Latest Drupal related questions

Score: 0
zoltar avatar
Commerce variables
ru flag

I wanted to share my thoughts about the current state of the module for Drupal 10, which appears to be quite robust. I do have a few inquiries related to theming.

It would be greatly appreciated if there could be an expansion of the documentation pertaining to theming variables. Specifically, I'm seeking more detailed information about customizing layouts for product displays, variable displays,  ...

Score: 0
TheyCallMeTiny avatar
can't embed Rumble videos in oEmbed providers module
bm flag

I've got oEmbed providers installed on two sites and recently wanted to add rumble to the list of providers. I've created a new provider bucket and included rumble but if I try and add a rumble URL or embed URL it gives me an:

"InvalidArgumentException: Unknown provider '' in Drupal\oembed_providers\OEmbed\ProviderRepositoryDecorator->get() (line 217 of modules/contrib/oembed_provide ...

Score: 0
Adamssef avatar
Drupal 10 Page Manager - how to define generic paths
in flag

I need to be able to handle multiple paths using Page Manager and its Layout Builder variant.

I didn't find any up-to-date answer to this question in other posts.

That works well when I create separate paths like: /base, /base/{level1}, /base/{level1}/{level2}.

The problem is that on each above page settings are exactly the same and I would like to handle it with just one page and its configuration. I  ...

Score: 0
How can I identify the service ID?
ni flag

I am trying to use Cdn service provided in CDN module version 4.0.1 in my custom module Until 3.x version we had service id as cdn.settings

But from 4.x version I can see there is no service id

I need to pass cdn.settings service id as an argument in my custom service but I am not able to pass due to missing service id as  ...

Score: -2
Diana avatar
how to debug a webform computed twig error
cn flag

I am working on an error that is being made in a webform that has some calculations that apparently were working in php 7 but give an error in php 8 , this is the error php Error TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + string in __TwigTemplate_8094a737adc00d46b4b28a8e4ca8728f->doDisplay() (line 39 of /app/docroot/sites/default/files/php/twig/64f237df80199___

I believe the err ...

Score: -2
Volkmar avatar
ckeditor5 table style
us flag

I use CKeditor5 in Drual and want to create different styles for the editors. With CKeditor4 I did this using the styles in the form table.table.table-striped|Striped-columns. How can I implement this in CKeditor5?

ckeditor4 table style

ckeditor4 table style select

Score: 1
gscerb avatar
How can Drupal Commerce Stock email admin when stock is 0?
cn flag

Drupal: 9.5.10 Commerce: 8.x-2.36 Commerce Stock: 8.x-1.1

I'd like to email the admin when the stock is 0.
In one option, I've tried to set a condition in Rules based on the stock field but I can't get the field to display in "Entity has Bundle" Other options?

Score: 2
quantumized avatar
Need help understanding caching issue on Pantheon and Redis
ng flag

On a Drupal 9.5 site on Pantehon that uses Redis, we have Drupal cache and the BigPipe module enabled.

The problem is that the cache is only being "hit" (?) if the same user visits a page twice and it's only cached for that user. So, no matter what, each page is always served fresh for a user when they visit each page. This happens on all the pages and testing only for anonymous users.

The HTTP head ...

Score: 2
quantumized avatar
Why does Redis show the top most invalidated tags as all "***" items>
ng flag

Drupal 9.5 - Redis on Pantheon. We are stuggling with site performance and I see that the Most Invalidated Redis Cache Tags are all super high. This can't be normal, right?

Any ideas on how to resolve these high invalidations?

enter image description here

Score: 0
Dynamdilshan avatar
How to send variables to a custom theme from a custom module
in flag

I'm trying to pass a variable from a custom module to a custom theme. I have a Controller class in a custom module


namespace Drupal\course_catalog\Controller;

use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;

Class CourseCatalog extends ControllerBase {
  public function build() {

    $item = 'Test content';

    return [
      '#theme' => 'region__content',
      '#item' => $item,
Score: 0
Expand {product.variations}
us flag

In the product detail page I would like to display the price at the BOTTOM of the {product.variations}

Where can we alter the {product.variations} ?

