
Ubuntu kernel panics / freeze after Nvidia driver installation

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I've been running Ubuntu 22.10 for a few months, the machine has a RTX 2080 TI GPU.

I was using the nouveau driver that was set by default, everything worked fine, but I needed some nvidia functionality, such as nvidia-smi and cuda toolkit.

Installing the official nvidia driver makes the OS freeze, after a minute or so when using the Desktop GUI. If I'm on tty2 terminal, the system will not freeze.

Same thing happens when installing using apt install nvidia-driver-530

I tried upgrading the broken system to Ubuntu 23.04 using do-upgrade-install from tty2 - Same result

I clean installed 22.04 LTS - Same result, once I install the official driver, system breaks.

With the official nvidia driver, my system will freeze, regardless of the OS version or Kernel version (6.x or 5.19.x).

CPU: AMD 7950X
Motherboard: Asus PRIME X670E-PRO WIFI
GPU: RTX 2080 TI

There's no hardware issue with the GPU, works fine under stress on Windows.

How can I diagnose / reslove the issue?

in flag

Solution found by brute forcing, probably not the best out there, feel free to post other solutions.

tldr, hard remove nouveau and amdgpu kernel modules.

Longer version:

Download NVIDIA official driver. switch to runlevel 3, by running init 3 from a terminal or from boot menu.

Remove nouveau driver, I also removed the amdgpu driver to be on the safeside - it's my motherboard onboard graphics.

sudo apt purge xserver-xorg-video-nouveau
sudo apt purge xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu

apt purge does not actually remove the kernel modules (can be verified using lsmod after restart) - They must be blacklisted using a .conf file

sudo nano -w /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf

set file content to:

blacklist amdgpu
blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0

Now install the Nvidia driver and restart

sudo apt install build-essential # if you dont have gcc installed
sudo apt install libglvnd-dev # Not mandatory
sudo ./
init 6
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