Latest Crypto related questions

Score: 2
DDD avatar
Does homomorphic operations have to process one level by one level in BGV?
ng flag

Suppose the highest level is $L$. There are 2 ciphertexts from 2 different messages under the same secret key but in different level, one is in level $\ell$: $\mathsf{ct}(\pmb{m})\in\mathcal{R}_{Q_{\ell}}^{2}$, one is in level $k$: $\mathsf{ct'}(\pmb{m}')\in\mathcal{R}_{Q_{k}}^{2}$, and $k<l-1$.

We want to calculate homomorphic multiplication of $\mathsf{ct}$ and $\mathsf{ct'}$. Should we move

Score: 1
CryptoGuru avatar
What does AES-GCM provide?
bm flag

I am wondering does AES-GCM which uses Authenticated Encryption provide us with all 3 properties (Authenticity, Confidentiality, and Integrity), or does it not provide integrity?

Score: 2
John Targaryen avatar
Where is hash to curve used?
gt flag

I'm curious to hear of algorithms that use this new standard (there is a new IRTF CFRG Draft for it, for instance). It's useful for verifiably deterministic signatures on elliptic curves, but what else?

Score: 1
Daniele Linguaglossa avatar
nu flag

Hi I'm trying to understand the logic behind a CTF challenge basically we are given a program which encrypt some data, we have the following options:

  1. Select encryption mode (EBC, CBC, CTR, OFB, CFB)
  2. Encrypt the flag and see the resulting ciphertext
  3. Encrypt a choosen plaintext and see the resulting ciphertext

Now I think the weakest alg here is ECB, but bruteforce block of 128 bits seems not feasibl ...

Score: 3
user759 avatar
Semantic Security of Modified Textbook/Raw RSA
lt flag

Here's a modification of the textbook RSA scheme, in an attempt to achieve semantic security.

Key generation: chooses public key $pk = (N,e)$ and secret key $sk = d$ as in any RSA-based encryption scheme.

Encrypting message $m \in \mathbb{Z}^*_N$ using $pk$: Choose $x\gets \mathbb{Z}^*_N$, output $\mathsf{ct}_1 = x^e \bmod N$, $\mathsf{ct}_2 = (m + x \bmod N)^e \mod N$. Output $(\mathsf{ct}_1, \mathsf{c ...

Score: 5
fgrieu avatar
Consequence of improper validation in point decompression?
ng flag

Assume a standard ECC curve in a prime field $\mathbb F_p$ with $p\equiv3\pmod 4$, such as secp256k1; and code turning a bytestring for a compressed ECC public key into an Elliptic Curve point, that does as specified except in the following two emphasized spots:

2.1. Parse $M=Y\mathbin\|X$ as a single octet $Y$ followed by $\lceil(\log_2 q)/8\rceil$ octets $X$.

2.2. Convert $X$ to a field element

Score: -4
Roy Nahar avatar
Compressed Address public key
fi flag

Is it possible to get the x, y of the compressed public key?

I have decompress it and naturally it gives the xy of the decompress public key.

I need the xy coordinates of my compressed public key . How do I get it? Is there a python script I can get my hands on?

Update: I have tried it via

#! /usr/bin/env python3 

import binascii 
Score: 1
How does Ethereum BLS signature verification works?
tv flag

I am implementing BLS signature verification on smart contracts and I have a question regarding the way that Ethereum verifies the signature. Recall that bls signature works as

  • $e(P_2,H(m)_1)_T=e(G_2, S_1)_T$ where $_2$ and $_1$ denote points of $G_2$ and $G_1$, and $_T$ for $G_T$.
  • Off-chain, you take your secret $x$ , and do $x\,G_2\to P_2$ (your public key).
  • You then provide your public key $P_2$
Score: 2
Carlos Ribeiro avatar
Lattice-based Signatures and Hashes
US flag

Although many different lattice-based signature schemes exist, Hash and Sign signatures schemes, like [GPV08], are prevalent. On the other hand, it is well known that collision-resistant hash functions may be built out of lattice problems [SWIFFT08]. However, I've never seen a scheme that combines both; why? Such composition seems obvious, so I guess there is a good reason for its absence.

Can you h ...

Score: 1
Engo avatar
Best hash for PBKDF2?
sv flag

I have a my own PBKDF2 automated implementation that automatically salts the hash. The output looks like this:

\-- 24 byte salt ------/ \data/ \-- 48 byte output hash --------------/
  • Salt is a random byte array
  • Interations are stored in data
  • Output hash is a derived key
  • Everything is encoded using Base64Url, not including dots
Score: 3
baro77 avatar
Use of term "Commitment"
gd flag

As an amateur, my first encounter with commitments has been in the form of an hash of the committed value, then I have learnt about seeding the hash as blinding technique. Going on I have discovered how useful is the structure induced by Pedersen or El-Gamal commitments and the binding/hiding flavours. All of this to explain my current background.

