Latest Drupal related questions

Score: 1
ChumKui avatar
Alias listed but cannot be used
mx flag

I am using Drupal 9.x now and using Drush 10.x. I have always used drush aliases to manage my D7 sites as it makes life so much easier with various environments etc.

To test the newer YAML file (Drush for my old D7 uses a php file), I created a single Drush alias for a uat environment. The file,, is located in my ~/.drush/sites directory. When I do a drush sa to check what aliases exist, ...

Score: 0
ymdahi avatar
Auto assign term to node from term field from user
in flag

I have a term field called "Organization" on both Content and User entities.

On the Content entity, the field for Organization is hidden.

For the user, they select a value for Organization.

I'd like to automatically assign a value on a Node to be equal to the value of Organization in the User entity (if available, other leave empty).

There seems to be a number of ways to do this:

  • Rules, ECA, and other  ...
Score: 0
wil_SRQ avatar
Do I need to apply changes in default.settings.php to settings.php?
ec flag

Recent updates to Drupal 7 have included changes in default.settings.php.

Do they need to be incorporated into settings.php manually, or does the code automatically look up in default.settings.php when it can't find something in settings.php? Apologies if this is in the documentation, I couldn't find it.

Score: 0
johnfallen avatar
How can I add workbench_access to a custom content entity?
us flag

I have a custom entity and want to use our current workbench_access scheme to it.

I've google for a long time and can't find and example.

This article says that workbench_access now supports multiple access schemes and maybe I can use that to add access control that way.

Do I write code in hook_install()?

Do I add a specific handler in the @ContentEntityType annotation?

Sorry if this has been cov ...

Score: 1
Orane B. avatar
Hook post update not found
bf flag

I have a problem with the drush updb command which does not find the hook post updates of my custom module. I noticed that the module install saves the module's name string here in database, table "key_value", in BLOB file.

Table key_value : enter image description here BLOB file :

enter image description here

My post update in mymodule.post_update.php :

enter image description here

As it is present in the database, the command seems to consider that the hooks are executed when not. Is ...

Score: 0
pierostz avatar
Run composer installed drupal from root (/) and not /web directory
na flag

How do I run a composer-installed Drupal site from / instead of /web?

The default install with composer create-project drupal/recommended-project ./ will install Drupal in the /web directory. So when the site is uploaded to a host, the actual website root will be In most cases, the desired path to run the website is

I have managed to do this, like this. And actuall ...

Score: 0
raresample avatar
401 error when trying to retrieve OAuth access token
in flag

I'm trying to configure simple_oauth to use with local Lando install of a Drupal 9 site with decoupled React frontend.

I followed the instructions at and generated the necessary RSA keys in the terminal:

$ openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
$ openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key

...placing the keys into /drup ...

Score: 0
sidgrafix avatar
Form field states with media fields that use media library widget and conditionally displaying visibility based on other media fields
rw flag

I am trying to get some media fields to hide/show conditionally using $form fields #states API, based on other media fields (all the media fields are using the "Media Library" widget in form display.) I'm working with a node/add and edit for a content type in Drupal 9.5.4 and using hook_form_alter() to manage the states.

There are 3 media fields in total - if one has media added the other two sho ...

Score: 0
raresample avatar
Errors when providing or generating keys for Simple OAuth module
in flag

I'm trying to configure simple_oauth to use with local Lando install of a Drupal 9 site with decoupled React frontend.

I've tried to manually generate the keys in the terminal:

$ openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
$ openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key

...placing the keys into a sibling directory of /web/ and /vendor/ called /keys/.

It throws these error messages:

"The Public Key fil ...

Score: 1
Francesco Marchetti-Stasi avatar
How do I alias jQuery to $ before loading a remote library?
iq flag

I am trying to use Bootstrap autocomplete in my module. I added this to my .libraries.yml.

  version: 2.3.7
    name: MIT
    gpl-compatible: true
    - core/jquery
  js: ...
Score: 0
Patoshi パトシ avatar
Displaying all pages in a BOOK teaser block within a block
kr flag

I'm trying to display all the BOOKS in my site as a teaser block with the pages below it.

