Latest Crypto related questions

Score: 3
Dimitri Koshelev avatar
Do ideal non-cyclotomic lattices provide better compression in lattice-based cryptography?
id flag

Let $f \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$ be an irreducible polynomial of degree $N$ and $q \in \mathbb{N}$. Consider the rings $R := \mathbb{Z}[x]/f$ and $R_q := R/q$. Obviously, an element of $R_q$ can be represented by means of $\ell(N, q) := N\lceil\log_2(q)\rceil$ bits. In lattice-based cryptography the polynomial $f$ is often cyclotomic $\Phi_n$ for some $n \in \mathbb{N}$ (mainly $n$ is a prime or a power  ...

Score: 0
koala avatar
Argon2 derive two keys from one password
pt flag

This is not a duplicate, I'm asking which method is better. I generate an encoded argon2 hash string, so it'll be stored in database to verify login passwords.

Saved encoded hash has salt of length 16 bytes and tag with length of 32 bytes. I need to derive second different key from the saved key using two parameters:

  • User password
  • Already existing saved hash


I have an idea how to do it, ...

Score: 1
Sergey Kaunov avatar
Bleichenbacher 1998 "Million message attack" CCA
cu flag

After implementing and playing around with famous "Chosen Ciphertext Attacks Against Protocols Based on the RSA Encryption Standard PKCS #1" there couple of questions which I can't really grasp.

  • Why do we get intervals with their ends interchanged?
  • Why does it work to discard intervals in pairs?

Intervals Ends

I looked at several other implementation in different programming languages, and it's comm ...

Score: 4
user7048748 avatar
How do you arrive at this algorithm for dividing by 3 in the Galois field?
dk flag

This function from Wikipedia calculates the sbox used in AES:

#include <stdint.h>

#define ROTL8(x,shift) ((uint8_t) ((x) << (shift)) | ((x) >> (8 - (shift))))

void initialize_aes_sbox(uint8_t sbox[256]) {
    uint8_t p = 1, q = 1;
    /* loop invariant: p * q == 1 in the Galois field */
    do {
        /* multiply p by 3 */
        p = p ^ (p << 1) ^ (p & 0x80 ?  ...
Score: 0
Mubashwir Alam avatar
Conditional Boolean circuits
ru flag

I have two questions I couldn't find straightforward answers to after many searches.

(1) We can perform 2-party MPC over arbitrary functions using Garbled Circuit. To do that, we first need to convert a function to a boolean circuit and then garble it. Is there any tool available where we can convert any arbitrary function to a boolean circuit? Say I want to sort three numbers from a given input. ...

Score: 0
SarkoxedaF avatar
Finding small roots of a univariate polynomial modulo N. Don Coppersmith
bj flag

I'm currently trying to understand the Coppersmith's method of finding small integer roots of polynomials modulo some integer. I am reading the original paper Small Solutions to Polynomial Equations, and Low Exponent RSA Vulnerabilities by Don Coppersmith. Specifically, in section 6 he claims: enter image description here

I really can't get the part, where he says that we can compute $c_g$ values. We are given the reduced l ...

Score: 0
jakarta2000 avatar
Finding a generator of an elliptic curve effectively with huge numbers
ae flag

In cryptography I am facing the issue to find a generator of some elliptic curve given only the curve over given field and number of elements that the curve has.

The numbers used are enormous so I am struggling to implement any offered scenario how to find generator of an elliptic curve here in stackexchange. If anyone can help I would be thankful.

Score: 1
mmazz avatar
FHE modular reduction in specific range
ws flag

I'm trying to implement a naive version of CKKS in Python. It was great until I start implementing the modulus.

For this kind of schemes, the modulus $q$ is in the range $(-q/2,q/2]$. How does this work?

In CKKS paper (I think BGV and others do the same) use something like this (a toy example): $c = m (mod$ $q)$. Where $c$ and $m$ are polynomials, so the coefficients of m are mod q. So c and m are congr ...

Score: 0
Using TEA to build a hash function
sa flag


TEA uses a 128 bit master key $K_{0\ldots3}$. All odd rounds use $K_0$, $K_1$ as the round subkey, and all even rounds use $K_2$, $K_3$. One cycle of TEA applied to the block $A_i$,$B_i$ is: $A_{i+1} \leftarrow A_i + F_i(B_i, K_0, K_1) \hspace{0.5em};\hspace{0.5em} B_{i+1} \leftarrow B_i + F_i(A_i, K_2, K_3)$. Where the round function $F$ is: $F_i(b,k,k') = (\text{ShiftLeft}(b,4) + k) \oplu ...

