprovsky avatar
hu flag
Ok, so could you tell me how the reverse proxying should look like? From my perspective it looks like you want to use Nginx for accessing the service under 80/443 and then the Nginx should do a reverse proxy to the lighttpd which is on the host.
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Exactly. I was trying to make the proxy receive https traffic from the outside, and then forward it to the local ip address of the raspberry pi on port 8443, where the lighttpd server is running. But I am not sure if the outside traffic is really entering the proxy and not leaking, if that makes sense. My router has ports 80 and 443 open and forwarding traffic for the raspPi.
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Or to be more clear, is it enough to port forward ports 80/443 of my router to my Pi local IP address, or do i need to forward to the nginx IP address?

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