Latest Crypto related questions

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Elliot avatar
Derrive a new key from Trusted Third Party (e.g. Kerberos) session key
gh flag

Kerberos (and I assume other Trusted Third Party protocols) use (hash) an existing shared secret key to create a session key used for authentication. I read that this authentication secret key can then be used to create another secret key to be used as the session key for message encryption.

"If a message integrity or confidentiality key is required, a Kerberos sub-key or a Kerberos session key  ...

Score: 0
xingxing hao avatar
Is it safe to sign a short token with salted md5
sn flag

I want to generate some tokens for client as http cookie

can I md5 them with salt and then use "<random token>"+"<md5>" as the token for they can be verified in a cheap way

is it safe?

Score: 1
S-N avatar
How CTR mode is encrypted?
gb flag

I referred to the explanation of encryption mode from Wikipedia, but I'm confused now, and I went to find some books about Cryptography, but it didn't solve my confusion.

The CTR mode uses Counter to participate in encryption.

But in Wikipedia, the encryption process is as follows:

It can be seen that both Nonce and Counter are encrypted by the block cipher encryption, so how are Nonce and Counter c ...

Score: 1
fandreas avatar
Findings solutions to a modular equation within specified intervals
ro flag

What are some approaches to find (ideally many/all) pairs of numbers $(x, y)$ with $ x \in [x_{\text{low}}, x_{\text{high}}]$ and $ y \in [y_{\text{low}}, y_{\text{high}}]$ such that the following holds:

$$a \cdot x \equiv y \pmod{m}$$

  • Exhaustive search is not feasible since the intervals are each greater than $10^{30}$.
  • $m$ is not necessarily prime.

Edit: added a numerical example:

m=10000000000 ...

Score: 0
Jordan avatar
Bandwidth-Efficient Non-Repudiation
kh flag

I'm working on a project that involves broadcast (uni-directional) streaming and requires non-repudiation. Essentially, a device broadcasts a data stream over the air, and any receiving station needs to be confident that the data was actually transmitted by the claimed device.

My initial thought is that the broadcaster has an X.509 certificate and, every N bytes in the stream, transmits a header w ...

Score: 3
Zpeed78 avatar
LWE and distributions
sa flag

In LWE, the error term $e$ is "classically" obtained from the discrete normal distribution. Why is it so often found that this distribution is used? Are there other possibilities for distributions?

The secret $s$ is often uniformly distributed, this makes sense, if one wants to "hide" just the secret in the (uniformly distributed) matrix $A$. But would LWE remain safe if $s$ did not result from a unifo ...

Score: 0
tzippy avatar
Create PKCS12 file from EC Private and Public key pair
hu flag

I have a file with an EC Public Private Key Pair and curve parameters:

openssl ec -in keyfile.pem -noout -text
read EC key
Private-Key: (256 bit)
    aa:bb:cc:aa:bb:ccaa:bb:ccaa:bb:ccaa:bb:c ...
Score: 3
Ankeet Saha avatar
How to check if a number is a generator of a cyclic multiplicative group
cw flag

Suppose I have a 2048 bit prime number p. Now for the group $Z_p$, could someone please tell me an efficient algorithm to check whether a randomly chosen number is a generator for the group or not

Score: 1
m123 avatar
Independence of the inputs in multi-party computations
cn flag

My Main Question:

Do we always require to be sure that the inputs of the parties in a secure multi-party computation are independent? i.e., one party's inputs do not have dependency on the other parties inputs? (this paper claims that the inputs must be independent)

Explanation and subquestions:

If this is the case, isn't it in contrast with the power of malicious adversaries who can select their ...

Score: 0
Alan Whitteaker avatar
Is private key generation without prior communication possible in naive RSA?
sl flag

From what I have understood of naive RSA (without padding) so far, it seems that A and B must first decide on the prime factors in order for B to generate its private key to decrypt A's message. I do understand that the RSA system helps in the establishment of a secure "channel", rather than having to rely on creating a new secure channel everytime between A and B, but isn't this a circular argument?

Score: 4
JP. avatar
Zero-knowledge card shuffle
se flag

I'm trying to design a zero-knowledge protocol for the creation of a shuffled deck of cards for use by two players. Naturally this requires that neither player knows the order of the cards after the shuffle, nor what card was drawn by the other during play, but I'd also like to be able to do this without needing a trusted third party as well.

