Latest Crypto related questions

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vxek avatar
How to factor $n = p.q$, where $p,q$ are primes, knowing a multiple of $\mathrm{lcm}(p-1, q-1)$?
mm flag

I was reading this post about Shamir's hash function, which is defined as follows:

Let $p,q$ be positive prime integers and let $n=p\times q$. Let $\ell = \mathrm{lcm}(p-1, q-1)$. Find $g \in (\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^*$ such that $\ell$ is the smallest positive integer for which $g^\ell \equiv 1 \bmod n$, i.e., $\ell$ is the order of $g$ in $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^*$.

Score: 1
umityigitbsrn avatar
Why the set membership symbol (∈) is used in formal differential privacy definition?
vg flag

In The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy (Dwork, C; Roth, A), the formal definition of differential privacy is given as:


The randomized algorithm $\mathcal{M}$ with domain $\mathbb{N}^{|\mathcal{X}|}$ is $(\epsilon, \delta)-$differentially private if for all $\mathcal{S} \subseteq Range(\mathcal{M})$ and for all $x, y \in \mathbb{N}^{|\mathcal{X}|}$ such that $\|x - y\|_1 \leq 1$: ...

Score: 2
CryptoGuru avatar
How does padding in RSA prevent existenial forgery attacks in RSA?
bm flag

I am trying to understand how adding padding like the PKCS1.5 RSA signature scheme can prevent the existential forgery attack in RSA. Is it just by changing the structure of the message?

Score: 0
Rohit Khera avatar
LMS signatures : Complexity of Classic Merkle Tree Traversal
cn flag

I'm trying to understand the complexity of computing the Merkle root for stateful hash based signature schemes. Section 4.1 of the chapter on hash based signatures in "Post Quantum Cryptography" – by Bernstein, Buchmann and Dahmen (Springer Berlin Heidelberg states) -

($H$ in the following excerpt is the height of the Merkle tree, and $N$ is the number of leaf nodes such that $H = \log_{2}(N$)) ...

Score: 0
Abol_Fa avatar
Why would be the use of such hash function definition? What would be the input of these functions?
pe flag

$ G \space is \space an \space elliptic \space curve \space group \space G \space with \space order \space q$ and three hash functions are defined as this: $$ H_1: \{0,1\}^*\times G \rightarrow Z^*_q $$ $$ H_2: \{0,1\}^*\times G \times G \rightarrow Z^*_q $$ $$ H_3: \{0,1\}^*\times Z^*_q \times G \times G \rightarrow Z^*_q $$ I searched and found this question and as far as I understand $ H_0: \{0,1\}^ ...

Score: 1
Harold avatar
Does anonymous authentication based on ZKP have better unlinkability?
cn flag

I am confused about whether/how ZKP based entity/message authentication scheme can achieve identity privacy, especially unlinkability. The security properties I'm looking for in the scheme is authentication (identity proof), such that the prover can prove it has some kind of identity so that it is allowed to be in the communication; and identity privacy, such that the real identity is hidden and differe ...

Score: 0
Dee avatar
Which P-256 is in Web Crypto?
cd flag

Web Crypto API allows creating ECC keys with some known curves:

Those are P-256, P-384, P-521.

However as answered at this answer

There are secp256k1, and secp256r1, and maybe more?

Which is the exact P-256 implemented by Web Crypto API?

Score: 1
Bob avatar
Is it secure if I disclose an element equals 1 modulo p in Zn?
cn flag

Let $n = pq$, $p,q$ are two large primes, then $\mathbb{Z}_n^*\cong \mathbb{Z}_p^* \times \mathbb{Z}_q^*$. We disclose $n$ and keep $p, q$ secret. Is it secure if we disclose a random element $a$:

$a\in \mathbb{Z}_n^*$, $a = 1 \mod p$

That is, to disclose a random chosen element in $\langle 1\rangle \times \mathbb{Z}_q^*$ ? How to prove it?

Score: 2
Dattier avatar
Quickly find the cardinality of an elliptic curve
cn flag

Let $(E:y^2=x^3+ax+b) $ on $\mathbb F_q$, with $ q \mod 2=1$.

If $\gcd(3,q-1)=1$ and $a=0$, then it's easy to find the cardinality of the curve $E$ : $|E|=q$.

Are there an another conditions on $(q, a, b)$, where it's easy to find $|E|$?

Score: 1
Andrew avatar
Usage of tweakable hash functions in SPHINCS+
bl flag

In the SPHINCS+ paper( part 3.2, it explains that they are not using l-trees as a direct consequence of the use of tweakable hash functions.

I have read the tweakable hash function part, but the math made me so confused. Can you explain to me the difference between the usual WOTS+ and the WOTS+ used in the current SPHINCS+? Is there a difference in the  ...

