
using docker on linux with squid proxy. -- ubuntu 20.04

hk flag

I have docker 20.10.21 installed from apt. The machine is not directly connected to the internet so we rely on our squid proxy.

I have set up a daemon.json file:

rful011@secphires01:~$ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
     "http-proxy": "",
     "https-proxy": "",
     "no-proxy": "*"

as described here.

starting dockerd gives:

rful011@secphires01:~$ sudo /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
unable to configure the Docker daemon with file /etc/docker/daemon.json: the following directives don't match any configuration option: no-proxy, http-proxy, https-proxy

Clearly I am missing something.

in flag
Docker 1.5? The docker shipped with Ubuntu is version 20.10.
Russell Fulton avatar
hk flag
my mistake -- I was looking at the version given by `apt show docker`. docker -v gives 20.10.21
in flag

Ubuntu 20.04 ships Docker in version 20.10.

According to the documentation you need at least 23.0 to configure the proxy this way:

The daemon can be configured in three ways:

  • Using environment variables (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY).
  • Using the “http-proxy”, “https-proxy”, and “no-proxy” fields in the daemon configuration file (Docker Engine 23.0 or newer).
  • Using the --http-proxy, --https-proxy, and --no-proxy command-line options. (Docker Engine 23.0 or newer).

So you either need to install a newer Docker version or you need to use environment variables.

You can use sudo systemctl edit docker to create a systemd drop in and configure environment variables there.

Russell Fulton avatar
hk flag
I created a `/etc/default/docker' and then used `sudo systemctl edit docker` to add `EnvronmentFile` entry
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