
Integer factorization $n = pq$ with additional knowledge of $\lfloor \sqrt{p} \rfloor \oplus \lfloor \sqrt{q}\rfloor$

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We know that we can factor integer $n = pq$ when we know that $p\oplus q$, where $\oplus$ means xor. If we know $\lfloor \sqrt{p} \rfloor \oplus \lfloor \sqrt{q}\rfloor$, can we factor $n$?

fgrieu avatar
ng flag
The question is unlikely to have any practical application to cryptography, but it's nevertheless fun. The answer might depend on $\log_2(n)$, and $-\log_2((p-q)/(p+q))$.
Myria avatar
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Do you have a link on how to factor if you have the XOR of the two factors? That sounds like a cool trick. Knowing $p + q$ also factors $pq$.
vfenux avatar
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vfenux avatar
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@fgrieu, I guess we can find all possible $\lfloor\sqrt{p}\rfloor$ and $\lfloor\sqrt{q}\rfloor$ first, but I don't know what to do.

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