Latest Crypto related questions

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Ruhan Saini avatar
Asymmetric key Cryptography
by flag

In asymmetric key cryptography, public key is available to everyone. If an attacker encrypts the message sent by another user then the receiver might receive that message. Then how the security is established in this scenario.

Score: 3
Foobar avatar
Is using a cofactor to find a base point only for performance reasons?
fr flag

For elliptic curve cryptography, the procedure to find a base point that generates a subgroup with order $n$ is:

  1. Calculate the order $N$ of the elliptic curve (using Schoof's)
  2. Choose $n$. $n$ must be prime and a divisor of $N$
  3. Compute cofactor $h = \frac{N}{n}$
  4. Choose a random point $P$ on the curve
  5. Compute $G = hP$
  6. If $G$ is 0, then go back to step 4. Otherwise, you've found a generator with order
Score: 2
Christopher Simmons avatar
What's the probability distribution of 3DES keys' key check values?
ru flag

Do the key check values of two-key 3DES keys have a uniform distribution? If not I'm curious as to what the distribution is.

I ask because I want to know how safe it is to use a key's KCV as an identifier for that key. If the distribution is uniform, then I believe that I can calculate the chances of a KCV collision via the birthday problem and use that to decide whether KCVs are a safe ID for my ...

Score: 0
esra avatar
How can we measure the security levels of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms? Is there a standard way of this measurement?
jp flag

How do we measure the security levels of Post Quantum Cryptographic algorithms such as: NTRU Prime, Saber, Kyber,...that are submited to NIST PQC Standardization Process(Competition) in general?

I read the documentation in the NIST submission package of NTRU Prime but understanding the security levels does seem very complicated for the PQC algorithms unlike the non-PQC ones for which we can ise  ...

Score: 2
Paprika avatar
What is the difference between the Fully Homomorphic BFV and BGV schemes?
cn flag

When I read about BFV or BGV, they all look similar: they use polynomials from $\mathbb{Z}[X]/X^n+1$ as secret keys/pubic keys, etc.

What is the main difference?

Score: 1
Sean avatar
Prover cost of QAP based zkSnark
yt flag

In CGPR (link to paper) Section 3.5, it is mentioned that the cost of prover is $O(|C| \log(|C|))$, given the size of the circuit is $|C|$.

It looks to me that the polynomial degree in the resulting QAP should be $O(|C|)$. Wouldn't the prover cost be $O(|C|)$? Am I missing some steps here?

Score: 1
Lance avatar
How to find the 6 main properties of cryptographic hash functions when implementing a hash function?
tn flag

According to this there are at least 6 "properties" all cryptographically secure hash functions strive to attain:

  • Deterministic: the same message always results in the same hash;
  • Quick: it is quick to compute the hash value for any given message;
  • One-way function: it is infeasible to generate a message from its hash value except by trying all possible messages;
  • Avalanche effect: a small change to a messa ...
Score: 5
NB_1907 avatar
Factoring 2048-bit integer with quantum computer?
us flag

In this paper, there is a statement in the abstract:

Our construction uses $3n + 0.002n \log(n)$ logical qubits, $0.3n^3 + 0.0005n ^3\log(n)$ Toffolis, and $500n^2 +n^2 \log(n)$ measurement depth to factor n-bit RSA integers.

The title of the paper states that 20.000.000 qubits are used to crack RSA-2048 where this presentation -also refers that paper- includes table in pg.22 that maps RSA-2048 to  ...

Score: 1
zkSNARKS - unable to understand the usage of polynomial to verify some condition
et flag

From Vitalik Buterin's Blogpost - An approximate introduction to how zk-SNARKs are possible

From the sub-topic "Comparing a polynomial to itself", I understood till here

In other words, any polynomial that equals zero across some set is a (polynomial) multiple of the simplest (lowest-degree) polynomial that equals zero across that same set.

However, I am unable to figure out how he uses that to veri ...

Score: 1
Lance avatar
How does an attacker decrypt a hash function by looking for linearity?
tn flag

Reading the selected answer to Designing a hash function from first principles rather than depending on heuristics is very insightful.

The section on "nonlinearity" suggests that making every equation involved in the hash function into a linear one means the attacker can easily figure out the implementation of the hash function.

If you try to make a cryptographic hash function that only uses XOR  ...

Score: 0
How to prove that an elliptic curve point is smaller or greater than half of the curve's order?
cn flag

Is it possible to tell if a point on an elliptic curve is less than half of the curve's order?

If I have a point $ = [a]$ on a curve with prime order q, is there an efficient way to know that $a < q/2$?

I understand that range proofs would work for this, but is there a quicker way? Specifically, I am working with secp256k1, but any advice is greatly appreciated.

Score: 0
Dylan avatar
Control the error bound when using HElib CKKS
bb flag

I'm using HElib CKKS to do experiments and wondering if it's possible to control the error bound in each basic operation such as multiplication, encoding, and rotation.

I have this question is because I found that it seems the increase of error bound in HElib is faster than the implementation of HEAAN.

Here is the example of checking the error bound after each square operation from HElib:

  // c *= c;
Score: 8
Paul Uszak avatar
Where did Whitfield Diffie say "If you can make random numbers, you can have a private conversation"?
cn flag

I've seen the following (alleged) quotation on this site and other places:-

If you can make random numbers, you can have a private conversation.

-Whitfield Diffie.

Yet we (Google & me) can't find an original source for it. Can anyone point me to the original publication/talk/presentation? Or is it just folklore?

Score: 1
Paprika avatar
single slot operations on SIMD fully homomorphic polynomial
cn flag

According to and many other papers, there's an isomorphsim between the space of polynomials and its coefficients. So, at least in the BFV scheme, we can do:

$$p(x) = [a_1, a_2, ..., a_3]$$ $$\phi(p(x)) = [\phi(a_1), \phi(a_2), ..., \phi(a_3)]$$

So applying one operation to the polynomial is the same as applying to all elements, sort of like SIMD works on CPUs. This is ...

Score: 0
Why can’t you reverse engineer a hash function?
in flag

If you can hash a value one way, why can’t you reverse the hash, turning the hash into one of the many possible inputs, that still gives the same hash?

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.