Although many different lattice-based signature schemes exist, Hash and Sign signatures schemes, like [GPV08], are prevalent. On the other hand, it is well known that collision-resistant hash functions may be built out of lattice problems [SWIFFT08]. However, I've never seen a scheme that combines both; why? Such composition seems obvious, so I guess there is a good reason for its absence.
Can you help me on finding out why?
Details follow:
Briefly, [GPV08] like signatures may be instantiated on a polynomial ring $\mathcal{R}_q = \mathbb{Z}_q[X]/\langle X^N+1 \rangle$, by setting up a vector $\overrightarrow{\mathbf{a}} \in \mathcal{R}_q^k$ with a trapdoor $t$, and signing messages by sampling a vector $\overrightarrow{\mathbf{\sigma}} \in \mathcal{R}_q^k$, with a small norm, such that $\langle\overrightarrow{\mathbf{a}}, \overrightarrow{\mathbf{\sigma}}\rangle = H(m)$, with the help of the trapdoor $t$. Where $H(m) \in \mathcal{R}_q$ is the hash of the message $m$ parsed into a polynomial. The verification of the signature $\overrightarrow{\mathbf{\sigma}}$ is just the validation that $\langle\overrightarrow{\mathbf{a}}, \overrightarrow{\mathbf{\sigma}}\rangle = H(m)$ and that the norm of $\overrightarrow{\mathbf{\sigma}}$ is small.
On the other hand, the [SWIFFT08] hash function family is roughly defined by $H_b(m)= \langle \overrightarrow{\mathbf{b}}, \overrightarrow{\mathbf{m}}\rangle$, where $\overrightarrow{\mathbf{b}} \in \mathcal{R}_q^l$ is a uniform polynomial vector with coefficients in $\mathbb{Z}_q[X]$ and $\overrightarrow{\mathbf{m}} \in \mathcal{R}_q^l$ is a message polynomial vector with coefficients in {0,1}. So the message space is $2^{ln}$ bits.
For messages of at most $n$ bits, it seems that it would be trivial to join the two techniques, but I've never seen it. Does anyone know why?
[Edit] Lyubashevsky et al., in their original paper [SWIFFT08] pointed out that SWIFFT functions were not suitable to be used as random Oracles, because they are homomorphic under addition, and that can be used to construct a distinguisher, but nothing is said about signatures. In fact, given its strong collision-resistance property, SWIFFT functions seem ideal for the purpose.