
AMD Ryzen 4700U Processor and AMD Radeon Graphics Machine Failing to Resume After Suspend on Ubuntu 22.10

aw flag

I've recently switched over to Ubuntu 22.10 as the main OS for my machine but I've been frustrated by an issue with suspending my machine. Whenever I close the lid to my laptop or suspend via command line and try to resume, my machine fails to turn back on and I'm left staring at a black screen. My keyboard still lights up and everything so I'm pretty confused as to what could be the root of my problems. I went ahead and dumped the demsg logs and after some digging it seems like the issue is something to do with my AMD GPU driver, but I'm a linux newbie so I would appreicate any guidance in diagnosing my problem. Here is a link to the full log. Thanks in advance for any help!

kanehekili avatar
zw flag
Yes. My crystal ball broke. So could you state your hardware? You describe a classic driver problem. It occurs with NVIDIA and AMD, only seldom with intel. `inxi -G` or `lspci -v | grep VGA` should do. **Copy the output of those commands into your question**
cn flag claims it works on kernel 5.13. what brand machine? the link states "ThinkPads have a setting that is "Windows" (disable S3) or "Linux" (enables S3)" that could be it too.
aw flag

Thank you everyone for your comments. This turned out to be a bug with the Linux kernel version I was using, I upgraded to 6.2.0 and I no longer see this issue.


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