Score: 0
Maciek Semik avatar
Apache AliasMatch with Wildcard Not Working As Intended
vn flag

I am trying map all wildcards for a directory /a/* onto on file article.php using AliasMatch ^/a/(.*) /article.php but without redirecting (I want to keep the url looking the same). But I am getting a The requested URL was not found on this server. error.

Is AliasMatch even the right way to do this? Or is there a better way.

I am trying to achieve something like: ...
Score: 0
John Oxley avatar
SSHD: Dynamic deny port forwarding
sr flag

From the current ssh session on a server, what -L params did the client specify?

I am trying to build a jumphost using sshd that can be used for port forwarding. The goal is to be able to get into a secure zone and forward the RDP port out so remote desktop can be used.

On my workstation I want to run

ssh -NL 1234:my-server:3389 the-jumphost

then connect my RDP client to localhost:1234 (or VNC or $wh ...

Score: 0
Andres Jalife avatar
Bluetooth dongle detected but not working in Ubuntu 22.04
cy flag

I've installed Ubuntu 22.04 and at some point my bluetooth stopped working.

I have a bluetooth external dongle: Amitosai MTS-BT5PRO. I think the problem might be with this device, but it's strange that in Ubuntu 20.04 it worked fine.

The service is up and running (in theory), but it cannot detect new devices nor connect to the already paired ones.

Prove that the device is detected (Realtek Semiconducto ...

Score: 0
Parisa.H.R avatar
How set VGA use only NVIDIA in ubuntu 22.04
us flag

As I check my GPU info by using this command :

lspci -k | grep -A 2 -i "VGA"

It said that I have only one choice and that was my Integrated Graphics card.

VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06) Subsystem: Lenovo 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller Kernel driver in use: i915

enter image description here

But I have one NVIDIA GPU too which  ...

Score: 0
hudac avatar
Route an incoming ICMP packet to a different interface/process
fr flag

I have an interface enp4s0 with several IPs.
I get ICMP packets (type 8, echo request) from external device to my device on enp4s0.
I'm trying to route only packets sent to into another interface on the same device. On that interface there's a process which should handle these packets.

7: enp4s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1 ...
Score: 0
Danila avatar
Patch for the core of the asus tuf gaming A15 keyboard chip set, the keyboard does not work
ve flag

How do I find out the list of dependencies for the compilation of a certain kernel version?

Score: 0
gdoublee23 avatar
snd-hda-intel only showing up one audio output device (HMDI) also no input device
mf flag

So I added snd-hda-intel option to alsa-base.conf

options snd-hda-intel model=generic

but I'm only getting one output device which is the HDMI. The actual motherboard audio card is not working, including the internal laptop mic. I've tried also using auto setting but still not working.

My device is definitely listed as snd-hda-intel device in lspci but it's not showing up! Please help!

lspci -nnk |  ...

Score: 1
Nicolas Noble avatar
do-release-upgrade removes official ubuntu sources (and fail)
bd flag

I've been stuck for a little while on this one. Basically, I have a server running 20.04.6, and I've been trying to upgrade it to the current LTS. The only issue is that do-release-upgrade is removing the official Ubuntu sources from the apt sources list, and then refuses to proceed with the upgrade, as it can't find its essential packages.

Here's the relevant content of my /etc/apt/sources.list file ...

Score: 0
Bonnie Brae avatar
Can't restore heavy folder from trash in Ubuntu 22.04
sa flag

all, and thanks in advance for any help.

I'm trying to restore a heavy folder (mostly media files; 1.3TB out of a 2TB internal ssd) from Trash in Ubuntu 22.04, with no success so far.

-If I try restoring from the Trash folder opened from the desktop, the process hangs and I get a prompt asking me to wait or stop the process.

-If I try from Activities -> Files -> Trash , it tells me there's not en ...

Score: 0
Tikhon avatar
Why Can't I Create a VirtualBox VM Using Vagrant?
th flag

I recently bought a book called: DevOps for the Desparate and cannot get past chapter 1 exercises to create a VM in Oracle Virtual Box.

In the initial set-up phase for chapter 1, I am creating:

  1. A Hyper-V Ubuntu VM
  2. In the Ubuntu VM, I am creating another VM in Oracle VirtualBox using Vagrant

I've gone through the exercises multiple times now and not having much luck since when I get to the command tha ...

