
Installing ubuntu on two drives: ssd and hdd

gr flag

I have a desktop (8 GiB RAM) and installed Ubuntu in the standard way (erase disk and install Ubuntu - nothing else ;-)). But it kept booting in windows... finally - as a newbie - I understand the desktop has a ssd and hdd drive...

Anyway, after reading the following:

  1. How would I install Ubuntu with two hard drives

I need the desktop for QGis and data/pictures and I intend to use the ssd drive (120 GiB) for booting Ubuntu (quick start) and the hdd drive (1 TB) for data (I don't want a dual boot with Windows). Right now I am checking how both drives are partitioned. This is confusing to me and before deleting all those partitions and making new ones I would like your advice.

From Ubuntu on a bootable usb stick (with GParted) I get this information about both hard drives:

enter image description here

enter image description here

and I plan to take the following actions according to the linuxjournal article:

On /dev/sdb 120 GiB (SSD drive with UEFI mode)

  1. delete all existing partitions
  2. create a new partition
  3. On this root drive I will create the boot drive (primary, ext4) and select “/boot” as the mount point for this partition as well.
  4. next I will set up a swap area (12 GiB because of the 8 GiB RAM)
  5. Rest of this drive will do for the root partition and mount point '/'

On /dev/sda (HDD drive of 1 TB)

  1. delete all existing partitions
  2. create a new partition
  3. create a home partition with size = All remaining free space, type for the new partition = Primary, location for the new partition = Beginning, use as = EXT4 journaling file system and mount point = /home

Finally, my questions are

  1. Is the above plan acceptable (no serious mistakes)?
  2. Is this re-partitioning best done when I start installing Ubuntu with the bootable usb stick (as in the linuxjournal article) or is better done at forehand with GParted?

Update: I just read a article were they speak about a (U)EFI partition of 512 MB. See The Linuxjournal article does not mention that...

cc flag
What Ubuntu release are you going to install (instructions may differ slightly depending...)? Do you have a reason for a separate /boot? (like encrypted logical volume for root....). Definitely do the partitioning before you start the install (the install partitioner in 23.04 will insist on making a 1GB EFI). The 22.04 installer will insist on putting bootloaders on the first EFI partition it finds, not necessarily the disk yuo specify.
Amedee avatar
gr flag
I wanted to install the latest release, 22.04.2 LTS or Ubuntu 23.04 (with a preference for the last one)
Amedee avatar
gr flag
About the separate /boot: I intended to do what the article mentioned...
cc flag
22.04 is a Long Term Support release (5 yrs), and 23.04 has 9 months support (at which point you upgrade or reinstall to a later release). Brand new hardware may require such a release with the latest kernel, etc. That article has many problems, (claims a UEFI install, but no EFI partition, 500GB+ root (way too big, could use space for two separate roots/installs (e.g. both 22.04 and 23.04 ). With multiple roots, /home (which contains program specific config files in the dot files) would be better as a data part you link to --Documents, etc. Separate /boot not needed,EFI partition is needed.
Amedee avatar
gr flag
I have been reading about that EFI partition and was wondering why the article didn't mention it. Anyway, if there is a better way, I am anxious to learn ubfan1. Could you point me out a better article or installation guide for this type of installation? Or eventually write it down as a solution in this thread? About the releases: I have a ubuntu 22.10 boot image that I previously updated to the 23.04 version on this desktop. If one or the other release is better for the installation on the sdd and hdd drive, then I like to choose that release. I need the desktop for QGis and data/pictures.
David avatar
cn flag
Please do not use comments to add info for the question. Edit the question and add the info there. Thanks.
Amedee avatar
gr flag
@David Done, I edited the question
karel avatar
sa flag
Does this answer your question? [How to use manual partitioning during installation?]( and [Do we still need swap partitions on desktops?](
cc flag

This has got be a duplicate, but things change every release, so I'll just mention some new things not in the docs yet. Here are some links from a quick Google search:



Definitely do not bother with 22.10, it only has a few more months support. Choose 22.04 for 4 years support or 23.10 for 9 months support, but better installation support for a second disk. Of course, if you remove the "other" disk when installing 22.04, that eliminates most problems.

Using /home on a single release is fine, but if you decide to have multiple Ubuntu boots (22.04 and 23.04 for instance), keep the separate /usr/home/ directories for each and use symlinks to a mounted data partition -- that way the hidden "dot" config files in your home will be kept separate for each release.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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