
gnome-session-properties won't work when the monitor is not connect

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I use Ubuntu 20.04. And I set up a script with startup of Ubuntu in startup application preferences(gnome-session-properties). I need to run the script(.sh) without the monitor connected.

enter image description here

However, when the monitor connects to the computer with HDMI, the script would work with startup. While the monitor is not connected, the script is not working until the HDMI re-connect the computer.

Why this happens? Is there anything prevent the script working? Or does the startup script only work when there is a "monitor"?

I appreciate any help!

lejou lee avatar
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When I boot Ubuntu without the monitor connected, I type "Ctrl_alt+T" to open the terminal several times, then I connect the monitor, the desktop is very clear without any terminals open! I was sure the keyboard is connected well, because I tested to open the terminals after the monitor connected.
David avatar
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