My best efforts so far only require a trusted third pa ...

Score: 0
Adam54 avatar
Deriving a signature without the signer
ng flag

Say we have an element $g=H(m)$ in a group (this element may or may not be a generator of the group).

Are there signature schemes that enable to sign this element, and then to be able to derive a signature of $g^a$ for a chosen $a$ without the presence of the signer?

Thank you for your help.

Score: 0
macknight avatar
The relationship between polynomial degree and HE performance
lr flag

any paper mentioning the performance decreases with N? why when N is increasing, the performance decreases? any papers?


Score: 0
LePetit avatar
Regarding: Pseudorandomness, Pseudorandomgenerators and Padding
ag flag

Hey there guys and gals,

so I am right now studying topics regarding pseudorandomness.

  1. I was wondering why, for example with CBC-MAC oder a regular CBC blockcipher, we use padding instead of a PRG. If the block size is not a whole multiple of the clear text m, we could just use a PRG with the seed as the last block of m ? Or would that be "deterministic" since the seed is not selected truly random ? ...

Score: 0
Josh666 avatar
How to transform a point (x,y) from y^2=x^3+7 to y^2=x^3+2 using sextic operations
pg flag

Point on curve y^2=x^3+2 (to be found/result): Q2 = E2(68702062392910446859944685018576437177285905222869560568664822150761686878291, 78930926874118321017229422673239275133078679240453338682049329315217408793256)

Known parameters are:

p = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663

E2 = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [0,2])

Point on curve y^2=x^3+7 (to be transformed): (538610160 ...

Score: 0
Weierstrass99 avatar
PRFs with long outputs and short keys
ms flag

Assume I have a PRF $F$, with polynomial key length $s_{F}(n)\geq n$, and output length $l(n)$.

I need to construct a PRF $F'$, with key length $s_{F'}(n)=n$ and output length $l(n)$.

I thought about the following construction: $$F'(k,x)=F_{F(k',0)F(k',1)...F(k',m)}(x)$$ where $|k'| \leq |k|$ is an output of $s$ for some $n$, such that it will be possible key for $F'$, even if means discarding of some  ...

Score: 0
constantine avatar
Does randomization make a big difference in the output of the BKZ algorithm?
cn flag

We all know that block Korkine-Zolotarev (BKZ) algorithm is essentially a deterministic lattice reduction algorithm. However, in the actual implementation, the BKZ algorithm contains some randomization, For example, the actual algorithm will do some random unimodular transformations on the lattice basis in order to obtain a better reduced basis. I wonder if this subtle change will make a big diff ...

Score: 1
Mohit Mittal avatar
Can someone give a comprehensive guide on how to run NIST SP 800 90B entropy assessment c code in windows?
pn flag

I am trying to run the github code in windows 11. I don't know what all I need to install in my laptop to run the C++ code. It would be a great help if someone can point out the steps to run the code.

Score: 0
Samuel Amantea-Collins avatar
Hybrid encryption parameters when using elliptic curve keys
do flag

I wrote a command line application for encrypting/decrypting files to your local machine. The idea is you have an asymmetric key pair where the private key is stored encrypted and the public key is stored in plain text. This way you can encrypt data without having to "unlock" the application (decrypt your private key), but you must run the unlock command and provide your password to decrypt anything.

Score: 4
Prankster2k avatar
Optimize the speed of a safe prime finder in C
co flag

I am trying to implement the Schnorr’s identification protocol in C. I need a safe prime in order to be able to find a generator of the cyclic group efficiently. The problem is that my program takes too much time to find the safe prime. I am using Libsodium for generating random numbers and GMP for arbitrary precision arithmetic:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <std ...
Score: 0
Threshold encryption
es flag

Is there any (k,n)-threshold encryption scheme, such that the decryption process is non-interactive, i.e., the decryption can be processed "in a line" where each party "in the middle of the line" receives a partially decrypted ciphertext, perform partially decryption itself, and then pass it on to some other party?

It can be assumed that the key generation is interactive.

Score: 2
user479610 avatar
Regev's learning with error
so flag

If we talk about the security of public key encryption in Regev's lwe system, if attacker would have knowledge of $(u,u'):[\mathbf u=A\mathbf r, \mathbf u'=\mathbf b^t\mathbf r + \mu q/2, \mathbf r\in\{0,1\}^m]$ and $\mathbf b$, then value of $\mathbf r$ in $\mathbf u'$ can be guessed easily by the knowledge of $\mathbf u$ and $\mathbf A$ and so the value of message($\mu$) from $\mathbf u'$, so how is thi ...