Score: -2
harikris avatar
Group fields based content form in Drupal 10
cn flag

I have a task to add data based on the following details. I'm using Drupal 10 for the developments.

Here I have to create a content type that has the option to enter the information as groups.

enter image description here

In this example, I have two teams, the Product team and the Technology team. I need to add the Key people under each team. I tried Fieldgroup to enter the values. But it didn't work as I expected.

How do I creat ...

Score: -1
beau7 avatar
"Missing required keys (name) in temporary://update-extraction-8ede827f/Jetsetterguide-Theme/"
sc flag

I get this exception error.

Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserException: Missing required keys (name) in temporary://update-extraction-8ede827f/Jetsetterguide-Theme/ in Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserDynamic->parse() (line 57 of /home/jetsette/public_html/v2/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/InfoParserDynamic.php).

Let me know if i should show the info.yml file.

Score: 0
jsank95 avatar
How do you programmatically get custom content field data from commerce product?
in flag

Background: I'm creating a rule that runs after an order is submitted that checks all the line items for any backorder and emails the customer. In the PHP function I've been able to use entity_metadata_wrapper(), commerce_line_item_load(), and commerceproduct_load()to successfully get the product information as seen in the var_dump() below. Now I need to get the available stock stored in the Colo ...

Score: 0
thiokol avatar
Is there a way for a Webform submission to include a value returned from an Ajax callback prior to the form being submitted?
cn flag

I have a custom composite webform element that is made up of a textfield, a button, and a markup element to show a response.

The user enters a value in the textbox, clicks the button, and an Ajax callback sends a request to an external API which then shows the reponse below the textfield. This is done prior to the user submitting the form.

When the user submits the form, the value entered into the t ...

Score: 0
Sadeghi Sharifeh avatar
when creating a view for webform I cannot save the defined filters
fr flag

I created a view for a webform that I use on a drupal 9 site. I receive this error message when I try to save a filter that I defined in a view:

InvalidArgumentException: The configuration property display.embed_review.display_options.filters.webform_submission_value.value.17 doesn't exist. in Drupal\Core\Config\Schema\ArrayElement->get() (line 76 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/Schema/ArrayEle ...

Score: -1
Tejas avatar
Using custom scheme (myapp://dashboard) in drupal simple-oauth2 module's redirect url
gp flag

How can I use custom scheme i.e. myapp://dashboard for the redirect field of Drupal simple oauth2 module?

I get this error: 'myapp://dashboard is not a valid url'

I also tried to use the redirect module to redirect a node to this url but I got the same- invalid url error.

Score: 0
Taras avatar
Problem with devel module drupal 7
br flag

After activating the devel module on the drupal 7 site, the entire page disappears, and in the browser I see only a line as in the screenshot below. Reinstalled the module several times, same thing every time. You have to turn it off through the database, the system table. Maybe someone can tell me how to fix this? Logs are empty=( enter image description here

Score: 1
empty variables when i use a region template for a specific node
cn flag

My goal is to serve the drupal header region on a specific URL so another application can get my drupal header and consume it.

my menu is well working, and is called in region--header.html.twig like that :

<header class="header {% if is_admin %} header-isadmin{% endif %}">
<div class="header__overlay"></div>
<div class="header__mask"></div>
{{ elements.altabigmenu }}
< ...
Score: 1
Alex Sh avatar
Send email "After a webform has been submitted" to submitter
de flag

I'm using Drupal 7.97 with these modules:

  • Views 4.25
  • Rules 2.13
  • Webform rules 1.6

Recently I upgraded Drupal to 7.97 and Views to 4.x branch, After that my rule that sends email to anyone who submitted the webform stopped working.

