
Alternative definition of secret sharing using entropy

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I ame reading the paper "Secret-Sharing schemes: A survey" by Amos Beimel. Here there are two definitions of secret sharing. The first one states:\ A distribution scheme $\langle \Pi,\mu \rangle$ with domain of secrets $S$ is a secret-sharing scheme realizing an access structure $\mathscr{A}$ if the following holds:

  • Correctness: the secret $s$ can be reconstructed by any authorized set of parties. That is, $\forall B \in \mathscr{A}$ there exists a $Recon_B$ algorithm such that $$ \Pr[Recon_B(\Pi(s,r)_B) = s] = 1 \qquad \forall s \in S $$ where $\Pi(s,r)_B$ denotes a restriction of $\Pi(s,r)$ to its $B$ entries.
  • Perfect Privacy: every unauthorized set cannot learn anything about the secret from their shares. Formally, $\forall\,T \notin \mathscr{A}, \forall\,a,b \in S$ and for every vector of shares $\langle s_j\rangle_{P_j \in T}$: $$ \Pr[\,\Pi(a,r)_T = \langle s_j\rangle_{P_j \in T}\,] = \Pr[\,\Pi(b,r)_T = \langle s_j\rangle_{P_j \in T}\,]. $$

The second definition uses the notion of entropy and states: A distribution scheme $\langle \Pi,\mu \rangle$ is a secret-sharing scheme realizing an access structure $\mathscr{A}$ if the following conditions hold:

  • Correctness: For every set $B \in \mathscr{A}$, \begin{equation*} H(S|S_B) = 0. \end{equation*}
  • Perfect Privacy: For every unauthorized set $T \notin \mathscr{A}$, \begin{equation*} H(S|S_T) = H(S). \end{equation*}

What I am trying to do is prove that the two definitions are equivalent.

Marc Ilunga avatar
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To help better understand the question, it will be helpful to fix the notation a bit. Currently, the same symbols are used to denote sets and random variables.
lamontap avatar
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Here are a couple of pointers to get you started. Every probability distribution that has entropy 0 must satisfy $\Pr[S=s]=1$ for some $s$ and $\Pr[S=s']=0$ for $s\neq s'$. If $A$ and $B$ are two random variables such that $H(A|B)=0$, then when we condition on $B$, $A$ becomes deterministic, so there exists a function that computes $A$ given $B$. If two random variables $A$ and $B$ are independent, then $H(A|B)=H(A)$.
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Work in progress...

Intuitively, the definitions are equivalent given that entropy is a measure of uncertainty, or knowledge we have about something. Conditional entropy $H(X|Y)$ measures how much we know about $X$ after we know $Y$.

Correctness: A conditional entropy of zero means $Y$ fully defines $X$. For a correct secret sharing schemes, authorized sets should be able to reconstruct the secret (with probability 1). Which also means, the secret is fully defined by shares.

Privacy: unauthorized sets should not reconstruct the secret. Which can also be stated as shares from unothorized sets are statically independent of the secret; alternative, the entropy expression in the definition. :)

Cristie avatar
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Thank you for your answer. I got the idea of the proof but cannot prove it formally
Marc Ilunga avatar
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@Cristie, I will try and flesh out the details some more soon.
Marc Ilunga avatar
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Actually @Cristie, it would be helpful to know where in the formalization of the proof you're stuck to help make the answer as relevant as possible, i.e., : avoid talking about things you know already.
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