Recently I have had a bird-eye view on KZG commitments

Score: 0
Caio Nogueira avatar
Post processing operations on pseudo-random generators
fi flag

I am struggling to solve this proof.

The goal is to prove that $H \circ G$, which is a composite function $H(G(s))$ can be a pseudo-random generator under some conditions on $H$, given that $G$ is also a pseudo-random generator. Note that $H$ is length-preserving.

However, I can't find a way to prove (using the definition of a pseudo-random generator) that if $H$ is bijective, deterministic, can be comp ...

Score: 3
jacobi_matrix avatar
How can you use ZK-proofs and public key signatures in this situation?
in flag

Let us say that we have 3 entities: an Issuer I , a user/prover P and a verifier V.

  1. V trusts I but does not trust u
  2. u wants to show that he respects some kind of property (eg. being over 18yo) to V without revealing their whole birth day
  3. V possesses the data that u needs to convince V, eg. using a ZK-proof, but V would not trust such a proof because u could easily use a fake date

How would you desig ...

Score: 2
A probable attack for RSA (factorization): how to improve it?
mn flag

A probable attack for RSA (factorization): how to improve it?

$N=8*G+3$ can be factored if there is a non-trivial negative $k$ such that

$\frac{(N*(9+24*k)-3)}{8}=-6*m^2 $

[to exclude the two trivial solutions $m=\frac{(N+1)}{4}-N*t$ and $m=N-\frac{(N+1)}{4}-N*t $]

given the system

$ \frac{[[8*[\frac{(N*(9+24*k)-3)}{8}+2*x^2*h^2-2*x^2+2*x*h-2*x]+3+6*n-(n*(n+4))]-4*n*y-3]}{8}-[4-\frac{(-(2*h-2)-7)*(- ...

Score: 2
Kaiden Prince avatar
How do KDFs work, and what existing implementations exist?
fr flag

TLDR/End goal

I want to encrypt a tree of data/files so that anyone with the master key K can decrypt everything, key K-1 can encrypt and decrypt anything encrypted with K-1-*, and so on. However, K-2* must not be able to decrypt any of K-1*.

First ideas/initial research

To be quite frank the only way I can think of achieving this is have each key be a public-secret pair and have each child create their ...

Score: 1
DDD avatar
How to understand these concepts in HE: Bootstrapping, Modular Switching, Key Switching, Evaluation, Relinearization?
ng flag

I want to distinguish different concepts: Bootstrapping, Modular Switching, and Key Switching. I am also sometimes confused about Evaluation & Relinearization.

My understanding of these concepts are:

  1. Bootstrapping is a method to shrink errors in ciphertext.

  2. Modular switching is just an arithmetic technique to transfer, for example, ring elements in $\mathcal{R}_{t}$ into $\mathcal{R}_{q}$.

Score: 1
Hyunhum avatar
How long does it take to decrypt AES encrypted message with salt(for pbkdf2 key) and iv known
bi flag

I'm new to crypto!

The situation is,

  • Aes-256-cbc encrypted message(including not encrypted iv & salt) is revealed.
  • We also know pbkdf2 function uses 10000 rounds with sha256.
  • All we need to decrypt the message is just put all the possible passwords in pbkdf2 function with 10000 rounds & sha256,
  • and then decrypt encrypted message with those keys with iv & salt revealed.

I tested with js code ...

Score: 0
zima blue avatar
Is it possible to define a new custom signed attribute for CAdES?
gu flag

Is it possible to introduce a new signed attribute in the CMS Advanced Signature format (RFC 5126) for a custom data type? I want to include location data from GPS or Galileo and extend CAdES for my thesis.

I would appreciate it if you can provide me with some directions if it makes sense.

Score: 0
How to test/calculate "how secure" an encryption algorithm is?
US flag

I'm new to the topic guys, but as there are literally too many encryption methods out there, too that I could even come up with many ideas of them, how to we actually test/calculate "how secure" an encryption algorithm is?

Do we a standard or a formula that we can use to test security level of encryption algorithm?

And how strong would a monoalphabetic cipher would be?

Score: 0
Aryan avatar
Can two ciphertexts that decrypt to the same plaintext be statistically "distant"?
md flag

It might be a little dumb: I think it should be possible, if I encrypt a plaintext using the same public key twice, it should be possible to end up with two ciphertexts that for whom the statistical distance is non-negligible.