My rule reacts on the event "After a webform has been submitted" and should fire the action: "Send email" to <?php print $data['components']['email']['value'][0]; ?&gt ...

Score: 0
Eddryan Aranzanso avatar
What's the best way to handle an AJAX call to access a web service with webforms?
pg flag

Complete beginner in Drupal so if I should be learning something first, please do tell me. I was thrown into this despite having no Drupal experience so I'm on a crash course.

I'm currently looking to add an ajax call to a number field created through the Webform module. Once filled, the number is going to be calling a web service (SoapClient) to validate the number and prefill some other fields. ...

Score: -2
Anatoli Asenov avatar
How to get multiple articles with specific ids via JSON:API in one request
ma flag

how can I get multiple articles with specific ids in one request. I have tried lots of variations of but without success. Please help.

Score: 0
How to make a views exposed filter select input populate with the appropriate options?
br flag

I have a views exposed filter based on an entity reference field. The field references nodes.

When I'm adding a node of a content type that has this entity reference field, the input populates with the appropriate options (nodes) based on the field configuration.

Now I want to expose a views filter based on this field. But when I configure the exposed filter, if I choose "Single filter" under "Fil ...

Score: 0
arnemichiels avatar
How to hide terms from entity reference field on node form
bw flag

I've been searching quite a bit on this already and was not able to find a solution. installation is d10 So on my node I have an entity reference field which is showing Taxonomy terms. Two of those taxonomy terms should always be hidden on the node form. But they should exist as taxonomy terms, so removing them from the taxonomy is not an option. I tried using hook_form_alter() and unsetting the keys, b ...

Score: 1
Utsav Thakur avatar
"Command theme:uninstall was not found. Pass --root or a @siteAlias in order to run Drupal-specific commands."
bn flag

When I try to install or uninstall the theme via command, I am presented with the following error message.

Command theme:uninstall was not found. Please provide the --root or a @siteAlias to execute Drupal-specific commands.

I am using Drupal 10.1.2, which is installed on a local XAMPP server. However, the command does not seem to be functioning as intended. Running the Drush produces the following noti ...

Score: 0
mankin avatar
How can I use a template for display mode with the Mailchimp module when I add an article?
am flag

How can I add a specific template for a display mode with the Mailchimp module?

I created a new display mode (mailchimp); then I selected it in /admin/structure/types/manage/article/display. I tried to add a template (node--article--mailchimp.html.twig) in my front template as usual, but it did not work.

Score: 0
Valli Athmuri avatar
Exposing the entire page through single API end point
bq flag

I want to expose my entire page through a single API endpoint. I have tried using the layout builder to build the page and expose the content. But using layout builder views only the block configuration and inline block content in the API response. Whereas I have few view blocks in my page whose data I want to expose. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Score: 0
micbay avatar
Override Default Theme's 'page' TWIG template, but not the original page template pre-process hook
ua flag

I'm using the default theme, Bootstrap Barrio, but for certain pages I'm overriding the page.html.twig template to re-arrange the layout, however I still want the pre-processing done by my theme in bootstrap_barrio_preprocess_page to execute so that I don't have to maintain a copy of that code inside my custom template's pre-process function, custom_module_preprocess_page__landing.

Is there a way  ...

Score: -2
"Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException"
cn flag

I get this exception, which does not say which plugin causes it.

Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
The "" entity type does not exist. at /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityTypeManager.php line 139

How can I debug this error?

Score: -3
Bebe Glazer avatar
Upon failed validation, why are form values reset to what they were at the time of last successful validation?
mg flag

I am working on a Drupal 9 form, which is used in the following manner:

  • In the first step, user fills up the form and presses the unique submission button ("CHECK");
  • if the form validation succeeds, the data is processed, and the result of this processing is displayed in the form, as well as an additional submission button ("SUBMIT");
  • at this point, user can either check that everything is fine with th ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.