Score: 0
Abol_Fa avatar
What type of certificate is this?
pe flag

I have been reading papers about authentication in VANETS and some of them mention a certificate that a trusted authority generates for a vehicle and has the following form: $${C_{V_i}}=S_{TA}+H(PID_{V_i}|PID_{TA}|P_{TA}|P_{V_I})*x_i$$
Here $S_{TA}$ is a secret that belongs to Trusted Authority.
$H()$ is a hash function.
$PID_{V_i}$ is the pseudo-identity of vehicle $V_i$.
$PID_{TA}$ is the pseudo-ide ...

Score: 1
fartwhif avatar
Signature operation of RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 requires private key. Superficial limitation, or are public parameters mathematically incapable of it?
hk flag

In the case of RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, is it simply that the cryptographic libraries and APIs are designed to only sign if determined superficially that it has a private key, or is the public key mathematically incapable of signing? Or perhaps in asking this way there is some major wrong assumption I'm making about keypairs and how they can be used?

Score: 1
sir assistant avatar
How to add unused public signals in circom
pa flag

In my usecase, i want to attach a public key to a proof generated by a circom circuit. If my circuit is like follows:

template Example() {
  signal input secret;
  signal input hash;
  signal input salt;

  signal output verified;

  // Hash the secret and the salt, compare it to hash and assign it to the verified output
  // Omitted for brevity

component main {public [hash]} = Example();

If i just ...

Score: 1
Matias Heikkilä avatar
Why is FHE nontrivial?
sk flag

If I understand correctly (please let me know if any of the following is wrong), a fully homomorphic encryption scheme $\mathcal{E}$ is such that for any messages $x, y$, $$ \mathcal{E}(x + y) = \mathcal{E}(x) + \mathcal{E}(y) \\ \mathcal{E}(x y) = \mathcal{E}(x) \, \mathcal{E}(y), $$ i.e $\mathcal{E}$ is a ring homomorphism. Since the function $\mathcal{E}$ has to be invertible (hence injective), we hav ...

Score: 3
Kristi avatar
Is WPA2 collision-proof?
US flag

I was experimenting with hashcat and aircrack to test WiFi security. The WiFi AP is a WPA2 encrypted network. The tool I used to capture is bettercap, which captured multiple WPA2 handshakes. The problem is that from those multiple handshakes I get two valid passwords for the same AP.

Question is, did I find a WPA2 hash collision or I am getting something wrong?!

Hashes are converted by hashcat t ...

Score: 1
jammy avatar
Blom's key distribution
om flag

Having a difficult time wrapping my head around the Blom's key distribution. I found an online resource to understand this but still couldn't get it. I am attaching the screenshot from the book where the author first mentions the algorithm and then he solves an example . A better explanation to the example how values are taken and derived would be better . Algorithm


How are the different $g$ values and $ ...

Score: 1
krkhan avatar
How are RSA and Elliptic Curve keys generated deterministically?
pk flag

Going through the TPM tutorial:

Primary keys are derived from the primary seeds using a deterministic key derivation function (KDF).

The output of KDF would be some pseudo-random bytes. For RSA, the bytes might not be a prime number. For elliptic curves, the bytes would likely not be a co-ordinate on the curve. Even ignoring that output is coming from a KDF I'm unclear on how a "seed" can be used to generate RSA and EC keys deterministically.

Score: 0
Gloria Jiya avatar
Password space: number of possible password combination
bn flag

How do I calculate the password space of a randomized linked hybrid pasword of 9 images and 10 numbers(0-9)? User allowed to select 4 password

Images=9 Pin= 0-9 Password selection allowed: 4 Every image is linked to a number

Images are randomized at each selection

Score: 2
Donnie avatar
Generic attack on Hmac sha256
sx flag

Is there any generic attack on HMAC SHA 256 ?

I am currently reading up on attacks on Hmac sha-256. However most of the papers I've found are about side channel attacks such as Differential power Analysis.

Score: 0
Caio Nogueira avatar
Constructing a PRG from a pseudorandom function
fi flag

I have recently understood how we can construct a pseudorandom function from a PRG. However, I would like to prove the reverse - how can I construct a PRG from a PRF?

Score: 0
Difference between sigma protocol, Schnorr protocol, Pedersen commitment
jp flag

Could you explain the difference between sigma protocol, Schorr protocol with examples. What is the advantage of using commit-and-prove zero knowledge proof over general zero knowledge proof?

Score: 1
CryptoGuru avatar
Hashes to passwords with PBKDF2
bm flag

If an attacker wants to hack the passwords of $2^{10}$ users. And all of these users generate a password from the space of $2^{50}$ passwords** and each password is hashed with PBKDF2 with $2^{10}$ iterations**.

