
really slow shutdown

cn flag

3 days ago I bought a new intel 13700 machine & installed a fresh copy of 23.04. However I find that shutting down takes a really long time (90 sec), while my 6700K machine only takes about 4-5 seconds with 23.04 on it.

What seems to be happening is shutting down proceeds quickly when I choose the option. The screen turns black and shows the logo for my motherboard 'Tuf Gaming' plus the ubuntu logo and for 3 seconds, the processing circle.

Then the processing circle disappears and nothing happens for nearly a minute and a half. No SSD light is flashing on the case, so I can't see anything happening.

Is there a shutdown log that might help me here? or some other diagnostic?

It is strange as startup only takes about 2-3 seconds.

in flag
There are logs in the `/var/log` directory that may shed light on the issue. One question is whether there are any network-connected mounts. Mounted Samba connections can sometimes take a while to disconnect if there are open files or caches that need to be flushed.
Worn-out_home-tech avatar
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I do make network connections on occasion to a NAS, but they terminate on reboot. I managed to find something about pressing 'Esc' on the shutdown and it showed that the system is waiting on a process called 'crond'. So now I have something to go on.
Worn-out_home-tech avatar
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how do I award credit to matigo for their comment?
Worn-out_home-tech avatar
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@matigo - I can't seem to find an up arrow next to your comment.
Worn-out_home-tech avatar
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sadly the only triangles I'm seeing are for my initial question and my answer... none for any 'comments'. Thanks though.
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I believe I solved it. After the 'crond' discovery, I found an offsite solution that recommended running bleachbit in 'root' mode.

I needed to reboot twice after running bleachbit, but now my shutdown is so fast that I have no time to press 'esc'.

I also enabled Total Memory Encryption, but I think that had no effect. I'll undo that.

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