
Which domain/host to use with certificate for mail server

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I am having difficulties (confused) understanding SSL for a domain for mail server. GMail "send mail as" set up is reporting error with "550 certificate name does not match host name" while trying to connect with SSL/TLS.


Mail domain:

Email account: [email protected]



CNAME mail

MX @

Tried with SSL certificates for both & I am confused which domain/host I should use the SSL certificate for: or Tried both.

Note: Can't use a wild card SSL certificate. Am using ZeroSSL free certificate.

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Sure, lemme do it now.
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The "550 certificate name does not match host name" error suggests the issue isn't related to your email address as such, rather the host address you're sending from / receiving to.

So for instance you may be sending as, but Google are receiving the SMTP connection from, and that's the certificate they're after.

Either that or I see some reports of getting the same error where the host listed in the MX record isn't included in the certificate returned by the mail server. You can test that here

Broken Arrow avatar
sr flag
This is an absolute frustration with Windows Mail server (I admit I missing things) :( The domain is BINARY.MEN, the HELO replies with the same doamin, tried generating certificates from ZoroSSL, Let's encrypt & cPanel Inc., nothing seems to satisfy GMail :( I could have prepared 25 RHEL boxes working perfectly for this purpose!
Broken Arrow avatar
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Thanks for the help. Although the test is failing with TLS, CERT & SECURE, but everything seems to be working fine after fixing the intermediate certificate thing.
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It was a problem with intermediate certificates, although it is still confusing to me as I was using the same host name for mail account, DNS & mail server host!

Added fullchain.pem as the certificate, not the domain.crt (created with Let's encrypt) and it all started working fine.


There was no way I could have noticed this while trying to add SMTP account to GMail, it was just failing. Then I tried to add a POP3 connection withing GMail, and it came up with the actual issue that intermediate certificates were missing, that also fixed the SMTP connection issue! Expected better from Google.

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