Score: 1
jrzhu avatar
Can BDOZ and SPDZ implement secure 2-party computation?
aw flag

Considering that P1 has value x, P2 has value y and they want to compute x+y without telling the other what he has,So P1 and P2 secret-share their values to each other. Now P1 gets x1 and y1, P2 gets x2 and y2 and they locally compute xi+yi. If P1 want to compute x+y = (x1+y1)+(x2+y2), P2 need to send x2+y2 to P1, but P1 can get x2 by computing x-x1, thus P1 can get y2 and then get the value y, which is ...

Score: 1
eli yablon avatar
Plaintext Multiplication in BFV
at flag

In this paper I'm reading (specifically section 3.1), the authors say that the BFV encryption scheme supports plaintext multiplication, which basically means that given a ciphertext, $c$ that is an encryption of a plaintext $p_1$ and a plaintext, $p_2$, one can easily compute an encryption of $p_1 \cdot p_2$. What's more, this can be done without the evaluation key. How exactly does this "plainte ...

Score: 5
RobinLinus avatar
How fast is Factorization reduced to a Discrete Logarithm?
cn flag

Given a RSA modulus $n$, which is the product of two safe primes: \begin{align*} P &= 2p + 1 \quad\quad\quad Q = 2q + 1 \\ n &= P \cdot Q = 4p q + 2 p + 2 q + 1 \end{align*} The hidden group order is then \begin{align*} \Phi(n) &= (P-1)(Q-1) = 4p q \end{align*} Choosing some random element $z \in \mathbb{F}_n^*$, then most likely $z^4 \in C_{p q}$ (the subgroup of $\mathbb{F ...

Score: 1
kiiro avatar
XChaCha20-Poly1305 vs Plain ChaCha20-Poly1305 performance
kn flag

I know that the security of both are the same (only nonce size is different). But which one is faster and better to use, when encrypting a lot of files (500+, from 1MB to 200MB)?

Score: 3
user10002393 avatar
Details about blind signature on ed25519
ca flag

Recently, I started looking up for details about implementing a blind signature on ed25519 cryptographic. I saw this article by Stanislaw Baranski about it. In the first point, it says that Bob generates random number (nonce) $k$ in range $(1, q-1)$, computes $r=k \times G (\mod p)$ $r=k×G(\mod p)$ and sends $r$ to Alice.

Now, how safe it is to make $r$ public and to sh ...

Score: 2
Muhammad Awais avatar
What is the effect of solving short integer solution problem in Dilithium or any other post quantum signature scheme?
cn flag

I am trying to understand the post quantum based signature scheme Dilithium. I know what the hard problems are in the scheme, but I am having trouble in understanding the utilization of short integer solution in the scheme. Specifically speaking, I can't understand exactly where this problem is used in the scheme. Also, what would happen if someone finds a solution to this hard problem, besides fi ...

Score: 2
anand avatar
Create a new signature from existing DSA signatures
im flag

Is it possible to generate a new valid signature for some arbitrary message using DSA if we know existing signatures for the same message? We are an adversary, therefore we do not hold the private key, but we have access to a couple of signatures for the same message, say $(r_1, s_1)$, $(r_2, s_2)$.

Score: 1
hasin avatar
Block cipher decryption
jp flag

I have a course work for university.

The question is:


My solution to the question is:

    P||R = D(K,C)

However, in the question it doesn't say we are given R so I'm not sure how to get P from P||R.

This could be because my understanding of concatenation is incorrect as I see it as simply adding the nonce to the plaintext.

If what I have done looks correct please let me know, otherwise any help on  ...

Score: 3
Ulysses Zhan avatar
How to create an encryption such that we need two keys to decrypt, while one key is derivable from the other if I have the secret
bv flag

Suppose I have some plaintext $M$, and I want to have some process $f$ to make ciphertext $M':=f(M,s)$, where $s$ is some secret. The ciphertext $M'$ can be decrypted by using some decryption process $M=g(M',k_1,k_2)$, where $k_1$ and $k_2$ are two keys, and $k_1$ is a random key (cannot be controlled, such as the current time), and $k_2$ can be generated from $k_1$ by using the secret, i.e. $k_2=k ...

Score: 2
P_Gate avatar
Question on the proof of correctness in CRYSTALS-Kyber
mq flag

I am currently trying to follow the proof of correctness in the CRYSTALS-Kyber paper. The following is an excerpt of the proof:

Excerpt of the proof, in origional see source above.

  • On the one hand, I am interested in how exactly one justifies/argues that $\mathbf{y}$ is pseudorandom, based on the MLWE assumption. About the difference $(\mathbf{y} - \text{Decompress}_q(\text{Compress}_q(\mathbf{y},d),d))$ I think myself as $(\mathbf{y} - inaccuracy)$ ...

