
Nginx giving "No such file or directory" error for static files

by flag

I am trying to deploy a site on to a linux server following Corey Schafer's guide for Flask.

My site is working, but nginx is unable to read/access/find the static folder and the files within.

I initially removed the default sites-enabled and created a custom one:

sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default


sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/flaskblog

This is what I input into that file:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name DOMAIN_IP;

    location /static {
        alias /Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
        include /etc/nginx/proxy_params;
        proxy_redirect off;

But all static pages return 404

If I check the error log of nginx I see:

   2022/06/03 06:09:42 [error] 71064#71064: *1 open() "/Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static/main.css" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: IP, request: "GET /static/main.css HTTP/1.1", host: "IP", referrer: "http://IP/"
2022/06/03 06:09:42 [error] 71064#71064: *1 open() "/Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static/profile_pics/271fcf0ffe2a92aa.jpg" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: IP, request: "GET /static/profile_pics/271fcf0ffe2a92aa.jpg HTTP/1.1", host: "IP", referrer: "http://IP/"
2022/06/03 06:09:42 [error] 71064#71064: *4 open() "/Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static/profile_pics/default.jpg" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: IP, request: "GET /static/profile_pics/default.jpg HTTP/1.1", host: "IP", referrer: "http://IP/"
2022/06/03 06:09:45 [error] 71064#71064: *4 open() "/Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static/main.css" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: IP, request: "GET /static/main.css HTTP/1.1", host: "IP", referrer: "http://IP/home"

So I can see that nginx is going to the correct location, so I don't understand why it is saying "No such file or directory"

I have tried both

location /static {
        alias /Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static;


location /static {
        root /Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog;

And both produce the same error and same location.

I have also cd'd down and then done ls at each point to check that everything is in the right place and everything seems in order

(venv) charles@flask-server:~/Flask_Blog$ ls
flaskblog  __pycache__  requirements.txt  venv
(venv) charles@flask-server:~/Flask_Blog$ cd flaskblog
(venv) charles@flask-server:~/Flask_Blog/flaskblog$ ls  errors  main  posts  __pycache__  site.db  static  templates  users
(venv) charles@flask-server:~/Flask_Blog/flaskblog$ cd static
(venv) charles@flask-server:~/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static$ ls
main.css  profile_pics
(venv) charles@flask-server:~/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static$ cd main.css
-bash: cd: main.css: Not a directory
(venv) charles@flask-server:~/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static$ cd profile_pics
(venv) charles@flask-server:~/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static/profile_pics$ ls

And if I go to "/Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static" on my personal machine it goes to the correct place.

Thank you for any help.

ph flag

Your question is missing some information about the directory permissions of /Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/. The default user statement in your nginx.conf should define something like user www-data;.

So this user need to have appropriate permissions to your static folder. You could do

chown -R www-data: /Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static

by flag
Thank you. Should I input that into the terminal? I tried inputting it into the terminal and got the same error. ```chown: cannot access '/Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static': No such file or directory```
by flag
I also tried going to the folder on my machine, right clicking, clicking "get info" copying the location straight from there and then doing ```ls /Users/myname/VScode/Flask_Blog/flaskblog/static/main.css``` pasting the location directly in and I also get ```No such file or directory```
Flo avatar
ph flag
@acodeaday to help you with that, we need more information about your OS. Which one are you running? how is your environment set up?

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