I'm using HElib CKKS to do experiments and wondering if it's possible to control the error bound in each basic operation such as multiplication, encoding, and rotation.
I have this question is because I found that it seems the increase of error bound in HElib is faster than the implementation of HEAAN.
Here is the example of checking the error bound after each square operation from HElib:
// c *= c;
c.capacity=328.497 c.errorBound=1.28242e-06
c.capacity=289.748 c.errorBound=2.69423e-06
c.capacity=252.063 c.errorBound=5.71405e-06
c.capacity=213.502 c.errorBound=1.1591e-05
c.capacity=176.579 c.errorBound=2.37053e-05
c.capacity=139.634 c.errorBound=4.79147e-05
We can see that error Bound increases by about a factor of 2 (i.e., we lose one bit of precision).
For an application of matrix multiplication (including rotation, encoding, and multiplication, here, didn't elaborate details), the implementation in HEAAN performs well, but the error bound exceeds 200
and the depth is not enough when I rewrite the application using HElib.
Overall, the same application (i.e., has the same number of multiplications and slots) in HElib requires more bits than that in HEAAN, and finally result in the security level smaller than 80 bit
In the CKKS of HElib, if we need to accurately control (and how) the error bound when doing multiplication (or rotation)?
Here is an example params I used:
param(/*m=*/16 * 1024, /*bits=*/235, /*precision=*/20, /*c=*/2);
The error bound after one square (multiplication) operation:
ct_Ck[0].capacity=256.968 ct_Ck[0].isCorrect=1 ct_Ck[0].errorBound=8.6898e-08
ct_Ck[0].capacity=207.74 ct_Ck[0].isCorrect=1 ct_Ck[0].errorBound=8.6348e-06
The plaintext data is like:
-0.23801321 0.30014116 -0.0636206 0.21583742
I found a function in HElib to reduce the error bound but I don't know the reasons about how does it work
// result before invoking bumpNoiseBound ()
ct_F.capacity=38.4047 ct_F.isCorrect=1 ct_F.errorBound=201.848
ct_F.capacity=38.4047 ct_F.isCorrect=1 ct_F.errorBound=100.884
ct_F.capacity=38.4047 ct_F.isCorrect=1 ct_F.errorBound=0.00202069
Decrypted result:
[1.04830407 -3.209778495 -2.074653964 -1.684939538 -1.000400425 -4.124713608 -0.3628963567 -3.134082967 -3.801171699 -1.00385792 -1.472975371 -1.121783172 -5.484577652 -1.89848471 -1.517289034 -0.228743587 -1.226775781 3.901777677 1.575880583 -2.008799017 -1.980024549 3.465674733 -1.105679235 -3.594262482 0.1332798533 -7.012550198 0.5623979679 -4.254105028 -0.9447986134 -0.3755929384 -0.906013134 0.5607877395 -2.309902189 -4.112943726 -4.208302789 -2.742109602 -3.230622867 0.6365211006 -1.909193898 -1.761926501 0.07531637181 0.5945984313 -2.727958762 -2.45710736 -2.225926303 0.2915942006 -0.5207882104 -1.719778064 -3.581110672 0.9300763124 1.395581211 0.7434900004 -3.202471826 1.109593845 -5.68517439 0.2502367768 0.6176019573 -1.632018488 -0.3558288489 -1.87408586 3.322116753 -3.055094277 -1.437400739 -3.61812068]
Plaintext result:
[1.048074533 -3.209868922 -2.075044009 -1.683690789 -0.9997621728 -4.124967495 -0.3629476429 -3.1339527 -3.801350955 -1.003947321 -1.473256614 -1.121510668 -5.484447105 -1.89821005 -1.517648893 -0.2295971341 -1.227429856 3.90224666 1.576020144 -2.008567349 -1.98010648 3.464794098 -1.105909147 -3.595045121 0.1335162434 -7.012703056 0.5623665673 -4.2541547 -0.9454690736 -0.3750930498 -0.9075913974 0.5602374826 -2.30977449 -4.11252574 -4.208385862 -2.742450262 -3.230891732 0.6371578519 -1.909217106 -1.76218525 0.07590385029 0.5945647743 -2.727895366 -2.457126412 -2.225143547 0.2917448084 -0.5201044894 -1.719980727 -3.580159571 0.9294232572 1.396138592 0.7433848735 -3.202827843 1.108926304 -5.68442001 0.2495510754 0.6176213132 -1.630955343 -0.35625627 -1.874107776 3.321633929 -3.054599105 -1.438421851 -3.618478743]
The result after using bumpNoiseBound ()
is almost equal to the plaintext result. So this function helps us to get back the correct precision?