Score: 0
May  avatar
search api views, sort by most viewed?
zw flag

I have a view of content. I have enabled the statistics module and in the view I can add Sort: Statistics: Total Views.

I am now trying to make a similar view page but using search api.

Have enabled search API. and followed these instructions.

I now have a vi ...

Score: 1
guesty avatar
systemd timer job not working
dz flag

I want the job to run every day at 2am and 2pm I have this in the .timer file

OnCalendar=*-*-* 02:00:00,14:00:00

But when I systemctl start myjob.timer I get this error:

Failed to start myjob.timer: Unit myjob.timer has a bad unit file setting.

I've googled, but not sure exactly where wrong.

Score: -2
Saili Jaguste avatar
Set variable for drupal 9 website
sx flag

I need to get the hostname and then define a variable which is going to be used in all controllers of the website. I am able to call the code in controller as follows:

$host = \Drupal::request()->getHost();

  case 'A';
    $var = "A";
  case 'B';
    $var = "B";
  case 'C';
    $var = "C";
  case 'D';
Score: 1
stephan_is_confused avatar
Why are kernel updates no longer categorized as "security updates" in focal?
in flag

After upgrading to Focal, I noticed that kernel updates show up in the GUI under "other updates" instead of "security updates". This can lead to delayed notification of critical security fixes, as these updates usually include CVE mitigations.

Screenshot of GUI update notification with kernel update under "other updates"

apt list --upgradable seems to suggest that these updates are no longer part of the  ...

Score: 0
chetan mundhe avatar
Unable to install ingress controller on k8s ver1.24.13
ck flag

I have upgraded the k8s from 1.23.4 to 1.24.13 and also migrated the CRI from docker to crio. I am deploying the ingress controller ver1.7 , pods are not coming up with error permission denied. Any suggestions how to fix this issue.

NGINX Ingress controller
  Release:       v1.7.0
  Build:         72ff21ed9e26cb969052c753633049ba8a87ecf9
  ngi ...
Score: 1
Where can I find 2 of the steps/proofs described in Dan Boneh's video on PLONK in the PLONK Paper? The 2 don't seem to match
et flag

This is Dan Boneh's video on PLONK -

I went through the video multiple times & also tried to go through the original PLONK paper -

Boneh's explanation of PLONK involves the steps

1) Boneh consider's the trace of the equation as the inputs (public & private) & the gates. Let's say there are 3 gates & 3 input ...

Score: 0
LovesTha avatar
Using apt dist-update causes invalid gateway to be set
us flag

My home network uses a range of IPs and frequently when I do apt update && apt dist-upgrade the gateway is set to

I'm having trouble seeing what is causing this change on update.

Score: 0
BaileyA avatar
Caps lock doesn't work on lock screen with the English (Macintosh) keyboard
in flag

When typing in my password, the caps lock button does not work. The shift key does work.

Here is a detailed description of the problem:

  • This is only true for the "English (Macintosh)" keyboard. If I use "English (US)" or "English (UK)", the caps lock key works.
  • This is only true on the lock screen; using caps lock in "English (Macintosh)" works once logged in; for example I can use it while typi ...
Score: 0
cz.steve avatar
Postfix Accept only pop3s and imaps accounts
in flag

Today i found out accidentally that somehow i can send emails from my postfix mailserver on plain old smtp pot 25. I m scratching my head why is that, even tho i configured postfix to accept only encrypted TLS connection on the outbound. What am i missing?

Heres the config part from my

### Outbound SMTP connections (Postfix as sender)###
smtp_use_tls = yes
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = bt ...
Score: 0
Dillip avatar
Unable to connect Jenkins master VM (Linux) from a windows slave VM through agent.jar
zw flag

Command ran to connect :

java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl -secret 34c82af1e3a3d611fbdf56caassa5c511a97d696b1c134de91f1afassaasd4421b1e0dd4ca -workDir "C:\jenkins_slave"

Getting this error.

Apr 27, 2023 3:42:59 PM hudson.remoting.jnlp.Main$CuiListener error
SEVERE: provided p ...
Score: 1
abby murali avatar
eJabberd leave_cluster failing
mn flag

eJabberd Version: 22.05
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Installation : From Source

We've an ejabberd cluster with three nodes having the below listed node names.