Score: 1
varcsax avatar
screenshot handler (Print-Screen) problem
tl flag

At 1st I installed the main Ubuntu distro 23.04 and I really liked the built in screenshot handler solution. But I shifted to the "Ubuntu Studio" 23.04 and the screenshot handler of this is really bad. I would like to install or utilize that schreenshot handler of main Ubuntu distro on the "Ubuntu Studio" edition. Is it possible? How can I do it? How to figure out the exact name of screenshot handler of ...

Score: 0
Nvidia drivers causing malfunction on my USB Ports
cl flag

Ubuntu: 22.04 LTS

My laptop have 2 USB Ports, I decided to install nvidia drivers because I read that it could solve some crash issues I had.

But after that I noticed one of my USB ports just don't work properly after installing the drivers, currently, if I apply the NVIDIA driver metapackage of nvidia-driver-535 only my USB 1 works, but if I apply NVIDIA driver metapackage of nvidia-driver-470 only my  ...

Score: 0
Ubuntu - mirroring single distro, single platform of armbian
ph flag

How to mirror only single distro, single platform on some device itself or local LAN?

Lets say some device / network needs to be self sufficient. I have found that minimal requirements are Space needs: 500Gb (images), 100Gb (packages) and (optional) 3TB for archives for

This is done with:

rsync -av rsync://
rsync -av rsync://mirrors.dotsrc ...
Score: -1
Luigi avatar
Error install exchange 2016 coexistence with exchange 2010
cn flag

When installing exchange 2016.

Error: step 7 of 14 mailbox role: Transport service

The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); 

          if ( ($server -eq $null) -and ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true) )
            Update-RmsSharedIdentity -ServerName $RoleNetBIOSName
        ": "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.DataValidationException: Database is mandatory in UserMailbox.
   in ...
Score: 1
Trying to clone old linux machines using to img methods
in flag

I found this handy website to show how to clone drives to a img file:

What neatish looking option was partimage, so I wanted to get that rolling on our very old, very not updated systems (updating would break the very old scientific hardware they have on them).

sudo yum install partimage
Loaded plugins: kernel-module
http://ftp.scienti ...
Score: 1
rdelangh avatar
sftp into chroot works fine, but debug messages reveil non-chroot authorized_keys absolute path
in flag

I have configured per-user chroot environments for SFTP to go into /somedir/jail/$user:

snippet from my /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

Match User myname
   AllowTcpForwarding no
   X11Forwarding no
   ChrootDirectory /somedir/jail/myname
   AuthorizedKeysFile /somedir/jail/myname/home/myname/.ssh/authorized_keys

This works fine:

% sftp myname@myserver
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /home/myname
Score: 0
Duncan avatar
Process for commissioning a new hard-disk-drive with Ubuntu
es flag

I have a Lenovo idea-centre pc The old HDD packed-in. I bought a new HDD - Seagate Barracuda 4TB I installed the new HDD today, loaded Ubuntu 22.04 via a live-usb and then rebooted BUT, Ubuntu would not boot - received the message "no operating system found". I have tried many workarounds - to no avail. It would appear that there is no boot-loader - ? Grub-2 Can anyone guide me to a solution - I am not  ...

Score: 0
GeorgeCiesinski avatar
Why is my pie chart showing multiple labels and incorrect count?
mv flag


I have a site where users can submit change requests. I created a custom content type "Change Request" which has numerous fields in it, some of which I want to generate charts for.

One of these fields is a list called "urgency" which includes the options "Low", "Medium" and "High". Only one option can be selected per change request.


I created 4 change requests with sample data which I am  ...

Score: 0
dpak avatar
Ubuntu 22.04 only boots in lowlatency kernel
us flag

I think it is linked to NVIDIA drivers but I am not sure. I had nvidia drivers installed(not sure which one) and everything was working correctly. Since I started using zoom my system started rebooting randomly. After persistent reboots, Ubuntu decided to not use nvidia anymore which I am suspecting now may have been corrupted driver.

  • I installed the driver again and after reboot got blank screen eve ...
Score: 0
Brendan Limone avatar
Converting dual boot windows/ubuntu legacy to uefi
hk flag

I dual boot windows 10/ubuntu on my laptop and am looking to upgrade to windows 11. Problem is that when I initially installed windows/ubuntu, it was using legacy grub. I need to now enable secure boot uefi in order to upgrade to windows 11 but can't find guides on how to properly convert legacy grub to uefi in a dual boot situation. I've tried using boot-repair on an ubuntu liveCD but am running into ' ...

