
Stuck at 640x480 resolution in Ubuntu 21.04 (Using APU)

cn flag

I am using a VGA cable in my pc

My specs
CPU : Ryzen 3 3200g(APU)
Mobo : Asrock a320m hdv-V4.0
Ram : 8gb
Monitor Resolution : 1400x900(The Highest available in win10)

I try to use 2 linux distro , EndevorousOS and Ubuntu , first I thought The problem must be with EndevorousOS , when I again install Ubuntu , the same problem , Resolution Stuck at 640x480 , and when I try to change the resolution in settings , the resolution area has no down arrow (ultimately no more resolution to pick from)

And I'm stuck at this resolution and it is very weird to see everything in 4:3
Please Help me


I tried setting up custom resolution and but failed


The Problem is with VGA cable , the maximum it supports is 640x480 in linux , I ordered a HDMI cable , lets see what will be the result.


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