
How can I recover mersenne twister when only the part of the bits?

id flag Here, when we get 32*624 bits of outputs from Mersenne-twister we can recover Mersenne twister. My question is when we get the parts of the bits, how can we recover Mersenne twister? For example function getrandbits from python random module gives only part of the bits. Is it available to untwist it?

poncho avatar
my flag
When you say "get only part of the bits", do you mean you get fewer than 32*624 bits? Or, do you mean that you get that many bits, only not consecutively?
zelda191919 avatar
id flag
It means, only not consecutively
Paul Uszak avatar
cn flag
You need to be a **lot** more specific as to the sampling. If you sample at random, clearly you can't ever recover the state as the sequence will be driven by the sampling regime, not the Twister.
jo flag

Use this It allows you to tell what parts you are missing from the usual 32-bit parts in order to submit non-consecutive ints.


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