
Point a wildcard subdomain in go daddy to a heroku app

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So I have purchased a domain on go daddy by the name let's say Now I want to direct all * to a nextjs app hosted on heroku.

I followed the standard process to point any subdomain to a heroku app which was

  1. Add a custom domain to heroku app by name *
  2. Copy the dns target given by heroku
  3. Create a cname record in go daddy's DNS records page for the site with * as name and heroku dns target as data.

Now when I try to hit the site is unreachable. The above procedure seems to be invalid for wildcards only. When I repeat the same process for any single subdomain let's say it works perfectly.

I have followed the answer mentioned here. I know wildcards are supported on heroku as mentioned here.

Also FYI the main domain points to another server hosted separately.

This how dns record on go daddy looks like

Type  |  Name  |         Data           |  TTL
CNAME |   *    | | 1 hour

On heroku side

Domain Name   | DNS Target 
* |

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