Latest Crypto related questions

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Sean avatar
homomorphic mapping from $F_{p^n}$ to $Z_{p^n}$
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Is it possible to have a homomorphic mapping from $F_{p^n}$ to ${\mathbb Z}_{p^n}$ that preserves both the add and multiplication operators?

Or if we relax requirement, can we have a homomorphic mapping from the multiplicative group $F_{p^n}^*$ to ${\mathbb Z}_{p^n}^*$ which preserves multiplication?

Score: 0
yankovs avatar
Proving a variation of CDH is hard
ke flag

let $(\mathbb{G},q,p)$ be a group $\mathbb{G}$ with prime order $q$ and generator $g$. Assume that CDH is hard relative to this setup (Namely, given $(g,g^a,g^b)$, it is hard to find $g^{ab}$).

Now consider the following: for a probabilistic-polynomial time adversary $\mathcal{A}$, and given $(\mathbb{G},q,p)$, choose random $a,b,c\in \mathbb{Z}_q$ and run $\mathcal{A}(g,g^a,g^b,g^c)$. $\mathcal{A ...

Score: -1
David Klempfner avatar
Manually decrypt the signature in a digital certificate
cn flag

I've exported the root CA cert (ISRG Root X1) used by StackOverflow's digital certificate, as a DER encoded binary X.509 (.cer) file and used openssl in cmd to find out the modulus/exponent:

openssl.exe x509 -in C:\Cert.cer -inform der -text

enter image description here

I then did the same thing for the next certificate in the chain which is called R3, to get the signature:

enter image description here

Signature for R3:

enter image description here

I've copied these into C# as byte arra ...

Score: 1
DannyNiu avatar
Applicability of RFC-6090 point doubling formula in homogeneous coordinates
vu flag

I'm referencing RFC-6090 for a hobbyist implementation of elliptic-curve cryptography.

I've opted for an exception-free (the answer pointed me to this paper) formula for point addition and thought - I only use point doubling with generator points and validated public keys, I can do with an efficient but not-very-versatile point doubling formula.

As someone not familiar with advanced mathematics,  ...

Score: 0
phantomcraft avatar
Is multiple encryption with XORs between each encryption operation susceptible to meet-in-the-middle attacks?
pf flag

Let's suppose I take a cipher with key size equal to the block size (Threefish).

I XOR a random block in the ciphertext, encrypt with a key, XOR another random block, encrypt again with another key and XOR a third random block. It would be XOR->Encrypt->XOR->Encrypt->XOR.

/\ Is this scheme vulnerable to Meet-in-the-middle attacks or another kind of attack?

I received an answer in anot ...

Score: 0
phantomcraft avatar
How does dm-crypt in Linux make non-parallelizable encryption modes have all the 512-byte blocks different each other?
pf flag

dm-crypt in Linux uses 512-byte blocks (disk sectors) having sub-blocks of encrypted plaintext for block cipher modes that are non-parallelizable:

"With the usual modes in cryptsetup (CBC, ESSIV, XTS), you can get a completely changed 512 byte block for a bit error. A corrupt block causes a lot more havoc than the occasionally flipped single bit and can result in various obscure errors."

/\ Source:  ...

Score: 1
T. Rossi avatar
Negation of a EC Point with Jacobi x,y,z representation
om flag

I'm building a small library for Schnorr Signatures and the Oracle DLC, the key passage is:

s_i G = R - h(i, R)V

  • R = k G; G generator, k a nonce
  • h(i, R) is the hash of the message i (i is one of the outputs that will be signed by the Oracle)
  • V is the public key of the Oracle (= v G)

The "add" and "multiply" operations use the Jacobi representation for speed, therefore I'd need the negation as well. Ne ...

Score: 2
David Klempfner avatar
How to find the public key in a digital certificate
cn flag

I can see what I think should be the public key in the Details tab for StackOverflow's certificate (see screenshot below). However, it is 2160 (num of chars (540) multiplied by 4 = 2160) bits long, not 2048 as it specifies.

When I view the certificate details using openssl in cmd, I can see a smaller version of the public key which is 514 nibbles * 4 = 2056 bits, which is one byte off 2048.

I not ...

Score: 2
jjd avatar
Using same private key for both X25519 and ECDSA (using curve25519)
ru flag

I'm writing an application where both encryption/decryption and signing/verification are needed, and I choose X25519 as a key agreement algorithm which will produce a key for encryption, and ECDSA to sign messages.

Key generation: I generate a curve25519 private key from a mnemonic (so I have kind of a random 32 bytes private key).

Now I have 32 bytes array, I want to use this array byte array for b ...

Score: 0
phantomcraft avatar
Is multiple encryption using CBC mode of operation susceptible to Meet-in-the-middle attacks?
pf flag

I read it once on a page (I don't remember the link and I coundn't find it) that said about a cascade of AES with two 256-bits keys and that it provides 384-bits of security. Maybe not 512-bits of strength because of AES-256 block size of 128-bits.

This left me doubts.

Let's suppose I encrypt something two times using CBC mode and two different keys.

An adversary cannot determine a block encrypted with ...

Score: 1
aiwl avatar
Generating a public-private key pair from another key pair
sa flag

Is the following problem a known cryptographic problem?

Find algorithms for functions $f$ and $g$, such that

$$ f(x, \alpha_{enc}) \rightarrow \beta_{enc}\\ g(x, \alpha_{dec}) \rightarrow \beta_{dec} $$

where $x$ is some data of $n$ bits, and $(\alpha_{enc}, \alpha_{dec})$ and $(\beta_{enc}, \beta_{dec})$ are (public, private) key pairs.

The problem probably depends on the type of asymmetric encryption  ...

Score: 0
Lee JunHee avatar
'NIZK arguments for quadratic arithmetic programs' of '[Groth16] On the Size of Pairing-based Non-interactive Arguments'
in flag

I wonder about the CRS of NIZK argument.

I think [A]$_1$, [B]$_2$, [C]$_1$ is calculated using CRS. Instead of calculating A, B, C first and then calculating [A]$_1$, [C]$_1$, [B]$_2$.

  1. May I know if this is correct?

If it is correct, in order to calculate [C]$_1$, I think [B]$_1$ is also needed.

  1. Is it correct that we need to calculate both [B]$_1$ and [B]$_2$?

And I marked curious parts with  ...

Score: 2
phantomcraft avatar
Argon2 allows a huge key length in input, but does it really provide the security of the key provided?
pf flag

I read the Argon2 specification.

It says in 3.1 (Page #5):

Secret value K (serves as key if necessary, but we do not assume any key use by default) may have any length from $0$ to $2^{32}\text{-}1$ bytes.

Let's suppose I want to convert Argon2 into a block encipherment, I provide an 8192-bit key (1024 bytes) and provide a counter to each block generated and so, XOR the hashed blocks in the ciphertext. ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.