Like this:

Title: This is the book of my Cat
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

Title: This is the book of my Dog
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

Title: This is the book of my Bird
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

I have the following View setup to display the teaser of the books on the site filtered by the value of having children or not.

Score: 0
Glenn avatar
How do I conditionally restrict an attribute
ph flag

I'm using Drupal Commerce 8.x-2.x on Drupal 9.5.x. I need to restrict a particular product attribute to certain regions (regions selected via an attribute). My thinking is that the region is selected via an attribute; I can't see another way to do it for my means.

In my use case, regions are not location based geographical regions; they are locally defined regions, so I can't see a way other than ...

Score: 0
Attaching a library to only one custom module
us flag

I wrote a sample custom module (juniper) and created the corresponding juniper.libraries.yml file to link the CSS and JS. I am trying to load this library only on this module pages (/juniper). However, I have issues:

  1. I tried to add the library via
  - juniper/june

but this doesn't work for some reason

  1. I added the juniper_page_attachments hook to the juniper.module
Score: 0
River Liver avatar
Can't get Plupload Integration test module to work
je flag

I've installed Plupload integration on my Drupal 9 local Docksal site but can't get the example module to work. The library is properly installed according to Status Report. I enabled "Plupload test" went to the test page, tried to upload a zip file and the file won't upload. In the console I see an error at /plupload-handle-uploads?token=XJtEGstKW7...

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":105,"message":"I ...
Score: 0
Patoshi パトシ avatar
Display the last page in a BOOK content type as a link?
kr flag

I'm currently using the core BOOK content type as a form of discussions. I created a views page with all the books and titles exposed. But I also want to append the last page of the book in the Views page. Setting the Depth = 1 I get the first page of the book and title, which is correct. But how do I set it to show the last Depth of the book so it can create a link to the last page?

enter image description here

Score: 0
quantumized avatar
How to add condition via views_query_alter() to filter a multi-value select field that does not contain a value?
ng flag

I have _views_query_alter() hook that I need to filter out nodes whose multi-value select does not contain a value ("National"). The code below works to show the nodes that do contain "National" but I need to do the opposite and cannot get it to work due the field being a multi-value field.

function HOOK_views_query_alter(ViewExecutable $view, QueryPluginBase $query) {

  if ($view->id() == 'state_lan ...
Score: 0
Brian Gradin avatar
Is it possible to recreate cache tables from a more fixed source?
th flag

I am working with a dockerized Drupal environment in which we want to track content alongside our theme, modules, etc in source control. We achieve content tracking by using mysqldump to dump the database to disk, with one table per file. Then when the environment is created using Docker Compose, the SQL files on disk recreate the database state. We also track certain files from sites/default/files

Score: 0
Switching from table to graph give wrong data
kn flag

I'm using the Drupal Commerce Report module as a base for my stats. I have a table which give me data about my sales per month.

enter image description here

I'd like to use graph instead of table, to make it easier to compare. For some reason, the coma is gone, so all my sales reports are wrong

enter image description here

I tried to alter data in a pre_render, in a preprocess (by checking the format, test with a dot instead of a coma) but still having ...

Score: 0
timmyblaze avatar
Field values in node HTML body
do flag

I am using Drupal 10 and trying to edit the body of a node. I want to use the node field values in the HTML body, for example [field_name], but this does not appear to work as it only shows that specific text and not the actual value of the node. I also have tried [field:field_name] with no such luck. Is there any way to do this without having to edit any template file? I have the text format set to 'Full ...

Score: 0
Attach a webform to a content type such that you fill out the webform when editing the content
cn flag

Adding an entity reference of type Webform makes it so when creating the content, the specific webform can be selected and it can be set to open or closed, but the webform is filled out by people viewing the content, rather than by content creators when editing the content.

Another sort of entity reference could theoretically make it so the webform is shown when creating/editing the node or other c ...