  1. '[email protected]'
  2. '[email protected]'
  3. '[email protected]'

When we try to remove a node from the cluster using the command

ejabberdctl leave_cluster '[email protected]'

The command was issued on the node ltxmpp2.gims throwing error.

Score: -1
Christian Gerke avatar
ICE WLAN No Route to Host nach Update auf Ubuntu 22.04
ls flag

My Dell E7470 is just running Ubuntu 22.04. Every place it's connecting to WLAN fine. But in the German ICE-trains it won't work anymore since I updated to 22.04

Score: 0
maciejwww avatar
The difference between ' and "
cn flag

I have a command:

synclient -l | awk -v param_name=$param_name '$1==param_name {print $(NF)}'

and its output is just: 0.

But if I replace both ' with ", I'm getting:

Command 'NF' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install byobu
awk: cmd. line:1: ==param_name {print }
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error

The same error appears when I use sh -c on the commands:

sh -c "synclient -l | awk -v p ...
Score: 0
Nithya avatar
Destination Host Unreachable Ubuntu 18.04
gi flag

I have two FPGAs configured with IP addresses, and I connected these FPGAs to the Ubuntu PC via etherent. I set static IP address for these ethernet connections as shown below,

Settings for FPGA 1:

Settings for FPGA 1

Settings for FPGA 2:

Settings for FPGA 2

The problem I am having is, I can only connect to one at a time but not both. It used to work before, for some reason it doesn't work now. For the same c ...

Score: 1
cgc512 avatar
Ubuntu Software not showing BIOS/System Updates
rs flag

I usually got notifications of BIOS updates on the Ubuntu Software app (I'm in Ubuntu 20.04). However, I just realised my BIOS had not been updated for some months while updates were available. The firmware updates were successfully found and applied by fwupdmgr.

I am unsure why or when it stopped (using ubuntu-software from snap-store). Note, by BIOS I mean the "System firmware" (as reported by fwupdmg ...

Score: 1
Arad Afzali avatar
howdy is not working on ubuntu 23.04
ua flag

I recently upgraded my system to Ubuntu 23.04. However, Howdy is not functioning properly on the lock screen or any other authentication process. I attempted to reinstall it, but it did not solve the problem. On the other hand, I can still add a new face to Howdy via the terminal.

Score: 2
384X21 avatar
How to configure streamlit to serve an app to www?
cn flag

streamlit app is running in a centOS stream 8 virtual machine. Access from intranet is fine but fails with "streamlit please wait.. page" when accessed from www via

Tested R shiny app and a static page from same virtual machine and same port. Both are successfully accessible from www with

network schema network schema

subDomain != virtualMachineName

company p ...

Score: 0
CraigJem10 avatar
Google Cloud - OneTap - Issue - Anyone without an account can login
ao flag

Under API & Services, user type is External

Under Test Users, I have added users, however on testing anyone even if not on the test users list can log in successfully. Why is this so? And how can I locked this down for testing purposes

Thank You

(Your app will only be available to users you add to the list of test users)

                        <div id="g_id_onload"
Score: 1
Tito avatar
decrypting full ciphertext of (AES CTR/GCM) based on partial knowledge of the cleartext
sd flag

I have found myself in a position where I need to encrypt multiple objects (vCards) with AES Counter mode or Galois/Counter Mode using the same key. Now here is the problem the structure of the vCard always starts with predefined values i.e. here is an example from wikipedia

 FN:Simon Perreault
 N:Perreault;Simon;;;ing. jr,M.Sc.
 EMAIL;TYPE=work:sim ...
Score: 0
ceccopt avatar
Tomcat/9.0.53 on ubuntu 2204 error 516 I/O ERROR after reboot
mk flag

i succesfully installed on ubuntu 2204 an open source application for Asset Management called CMDBuild (

everything worked and the web application was running fine,

but after a reboot tomcat doesn’t start automatically anymore so i tried to manually launch script to start tomcat and the last line of output is:

Using CATALINA_PID: /home/da ...

Score: 3
Ricardo Xavier avatar
Sound issues after upgrading to 23.04
cn flag

I have a HP laptop, Omen 15, I used the previous ubuntu version with no issues, but I just upgraded and noticed a weird issue.

