Latest Crypto related questions

Score: 3
caveman avatar
What's the ideal memory hard function?
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This says $f_n$ is memory hard if, for any space $S$ and time $T$, $S\cdot T \in \Omega(n^2)$.

My questions:

  • What is $S$? Space? E.g. bytes of available memory?
  • What is $n$? Bytes of requested memory by the memory hard function?
  • What is $T$? Number of rounds?
  • How good is this definition? E.g. how tight is it? E.g. $\Omega(n^2)$ is asymptotic lowest bound, but I guess not all functions that ...
Score: 0
Aarghument avatar
Making commitment scheme on elliptic curves perfectly binding
cn flag

So, the question is, a commitment scheme on elliptic curve is given.

Initialisation phase:

  1. There is an elliptic curve EC, generator point $G$ over $GF(p)$, which creates a group, and random prime number $e$.
  2. Choose an $x$.
  3. Calculate $M = x \cdot G$.
  4. Calculate $M' = e \cdot M$.
  5. Extract $xM$, where $xM$ is an $x$ coordinate of $M$.
  6. Calculate $H = xM \cdot G$.

EC, $G$, $e$ are public parameters, $x$

Score: 15
kelalaka avatar
Why Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is impractical
in flag

In NSA's FAQ on Quantum Computing and Post-Quantum Cryptography, it is mentioned as

Q: Should I use a QKD system to protect my NSS from a quantum computer?
A: No. The technology involved is of significant scientific interest, but it only addresses some security threats and it requires significant engineering modifications to NSS communications systems. NSA does not consider QKD a practical securit ...

Score: 0
Would a celestial cryptographic system be useful in practice?
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I posted a question recently about whether a celestial body could be used in cryptography. I got many fantastic responses explaining how the celestial object could be used to generate a common reference string.

My follow up question is then: if it were possible and feasible to use a celestial object to allow two parties to communicate securely, would this only be of academic interest perhaps for gov ...

Score: 6
user3571 avatar
Introduce a reference for cryptanalysis of WhatsApp software
us flag

I am studying on cryptanalysis of WhatsApp software. I know this is secure software but I want to present a documentary on this topic as a seminar at the university for applied mathematics students.

As you know, WhatsApp is based on the Signal protocol, and for this reason, I first focused on the structure of this protocol. The first document I studied was this master's thesis.

The advantage of thi ...

Score: 3
What is an efficient cryptographic hash function in the λ-calculus?
ca flag

Most hash functions are designed to be fast in conventional processors, but there are contexts where machine integers either don't exist, or aren't the most efficient option. For example, zk-snark circuits don't have these, and brainfuck has only increment and decrement. If you needed fast hash functions on these environments, it is unlikely that sha2/keccak/blake would perform better than something des ...

Score: 1
Algebraic differential cryptanalysis
cn flag

I have been studying on algebraic methods on cryptanalysis of block ciphers. This is where I am reading from currently

I need some help to understand Attack C.

Excluding equations from the first r rounds till which the differential characteristic holds, we are just left with the SBox equations and one constraint from the input difference to the $(r+1)^{th}$ round S Boxes as a consequence of the r ...

Score: 3
Jonathan Voss avatar
MuSig: could the rogue key attack be mitigated by using commitments instead of key transformations?
eg flag


MuSig is an extension of/derivation from Schnorr signatures using cyclic groups on elliptic curves. In the original paper, the authors point out that naive multi-Schnorr is vulnerable to a rogue key attack:

Given $\Bbb G$ is a cyclic group of prime order; $g$ is the generator point; $H$ is a hash function; $m$ is the message to sign; and there are $n$ participants:

Let $L = \{ X_1 = g^{x ...

Score: -1
Uzer avatar
LAT of sboxes, sum of coloms and rows
il flag

let we have sbox s: Vn -> Vn.

If we make LAT table for s, fix any row and get a sum by columns, that sum would be $+-2^{n-1}$.

And vice versa, if we fix any column and get a sum by rows, that sum would be $+-2^{n-1}$ too. Why is it so?

Element in "a" row, "b" column of LAT is $#{<a, x>=<b,s(x)>} - 2^{n-1}$. Where <,> is scalar product.

Sum is a sum of integers that are in one m ...

Score: 1
marius avatar
What is here the security parameter $1^\kappa$?
tv flag

Let it be $K$ a key generation algorithm which takes $(k,d)$ as input with $k$ as the bit length for $n=pq$ with $p,q \in \mathbb{P}$ and $d=|p-q|$ as the minimum distance between $p$ and $q$ (RSA). What would be the security parameter $1^\kappa$?

Would it be $\kappa=k+d$ or only $\kappa=k$ and if it were the case on what would it depends?

I searched the following links and could not find an answer to  ...

Score: 2
user3336696 avatar
Format Preserving Hash Function
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We have a use case of tokenising the credit card information and returning a tokenised value after preserving the format.

Ideally this should be one way, and following a FPE might not be the best solution. Pls suggest what best solution can be provided here.

Score: 14
Could celestial objects be used in cryptography?
in flag

If it were possible to receive a string of numbers from a celestial object (by anyone on the Earth who knows which object to look at, and what time to look) could this be of any use in cryptography?

Or would it be useless, because if a bad-actor knew which object you were looking at and at what time, they could find the key?

Score: 0
Cryptographic Random Beacon VS Random Oracle
cn flag

Let's start with what I mean by cryptographic random beacon (RB). A RB is a protocol among some parties who generate a random value all together such that:

  1. these parties do not trust each other
  2. the result is publicly verifiable (anyone can verify the result is correctly generated by the protocol)
  3. The output is unbiasable: No party can make a bias in the result.
  4. the result is unpredictable: no body can p ...
Score: 0
Apollo 11 avatar
Storing data in a Merkle tree
it flag

I had the idea of storing large amounts of data in a small space using a Merkle tree. But from what I understand about Merkle trees is you cannot extract the data from the Merkle root (since hashes are not reversible). Though I wonder, is there a way to use an encryption algorithm that gives a fixed output length like how we use hashes in Merkle trees? I know my question is hard to understand but lookin ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.