
How can Drupal Commerce Stock email admin when stock is 0?

cn flag

Drupal: 9.5.10 Commerce: 8.x-2.36 Commerce Stock: 8.x-1.1

I'd like to email the admin when the stock is 0.
In one option, I've tried to set a condition in Rules based on the stock field but I can't get the field to display in "Entity has Bundle" Other options?

in flag

By looking at the code proposed by the module commerce_stock I believe you'll have to write a new EventSubscriber that subscribe to the event onOrderComplete.

So you create the file: modules/custom/my_custom_commerce_stock/src/EventSubscriber/SendEmailWhenNoStockSubscriber.php


namespace Drupal\my_custom_commerce_stock\EventSubscriber;

class SendEmailWhenNoStockSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface { 

  public static function getSubscribedEvents() { 
    'commerce_order.post_transition' => 'onOrderComplete', 

  public function onOrderComplete(WorkflowTransitionEvent $event) {
    // code to send email.  


If you don't know how to send an email with Drupal, this is very well documented:

If you don't want to code, you can try the following module

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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