Specifically, I was exploring a paper which required that the statistical distance between ciphertexts be negligible in ciphertext space (in terms of homomorphic encryption ...

Score: 1
Tom Finet avatar
Proving semantic security implies security from key-recovery attack
cc flag

I am working on problem 2.11 from the book: A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography by Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup. The problem reads as follows:

Problem 2.11: Let $\mathcal{E} = (E, D)$ be a cipher defined over $(\mathcal{K}, \mathcal{M}, \mathcal{C})$. A key recovery attack is modeled by the following game between a challenger and an adversary $\mathcal{A}$: the challenger chooses a random key

Score: 0
LlewellynS96 avatar
Is it secure to sign a JWT using RS256?
km flag

I have implemented an authentication scheme using JWT with assymetric keys (RS256). The idea is that (assuming some microservice-based acrhitecture) the authentication service will sign all JWTs with a secret/private key (PRIVATE_KEY) and distribute the public key (PUBLIC_KEY) to all other microservices, so they can verify whether 1) the JWT was issued by the authentication service and 2) the JWT was no ...

Score: 0
P_Gate avatar
Question about the definition of the CVP as an approximation variant
mq flag

I have a question about the definition of the (Closest Vector Problem) CVP. In the literature you can find for example this definition of the approximation variant of CVP:

$CVP_\gamma$, Search: Given a basis $B \in \mathbb{Z}^{m \times n}$ and a point $t \in \mathbb{Z}^m$, find a point $x \in \mathcal{L}(B)$ such that $\forall y \in \mathcal{L}(B)$,$||x-t|| \leq \gamma|| y-t ||$


My quest ...

Score: 0
HowieB avatar
Why not use Diffie/Hellman Prime Numbers MUCH larger than 2048 bits?
dk flag

Searches here indicate that D/H primes of 2048 bits are "safe"? How do we know that this is true? Using a pathetic retail laptop (Intel N5000 Silver) it's possible to find 60,000 bit primes and test them in about a week! Using a 60,000 bit prime in a custom D/H encryption program, and using the same pathetic retail laptop, encryption (or decryption) of a 100K byte message only takes a few seconds.

Score: 0
Gaston539 avatar
Is zero a valid exponent for a public RSA key?
ga flag

I'm having an issue with a key created by the manufacturer of an equipment. Checking the details of the key I've noticed that it's exponent is zero. Is this a valid exponent?

Score: 4
seanL avatar
XOR of a secure PRF is modified weakly secure PRF
bo flag

While reading A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography by Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup. There was the next exercise (Ex. 4.2 (b)), let $F$ be a secure PRF over $(K,X,Y)$ where $Y := \{0,1\}^n$ and $|X|$ is super-poly. Define $F_1(k, (x,y)) := F(k,x) \oplus F(k,y)$, prove that $F_1$ is weakly secure even if we modify the weak PRF attack game and allow the adversary A to query $F_1$ at one chosen point ...

Score: 4
Closest Vector Problem in RLWE
eg flag

I am interested in a polynomial form of the lattice problem Closest Vector Problem (C.V.P), or in other words if C.V.P. can be ''transferred'' to Ring-LWE.

My idea about this question is that a polynomial form of C.V.P will look like the following:

Let $R = \mathbb{Z}[X]/\Phi_M(X)$ and its residue filed $R_q = \mathbb{Z}_q[X]/\Phi_M(X)$ where $q$ is a modulus and $\Phi_M(X)$ a cyclotomic polynomial with

Score: 0
Juan Ramon Grandes avatar
How to apply codes to hide information in JPEG images in a more efficient way than F5?
yt flag

The F5 steganography algorithm hides information in images using binary codes. But when hiding a bit, the affected DCT coefficient becomes zero, it is necessary to hide the same bit again. This is because the receiver ignores DCT coefficients with a value of zero, and otherwise would not be able to read that bit. As this phenomenon usually occurs, the capacity is considerably reduced, at the same time a ...

Score: 1
heduncook avatar
Could I Use a Hash Function to Help Generate Cryptographic Key
tk flag

If I had a true random number generator that had a fault where 10-20% of the bits never change (these bits always produced the same value every time the TRNG was called), could I feed the result of the TRNG through a hash function (let's say SHA-256) to generate a unique and secure key?

Score: 6
randyrand avatar
Do RSA signatures really need padding?
mn flag

For encryption, we want identical plain-text's to encrypt to unique ciphers, also called Semantic Security.

For Signatures, the plain-text (i.e. message hash) is not a secret. The plain-text, if you can call it that, is publicly known. We don't need Semantic Security. There is no “plain-text”, so to speak. We aren’t encrypting.

So do we actually need padding in RSA Signatures? Does padding do  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.