Score: 1
Rahul Parthe avatar
How to achieve encryption at single source and decryption at multiple locations using asymmetric scheme?
pk flag

I need an encryption scheme where a single source/location can encrypt using their private key and while anyone with access to the corresponding public key can decrypt it. It has to be asymmetric to avoid any one else deriving that private key and pretending to become that source. For example, government issues an encrypted document that any one authorized with the issued public key can decrypt it. But  ...

Score: 2
Jeffrey avatar
Why can't RSA signatures be forged algebraically?
US flag

Compute $n = pq$ where p and q are prime. Fix $e$ to be coprime to $\phi(n)$. Compute $d = e^{-1} \pmod n$ and verify $ed \equiv \phi(n) \pmod n$. We sign the (hash of) a message with $s = h^{d}$. A verifier computes $s^e = h \pmod n$. Why can't an attacker fix $h'$ and solve ${s'}^e = h' \pmod n$ to forge a signature $s'$ for a given $(n, e)$? What assumption tells us this computation is hard? If ...

Score: 1
Andrew avatar
How does signing with FORS work in SPHINCS+?
bl flag

I was reading the SPHINCS+ paper and got confused in the signing with FORS (forest of random subsets) part.

I understand how we can sign a message using FORS but I couldn't understand how we choose the corresponding WOTS+ key to sign the FORS root node with.

If we are going to choose only one of the XMSS trees in the bottom layer, does that mean the remaining trees are going to be redundant?

Here is the diagram from SPHINCS+ paper showing the hypertree

Score: 0
CryptoGuru avatar
What is a website's private signing key used to sign?
bm flag

I am trying to understand digital signatures and digital certificates. I know that digital certificates verify a server's public verification key but what does the website's (client) private verification key sign?

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Zarquan avatar
Oblivious Decision Making
hk flag

Suppose there is a ciphertext $C_1$ that hides message $m_1$ using a distributed additively homomorphic public key. I would like the holders of the key to run a protocol where if $m_1 = 0$, then it will return a ciphertext of $0$, but if $m_1 \neq 0$, then it will return a ciphertext of $1$. However, I would like this done without the key holders knowing whether $m_1 = 0$. I am assuming that there  ...

Score: 1
Ergo avatar
Stream cipher padding
na flag

Problem example

Let's say I have a plaintext with length of 50 bytes. I want to encrypt it using a stream encryption algorithm ChaCha20-Poly1305.

Poly1305 generate a 128 bit hash (16 bytes), so encrypted message will be of length 50 + 16 = 66... If I append nonce to it (12 bytes), it'll be 78 bytes.

But... When I add for example 1 more byte to a plain text, cipher text will be of a length 79 bytes (+1) ...

Score: 1
zjmo avatar
How much computation it takes to crack a PBKDF2's secret salt when the passphrase meterial has been leaked
mu flag

Given the following code, extracted from a Bip39 implementation for Android by Zcash

    passphrase = veryHighEntropy secret bytearray,
    salt = pontentiallyLowEntropy secret bytearray,
    iterations = 2024,

What happen if the passphrase gets leaked? is the total entropy of the hash reduced to the entropy of the salt?

If I understand correctly the secret salt should functions as a  ...

Score: 0
August H avatar
How are arbitrary boolean gates constructed in homomorphic encryption using only addition and multplication?
sm flag

I've recently become interested in homomorphic encryption, specifically how boolean gates are constructed to do arbitrary circuit arithmatic on the encrypted data without decrypting it.

I have heard that all you need are arbitrary addition and multiplication operations to arbitrarily construct boolean gates that can operate on the ciphertext, specifically NAND gates, which are functionally complete

Score: 2
wick avatar
Interactive proof of possession of a signed message
lv flag

Suppose Alice has a verifiable (message, signature) pair from Cedric, who would not cooperate and routinely uses an algo (ecdsa, eddsa, rsa, or insert yours here) to sign messages.

Alice wants to interactively prove to Bob she has that (message, signature) pair with the valid signature, obviously. It doesn't have to be "zero-knowledge" - she might divulge bits and pieces, but it shouldn't be less har ...

Score: 0
imamangoo avatar
Defending MITM attacks during key exchange
la flag

As far as I know, key exchanging algorithms are vulnerable to an active MITM attack.

Let A (Alice) and B (Bob) be parties with no secret information. An adversary C playing man-in-the-middle interacts with A pretending to be B, and interacts with B pretending to be A. At the end, C establishes a separate channel with A and with B. Then, any message sent by is decrypted by C (using the key generated with ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.