
How can I make route optional parameter "dynamic"?

br flag

I have a route which need to have the language code as optional parameter:

  path: '/custom-link/{langcode}'
    _controller: '\Drupal\my_module\Controller\MyController:render'

I know from Optional parameters how to make a static optional parameter.

However, I need to determine the parameter dynamically: if it is not provided in the url, it should be the site's default language.

How can I implement that?

4uk4 avatar
cn flag
You could use a static default value `not-defined` and when your controller receives this value it replaces it dynamically.
Jaypan avatar
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You should make that an answer.
4uk4 avatar
cn flag
It's a bit too simple, just an alternative if there is no dynamic default route parameter within the routing system, a callback for example.
Giuseppe avatar
br flag
@4uk4: thanks for the suggestion. Alas, I don't understand "just an alternative if there is no dynamic default route parameter within the routing system, a callback for example". Is there that possibility, or is a comment about the lack of that feature in Drupal?
4uk4 avatar
cn flag
I don't know if there is that possibility. If not it could be a valid feature request in cases where the controller code is not custom.
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