How many hashes would an attacker need to do to get all passwords in the worst case?

I was thinking it would be $2^{10} \cdot 2^{50} \cdot 2^{10} = 2^{70}$ since with PBKDF2 each password will ...

Score: 0
user46060 avatar
ARX ciphers: MSBs does not have influence in Modular Addition?
vg flag

Could you please help me? I am reading the paper "Improved Differential Fault Attack on LEA by Algebraic Representation of Modular Addition". I would like to know why there is the claim that the MSBs of A and B lack information in the following phrase "the lower 31 bits of A and B can be determined, excluding MSBs that lack" (page 4 before section B)

Score: 1
crypt avatar
Modification of CFB Mode of Operation?
cn flag

To encrypt plaintext $(P_1, P_2, P_3, ... P_n)$ Ciphertext Feedback Mode (CFB) works as follows :- $$ C_0 = IV \\ C_i = E_K (C_{i-1}) \oplus P_i $$

Lets define a modified version of CFB mode as follows :- $$ C_0 = IV \\ SK_i = KMAC(K, C_{i-1})\\ C_i = E_{SK_i} (C_{i-1}) \oplus P_i $$

The modified CFB mode encrypts each block using a new key $(SK)$ and it has a processing overhead.

What security adv ...

Score: 4
CryptoGuru avatar
Password hashing and salting with SHA-256 on $2^{64}$ password space
bm flag

If a password is randomly chosen from a space of $2^{64}$ passwords and is stored as an SHA-256-bit hash and a 128-bit salt, how many hashes does an attacker need to perform to recover the password in the worst case?

Would it just be $2^{256}$ hashes because SHA-256 provides $256$ bits of security in a pre-image attack?

Score: 2
user77340 avatar
What is the advantage of ECDSA over Schnorr signature?
ie flag

As we know, the Schnorr signature enjoys the linearity property, which does not exist in ECDSA. It seems the Schnorr signature is more efficient and can bring more features than ECDSA. What is the advantage of ECDSA over the Schnorr signature? Will ECDSA gradually be replaced by the Schnorr signature (especially after that the Schnorr signature can be used in Bitcoin)?

Score: 4
Ievgeni avatar
Multiplication of two LFSR
cn flag

Let $a_n$, and $b_n$ two sequences generated by two LFSR with connection polynomials $P$, and $Q$. How to show the sequence $(a_n \cdot b_n)$ can be generated by a LFSR wit connection polynomial of degree upper bounded by $\deg(P)\cdot \deg(Q)$?

Score: 2
Bob avatar
How to factorize $N$ in OU cryptosystem under chosen ciphertext attack?
cn flag

OU cryptosystem: $N = p^2q$, the secret key is the factorization of $N$, the public key is $g\leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_N$, $g^{p-1} \neq 1\mod p^2$, to encrypt an element $m $ $\in$ $\mathbb{Z}_p$, choose $r\leftarrow \mathbb{Z}_N$, then $Enc(m)= g^m\cdot h^r$, where $h = g^n$

In paper: Paillier's Cryptosystem Revisited [CCS01], is said that enter image description here

How to factor $N=p^2q$ under CCA model?

Score: 1
Roman avatar
How to solve a system of modular equations with exponential difference
gm flag

I`m solving one crypto problem on rsa.

p^e - q^e = C1 (mod n)
(p-q)^e   = C2 (mod n)

n = p*q*r; p,q,r are prime numbers
e = 2 * 65537

We have e, n, C1, C2.

It's impossible to find p, q, r from this system of equations, since there are 3 unknowns in the system of 2 equations. But is there any way to reduce the possible options?

Score: 1
CryptoGuru avatar
How many hashes to recover a salted password?
bm flag

If a password p is selected from a space of 2^64 passwords, and the server stores this as a hash, h = SHA-256(p||s) where s is a random 128-bit salt. How many maximum hashes would an attacker need to perform to recover "p" given (h,s)?

I was thinking that this is a pre-image attack so the attacker needs to find the same hash as the passwords. SHA-256 provides 256 bits of pre-image resistance. So  ...

Score: 2
jmcph4 avatar
Generic name for R1CS vs. AIR
bd flag

In the zero-knowledge cryptography nomenclature, we have multiple representations of arbitrary computation suitable for submission to various proof backends (e.g. Groth16). Two specific examples spring to mind: rank-1 constraint systems (R1CS) and Algebraic Intermediate Representations (AIR).

What are these called?

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.