When I play a sound that has pauses in it, the sound cuts at the start of a new sound. It's hard to explain, but for example when I use the system sound test, I'm suposed to hear "Front Left" and I hear something like "nt left".

So listening to music, for example, it goes fi ...

Score: 0
noBODYcare avatar
Is there a way to make ubuntu 22.04 default remote (vnc) to localhost only?
at flag

Is there a way to make default ubuntu 22.04 remote (vnc) to localhost only?

I used ssh + localhost vnc(tiger vnc), but it is handy to implement on each ubuntu. so I want to use default one. but I cannot find button to make ubuntu remote(vnc) to allow local only.

Is there a solution for ubuntu default remote(vnc)? (ubuntu 22.04, ubuntu 20.04)

Additional information: thanks for reply, My question is : li ...

Score: -1
zckl902 avatar
Why does kubernetes readiness probe fail, when manually calling the exec command returns success code?
US flag

I used kubeadm to deploy a bare-metal cluster with one control plane node and one worker node on the same LAN. After initializing the cluster (kubeadm init on the cp and kubeadm join on the worker node), I installed calico via helm. The calico-node and calico-kube-controllers pods do not reach ready state. However, they seem to be functioning correctly, and if I manually call the commands that the ...

Score: 0
Reeen avatar
Ownership Issue with wordpress group and user Server and SFTP
tz flag

First off, thanks to all of you being so supportive in this Forum. I came here to resolve many problems already posted by the community. Today I am reaching out to you because I am noticing an odd behavior and unfortunatley, the solutions I found here are not working for me.

I am not sure what Linux version I have so I will post the Serverdetails here:

Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU ...
Score: 0
K0n2113 avatar
Have List of user but I want to find out if they are added to specific ADGroupMember
ec flag

I have been trying to understand how to import my csv file and export of specific adgroup they are added or even they are not added

Import-CSV " C:\Users\user.csv" | ForEach-Object { Get-ADGroupMember $_. sAMAcountName -Properties * |Select sAMAcountName } |Export-CSV "c:\Users\userswithgroup.csv"

I dont really understand why its not working what went wrong.

Score: 0
jean-christophe manciot avatar
How to promote MySQL replica to primary during failover
cn flag

In a test environment, I stop a healthy MySQL primary server to simulate a fault and I'm trying to promote the replica to primary.

Both servers:

  • run on Ubuntu kinetic with mysql-server 8.0.32-0ubuntu0.22.10.2.
  • are configured with GTID
  • have exactly the same MySQL configuration, except for their server-id

Following the official documentation, I've already:

  1. disabled the failed primary server on all ...

Score: 0
Iliko avatar
Unable to auto mount a data disk from /etc/fstab but mounts with mount -a command
sb flag

Here are the commands I ran:

~$ lsblk
loop0     7:0    0 63.3M  1 loop /snap/core20/1852
loop1     7:1    0 49.9M  1 loop /snap/snapd/18596
loop2     7:2    0 91.9M  1 loop /snap/lxd/24061
sda       8:0    0   30G  0 disk
├─sda1    8:1    0 29.9G  0 part /
├─sda14   8:14   0    4M  0 part
└─sda15   8:15   0  106M  0 part /boot/efi
sdb       8: ...
Score: 0
Ehsan Hosseini avatar
How to use DSR load balnce from two different network?
um flag

I have a server (A) which clients connect to it throw internet and its ip is it route trafic to server (B) and its ip is 85.10 20.2 . So now I want to use some thing like dsr to let server b directly send packets to clients. Client send to A and A send to B then B respons to client directly. So it is needed to request packets from A to B have client ip address as source and then response pac ...

Score: 0
Avraam avatar
update for the LATEST version
bt flag

There is a known problem with downloading - you need to download it manually from some a separate repository.

Common solution:


sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.1 ...
Score: 0
UME avatar
How can I make Ansible Playbook to Continue after IP Change?
re flag

I have a playbook which configures Static IP Address and reboots the Server. However, the playbook is resulting in an error. Even the following code also doesn't seems working

    - name: Creating Interface Configuration using JINJA2 Temlate
        src: templates/interface_config.jinja2
        dest: "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{{ nat_int }}"

    - name: Reboot Server

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.