Score: 1
Gux avatar
In hardware, why using an algebraic implementation of a (small) S-Box instead of a LUT?
ve flag

There is this cool paper exposing a side channel protected implementation of keccak, in particular Domain Oriented Masking for the Chi function. The Chi function is a 5bit S-Box, so can also be seen as a lookup table of 32 5bit values. My question is, in an hardware implementation with no cache allowing a cache attack (I guess), why bother implementing the masked  ...

Score: 1
Kevin Stefanov avatar
Security of keys that are as long as the data
pa flag

If both communicating sides end up with the same secret 3000-bit key, is it enough to XOR each byte of the messages with each byte of the secret key to make it secure?

Wikipedia says it is, but I wanted to ask if this is still the case nowadays.

That would mean each message can be up to 375 bytes in size, so that each of its bytes can be XOR'd with each of the secret key's bytes, then each byte of t ...

Score: 0
phoenixestant avatar
The specific nature of a 51% attack - in relation to a multiple choice question that I was marked as incorrect on
bz flag

In a course I'm taking the following question came up:

A 51% attack means:

  A. 51% of the nodes are bots 

  B. 51% of the nodes are hackers
  C. 51% of the nodes are offline or disabled 

  D. 51% of the nodes agree on something

I had answered D, but the correct answer was given as B.

As far as I am aware, I believe that it was required (in a proof of stake system) to acquire 51% of the staked c ...

Score: 2
Riemann avatar
Is Python secrets module using a unsafe RNG on Windows?
pa flag

The Python secrets module claims to produce cryptographically secure random numbers. I did some research on which random number generator is used when you call the secrets module on Windows. I found the following:

->secrets uses random

->random uses os.urandom

->os.urandom uses _PyOS_URandom() from Python/bootstrap_hash.c

->_PyOS_URandom() uses the Windows CryptGenRandom algorithm.

How ...

Score: 3
rozbb avatar
Does CCA security require rejection?
br flag

It seems like every CCA-secure KEM1 has some sort of check that the decapsulator performs. Sometimes failure will result in rejection ("explicit rejection") or the decapsulator will simply return a random value ("implicit rejection", like in Fujisaki-Okamoto without aborts). But in any case, the decapsulator knows when a decapsulation fails.

Is this necessary? Is there a CCA-secure KEM where decrypting  ...

Score: 1
bobby avatar
On the bit security of elliptic curves
pa flag

My understanding is that an elliptic curve $E$ over a finite field $\mathbf{F}_q$ has a bit security of $\sqrt{q}$ assuming Pollard rho or Baby-step giant-step. In this thread, it is explained that the field $\mathbf{F}_{2^{256}}$ has a bit security of $128$, but the field $\mathbf{F}_{2^{256^{2}}}$ supposedly only has a bit security of $\approx60$. I struggle to understand why this is.

Thank you ...

Score: 0
J. Doe avatar
Has AES some keys which are related to each other? e.g. $\forall m: AES(AES(m,k1),k2)=AES(AES(m,k2),k1)$ or $AES^n(m,k1)=AES(m,k2)$. How to find them?
at flag

Do $\exists $ keys $k_1, k_2$ which given any (128-bit) message $m$ are related to each other by being

  • commutative to each other with $AES(AES(m,k_1),k_2)=AES(AES(m,k_2),k_1)$ $\forall m$ and generally $AES(m,k_1) \not= AES(m,k_2)$
  • or $k_2$ is equal to applying $n$-times $k_1$ with $AES^n(m,k_1)=AES(m,k_2)$ with $AES^n(m,k_1) = AES(AES^{n-1}(m,k_1),k_1)$, and $k_1 \not= k_2, n > 1$,
    target si ...
Score: 0
r j avatar
who creates the passkey (and how many will be created)?
us flag
r j

Passkey is nice. The math is nice. The tech is nice.

What I still dont see after sooo many hours: what software creates the passkey. User autonomy is important and it is a (private) key question (pun intended). I do not really see this answered anywhere.

Of course it is created on the device. But is it the pass manag ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.