Score: 0
ellat avatar
How to allow subdomain in dnsmasq
ma flag

In my dnsmasq.conf file, I use the following rule o block all domains ending with .be:


But I would like to have an exception for

How can I do this?

Score: 1
Mike Hermary avatar
Memory consumption on virtual server too large for applications being run
in flag

I have a Linux Ubuntu virtual server at Digital Ocean with the following specs: 1 vCPU, 2GB of memory, and 25GB of SSD storage.

The server is running a single WordPress website with around 400 unique visitors per day. A caching plugin has been installed and configured. Redis is also installed and configured on the server.

I have setup a memory usage notice in the control panel of Digital Ocean and I ...

Score: 1
userskin avatar
how to make logrotate take filesize into consideration when rotating
jp flag

Lets say I want to logrotate when the filesize is 1kb . Before the run if the filesize of the log is 4kb I expect logrotate to create 4 different log files.


something.log (4kb) 

What I expect to happen.

something.log (0kb) 
something.log.1 (1kb)
something.log.2 (1kb)
something.log.3 (1kb)
something.log.4 (1kb)

But currently what is happening is

something.log (0kb) 
something.log.1 (4kb)
Score: 0
jotyhista avatar
pgloader + docker mariadb and postgres = no connection on localhost for my databases
cn flag

I am trying to migrate from mariaDB to postgres via pgLoader

I have two databases running on my computer

mariadb on pass:pass user:app
postgres on pass:pass user:app

I run the command pgloader mysql://app:[email protected]/mr_dev postgresql://app:[email protected]/mr_dev but nothing happens. no connection in the docker logs on either mariadb and postgres; no error anywhere. the script jus ...

Score: 0
Joachim Bsh avatar
Erasing Ubuntu image on external hard-drive
in flag

I have burned an ubuntu image on an external hard-drive and I am trying to erase it. I have first tried to erase the image through the pi-imager but for some reason I get the error:

Error formatting (through udisks2)

So then I mounted it, but for some reason it can only be mounted in "read-only" mode. My first question here is: how could I force the mount of my hard-drive to be in "write" mode ? A ...

Score: 0
comm1ted avatar
Configure proxy for list of domains
nl flag

I want to configure proxy (Sock5 with login/pass) to some domains, like .askubuntu..
I can do it in firefox with extension Foxyproxy, but in chrome is doesn't work (socks5 proxy with auth don't work in chrome)
Can I somehow configure this for whole system?
I try to find proxyclient with GUI, but I can't find anything.

Score: 0
Yonoss avatar
Keepalived how to define VIPs that persist across reboots, on both master and backup nodes?
sh flag

I'm trying to find a way to persits the keepalived virtual ips across the cluster, on master and backup nodes.

By default, keepalived only activates the virtual ip, on the node that is playing the master role. All the other nodes will have it removed.

What I want to achieve is the have this virtual ip active all the time on all the nodes (master and backup), even after the master gets restarted.

Up unt ...

Score: 0
Hisanth avatar
Start exe as current logged in user
cu flag

i am creating exe shortcut on Windows startup folder while installing application. It was automatically starts on Windows start and restart.

I want check on every 5 mins whether the exe running or not. If it's not running i want to start the exe like as current logged in user click.

I need to create a task scheduler for it. Let me know how to achieve it. If any samples

Score: 0
b-frid avatar
Is there a way to filter on a specific local user at the domain level?
cn flag

I have a local admin user account with the same username across all our domain machines. I want to apply a user level security filter on any local user with this particular username. So for instance, if my local username was 'local_admin', can I use something like 'LOCALUSER/local_admin' to tell the domain level GPO that I want to filter a policy for that specific local username only? (I think the answe ...

Score: 0
TimWescott avatar
Desktop WiFi stops after reboot for router but not phone
th flag

I have:

  • A lovely ancient desktop running Xubuntu 22.04
  • A Dell Latitude E7250 (5-year old 12.5" screen enterprise laptop) running Xubuntu 20.04
  • A Lenovo P53 (3-year old larger enteprise laptop) running Xubuntu 22.04
  • A Linksys AE6000 wireless adapter (lsusb reports ID 13b1:003e Linksys AE6000 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wireless Adapter [MediaTek MT7610U])
  • A Netgear N900 dual-band wireless router
  • A Pixel 5

W ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.