Latest Crypto related questions

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How can I decrypt an RC4 encrypted text when knowing the first 8 characters of the plain text secret?
cn flag

I'm having difficulty decrypting a secret message as a part of a CTF and I was wondering how could I decrypt an encrypted text that has been encrypted with pycrypto RC4 and when the first 8 characters of the plain text secret are know. Here is the secret that is in the code:

secret = b'Sff3az11oTAChXcnaCvx2i/P7pZWLMPWX7xV0zxFY2XYRhqbik8bS6kQOymHYi3j0ZoP4NFLTtJHR8iXFtljDcDpoFeEnZU0KqQNYPR+ovQ9eQ2iNE ...
Score: 2
FooBar avatar
ed25519 attacks
ru flag

I try to understand invalid curve attack and small subgroup attack. The lower 3 bits of a ed25519 private key are cleared to be a multiple by 8.

So an attacker is unable to gain any information using a public key of a smaller subgroup or on a invalid curve.

Does this mean a check that a public key is on the curve before a ECDH is unneccessary?


Score: 1
Is it possible to prove possession of AES-128 key?
us flag

My question is kind of related to this topic: Can we prove possession of an AES-256 key without showing it?

But I couldn't figure out how to apply it to my problem.

Lets say I have a hardware chip, and I want to prove it has not been copied. The chip can store a AES-128 key and can do some encryption with it - it can for example output a ciphered text and plain text. This key cannot be ...

Score: 1
Luqus avatar
Security of PKCS7 padding
us flag

I just designed my own padding function and came up with a potential problem that could harm the security of encryption. After I fixed that flaw, I found out that the PKCS7 standard padding should be also vulnerable to a known-plaintext attack. Please correct me if I am wrong at any point.

PKCS7 is filling each padded byte with the number of total bytes padded. Every time, at least one byte of pa ...

Score: 1
Mathdropout avatar
Proof of knowledge of constant discrete log in the bilinear setting
cn flag

Consider a pairing $\mathbb{e}: \mathbb{G}_1\times \mathbb{G}_2\longrightarrow \mathbb{G}_T$ with generators $g_1$, $g_2$ for $\mathbb{G}_1$, $\mathbb{G}_2$ respectively. The groups $\mathbb{G}_1$, $\mathbb{G}_2$, $\mathbb{G}_T$ are of some prime order $p$.

For a trapdoor $s$, let $[g_1,g_1^s,\cdots,g_1^{s^N}], [g_2,g_2^s,\cdots,g_2^{s^N}]$ be the common reference string (although for some Snarks and ...

Score: 4
Is there a good rundown anywhere on the NIST vs CNRS patent disputes on lattice cryptography?
cn flag

As I understand it from web conference hearsay, the Kyber and Saber entries to the NIST post quantum cryptography competition have been subject to a patent claim from the CNRS. The creators of the schemes wanted their cryptosystems to be public domain and opposed the legal claims based on mathematical grounds, which was apparently ignored by the lawyers.

Does anyone know what the exact extent of  ...

Score: 1
zkSnarks: Ensuring that a variable has a single value across all the operations it is used in
et flag

I am reading this explanation of zkSnarks written by Maksym Petkus -

In section 4.5, the pdf explains how to represent the following operations

$a$ x $b = r1$
$r1$ x $c = r2$

as $l(x)r(x) - o(x)$ where $l(x)$ is the left operand polynomial, $r(x)$ is the right operand polynomial & $o(x)$ is the output polynomial.

Here if you see that

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Prithvish avatar
How to encrypt affine cipher in block?
ph flag

Assuming the alphabet of capital letters, if an affine linear cipher $v\to Av+b \bmod 26$ with block length $3$ maps plaintext ENCRYPTAGAIN to ciphertext BLOCKCIPHERS, what are $A$ and $v$?

I referred a paper, there it is given as like this, *As an example, suppose we want to take our block-length to be 4. This means that we divide our message into blocks of 4 letters and encrypt each block separately ...

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hiren_garai avatar
Extracting key bit for a stream cipher
br flag

My question is little bit general. A stream cipher uses a $5$-bit key $(k_0, k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4)$, $k_i \in \{0,1\}$ for $i = 0,1,2,3,4,5$. Now the design contains $3$ generators $G_1, G_2, G_3$ which generates sequences of $0$'s and $1$'s viz., $\{z^{G_1}_i\}$, $\{z^{G_2}_i\}$ and $\{z^{G_3}_i\}$ respectively. The final output is the keystream $z_i = z^{G_1}_i z^{G_2}_i \oplus z^{G_2}_iz^{G_3}_i \ ...

Score: 1
Do I need a salt when deriving new keys with HKDF if master key is strong? Is a global salt ok?
ht flag

Let's say I have a master key and want to use it to derive new keys to use for encryption, using HKDF. I'm a bit confused regarding the use of salt though. I have seen other posts about it here but I still don't fully understand when/if I should use it.

Scenario: A creates a MasterKey and shares it with B, C, D. A derives different keys for B, C, and D and encrypts some data (for each of them). N ...

Score: -1
What is the time and space complexity of the AES S-boxes?
us flag

What are the time and space complexity of the AES S-boxes? Could someone please explain how these are determined?

Score: 0
DantheMan avatar
Securely estimate share ratio without a centralized tracker in peer-to-peer with HyperLogLog?
ca flag

Lets say you had a distributed storage system like bittorrent or ipfs and you wanted to track the upload/download (or response/request) ratios of the peers. However, you don’t want to use a centralized tracker and keep everything peer to peer? Can you estimate the u/d ratio securely in a distributed way without overwhelming the system?

One thought I had was to modify HyperLogLog (HLL) with a combi ...

Score: 1
Dominic van der Zypen avatar
Is $\mathbb{Z}_2[x]$-irreducibility in ${\bf P}$?
br flag

A fast alternative to conventional multiplication is the carry-less product. It works exactly in the same way as the multiplication on the countable set of binary polynomials $\mathbb{Z}_2[x]$. We can identify any non-negative integer with a binary polynomial using the integer's binary representation (e.g. $13_{10} = 1101_2$ is identified with $x^3 + x^2 + 1 \in \mathbb{Z}_2[x]$).

In 2004, the seminal p ...

Score: 1
zkSnarks: Why does the target polynomial $t(s)$ need to be kept a secret if it's known to both prover & verifier?
et flag

I am reading this explanation of zkSnark written by Maksym Petkus -

The example used here is that there is a polynomial of degree 3 which the verifier knows has roots 1 & 2.

  • The whole polynomial is $p(x)$

  • The target polynomial $t(x) = (x-1)(x-2)$.

  • The 3rd root comes from $h(x)$, i.e. if 3rd root is 3, then $h(x) = (x-3)$.

  • And $p(x) = h ...

Score: 0
Hunger Learn avatar
How could this scheme work?
ua flag

When we use a secret sharing scheme we usually want to reconstruct the polynomial function $p(x)\in\mathbb{Z}_q[X]$ with the Lagrange interpolation method and then compute $s=p(0)=a_0$. However, the secret $s$ is just a number and usually what we have as a secret could represent a private information that is a whole statement. For example, let's suppose that player $i$ knows a secret that every othe ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.