
Permission denied when using sudo

kz flag
sudo echo “export CATALINA_HOME” /usr/local/tomcat10-server >> /root/.bashrc

Im using this code in the terminal as instructions from my software engineering teacher and I keep getting the error permission denied even when using sudo. Can someone please help and figure out what's wrong. Im using RHEL on a virtual machine.

vidarlo avatar
om flag
`sudo` is not an magical wand. Redirects happen under your user anyway; only `echo` is running as root. The redirect is done by your shell, not by echo. In addition, RHEL is off topic on Ask **Ubuntu**.
cn flag
RHEL uses sudo? Thought it uses the old "root" design? Nevertheless: RHEL is not Ubuntu.
hr flag
... see also [How to solve "permission denied" when using sudo with redirection in Bash?](
Terrance avatar
id flag
A simple way would be to use the `tee` command. `echo "export CATALINA_HOME" /usr/local/tomcat10-server | sudo tee -a /root/.bashrc`
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