Score: 1
Tomáš Bažant avatar
Display only search box with live search and no content with results
de flag

I have configured search API with autocomplete, the search box is exposed in a views block. But the block displays the default 5 results below the search box even if the box is not used yet. I want the search box only to be visible, not the content of the block. But i cant seem to set the number of displayed result to 0. Any idea?

search api live box

Score: 0
user3108268 avatar
How to upload .webp to Image field?
us flag lets you upload a regular jpg/png which converts it into webp, but how to upload already a file that is in webp?

Adding it as one of allowed extensions in the field setting does not work.

update As an alternative this can be solved with, but this is for the file field and not image field.

The question is about image  ...

Score: 0
Drupal Learner avatar
Use AJAX On Node Add Form To Change Field Required Status
gf flag

On a node/add form I have a pair of fields that need to be able to control one another. The first field allows a user to enter a birthdate, the second field allows the user to say the birthdate is unknown.

I have attempted to work with Conditional Fields to make this work but I think for my case AJAX would be better.

If the birthdate_unkown field is not checked then the birthdate field should be requi ...

Score: 0
How to find bad tokens stored in config automatically?
cn flag

I recently deleted some fields (media_term_fruits) and created new fields (media_fruits) on a local dev site. I then exported the config and pushed it to my dev server.

My dev server uses Github Actions to import config and everything imported with no errors.

However, for my media image fields, I set the image path using a token via the Filefield Paths module. This token referenced a deleted field (

Score: 0
Html5 tags and javascript stripped out form radio labels
it flag

On D7, I have the following simplified code

    function mymodule_multistep_form($form, &$form_state, $vars) {

    $mystatictext = get_my_static_text($vars);  
    $options ='<div class="player"><audio><source src="castel.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"></audio><a style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="toggleAudio(this.previousElementSibling)">' . $mystatictext .'</a>
Score: 0
Hassan Alsheikh avatar
Case-insensitive ignoreCase - text field
sa flag

i am trying to create a text field that accepts case-insensitive text but be unique.

Hassan is hAssan is haSsan...etc

i have tried a different combinations of regex with no success. i would be thankful if someone could help out with this.

where can i suggest if J could add a toggle switch (ignoreCase on/off)?

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Score: 0
Patrick Man avatar
On android, keyboard comes up momentarily and then disappears when a user clicks the search field (likely due to triggering a js resize event)
cn flag

Related to this:

We have some javascript that rearranges a couple elements in the page pretty dramatically depending on if we are on mobile or not (beyond what flex css could handle).

Unfortunately, on android (but not iphone), when our users click on the search field and the mobile keyb ...

Score: 0
bricknewer avatar
Why might a panel pane print a block as class="panel-pane pane-block..." vs class="block block--views..."?
tw flag

I apologize if the wording for this question title does little to explain my problem. I'm so deep into not understanding an issue I'm having trouble describing it.

To preface, I'm quite a noob with drupal 7, I really know just enough to be dangerous. I may use a wrong word to describe something, so sorry about that.

I'm having [multiple] issues while attempting to clone a previous project on my webs ...

Score: 0
Kathryn Carruthers avatar
With English, French and Spanish enabled. Recently our Comms folks can't add translations
id flag

We're using Drupal 9.4.10 - turned on content translation for the Comms role for all content types, URLs, etc. but that role cannot create translations for any content type. They can edit the translations after they're created by an Administrator. Other than giving them Admin permissions does anyone have any ideas about how this could be?

They can actually click on Add translation then fill in th ...

Score: 0
Ivan Ginovski avatar
Paragraphs field preprocess hook not called
jp flag

To simplify this issue, I just have 2 hooks:

1. customtheme_preprocess_paragraph__registration_button()
2. customtheme_preprocess_paragraph__registration_button__default()

When I access a node with a registration button with a default view mode, only the first hook is called. Also, when I access the $variables['view_mode'] in that hook, it gives the value 'default'.

Furthermore, it only takes the para ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.