Latest Crypto related questions

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alpominth avatar
Once a secure hash function built up a (fast) internal hash table, can data to be hashed be different from the data inserted when doing the lookups?
il flag

One experienced user of this forum said: "The key is the input of the hash function to build up a fast internal hash table. The key is hashed again to perform the lookup.".

If I hash a data such as a 262144-bytes seed (as SMhasher does) is passed through a hash function to build up a fast internal hash table, can the secondary lookups include different data such as a counter appended to the seed again? I ...

Score: 5
PCFX avatar
Is it insecure to sign the value 0 with ElGamal?
sl flag

Is it insecure to sign the plaintext 0 with ElGamal signature algorithm? Can this leak the private key, give the possibility to forge other signatures or does provide any other attack vector?

Score: 1
Kevin Perez avatar
Frequency Monobits Test
ge flag

As detailed in the paper Statistical test suite for random and pseudorandom number generators for cryptographic applications by NIST, the first test is given as a basic significance test, it uses a bit sum and calculates the p-value and test statistic. But I do not have the clearest understanding of why $S_{obs}$ is defined as the sum of the sequence divided by the square root of the length of the s ...

Score: 0
rzxh avatar
Is there any new progress on the issue of 2-server private information retrieval with secret shared index?
de flag

Recently, I encountered a secret retrieval problem. In my scenario, two parties each holds a secret share of index $i$, and they want to get $bucket_i$ together. I found that CCS17 paper Floram is quite good, they observed that computing PRG with general 2PC method like GC can be avoided when generating FSS correction words, which is a very neat idea. However, they needed to decrypt that encrypted

Score: 1
Cisco Saeed avatar
How to recover y-coordinates when using XZ montgomery curve
pl flag

I am using Montgomery ladder with Montgomery curve $by^2=x^3+ax^2+x$ using XZ coordinates and I recovered the $X$ value using $X3=X1/Z1$, but I don't know how to recover the $Y$ coordinates.

for Double and add ladder I am using this:

      A = X2+Z2
      AA = A2
      B = X2-Z2
      BB = B2
      E = AA-BB
      C = X3+Z3
      D = X3-Z3
      DA = D*A
      CB = C*B
      X5 = Z1*(DA+CB)2
Score: 0
gabbar avatar
Clarification regarding AES-CTR
tk flag

I was recently trying to perform a AES-128 CTR Encryption and Decryption.

I had a observation that if a AES-CTR encrypted value is encrypted again (with same key and Iv) it results in the plain text that was in encrypted in first place.

Just want to the reason behind this and does any other AES scheme support this similar behaviour ?


Score: 0
Aditya avatar
Is size of key space divisible by size of message space for a encryption scheme following perfect secrecy?
no flag

In a perfectly secret encryption scheme, any ciphertext c can be decrypted in |K| ways and it should decrypt to any message with equal probability (assume messages are uniformly distributed over message space). Does this imply that |K|(size of key space) is always divisible by |M| (size of message space) for perfect secrecy?

Score: 1
Wan avatar
prove of disprove the modified shannon's theorem when the correctness requirement is relaxed
se flag

Suppose the correctness requirement of private-key encryption scheme is now relaxed to require only that $$ \Pr[Dec_k(Enc_k(m)) = m] \ge \frac{1}{2} + \epsilon. $$ Prove of disprove that if an encryption scheme satisfies the perfect secrecy and the relaxed correctness, then $|M| \le 2|K|$, where $M, K$ are the message space and the key space, respectively.

The following is my thinking. Assume $|M| > 2 ...

Score: 2
Abdelrahman avatar
Threshold of resistance against Linear Cryptanalysis
jp flag

In the AES proposal, the last sentence on page 30 it is said:

To be resistant against LC, it is a necessary condition that there are no linear trails with a correlation coefficient higher than 2^(n/2)

I know that the correlation coefficient can have values in the range [-1,1]. Moreover, In the same proposal, they mentioned that

we prove that there are no 4-round linear trails with a correlation above 2 ...

Score: 3
ikeachairs avatar
Time Complexity of RSA Trial Division
ba flag

I'm having trouble understanding how time complexity of trial division is exponential.

If it takes $\sqrt n$ tries to factor $n$ in the worst case scenario then time complexity is $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt n)$, which I thought would mean that the number of operations grows slower than the increase in the number of inputs. So how would that be inefficient if polynomial time is considered efficient?

It makes s ...

Score: 1
bilaljo avatar
Quantum-Safe MAC: HMAC and CMAC
pe flag

If understood right, CMAC is not quantum-safe because it relies on AES-128 (which isn't considered as quantum-safe), while HMAC is, because it relies on SHA3 (which is considered as quantum-safe). Did I understand this right?

Score: 4
siba36 avatar
Where did the number of initial plaintexts required for impossible cryptanalysis on Mini-AES came from?
us flag

I'm implementing impossible differential cryptanalysis on AES and I've started with implementing it on mini-AES to fully understand the process using R.Phan's paper as a reference.

But I don't understand the initial pairs preperation step: ![first step of impossible differential cryptanalysis on Mini-AES

In the paper the author say to obtain $2^{13}$ plaintext $P$ and another $2^{13}$ plaintext $P^{'}$ which are equal in the second and third nibble and from those plai ...

Score: 2
Joe avatar
Forging an ECDSA signature for a random public key string
kp flag

An adversary is able to insert a random string (which he does not control: he can only randomly generate it and insert it). The random string is parsed by the victim as an ECDSA public key. This public key is used to verify a signature (the adversary can insert whatever signature he chooses). Is this a vulnerability? E.g. what are the chances the random string ends up corresponding to a low order curve  ...

Score: 2
Tatsuya avatar
Sending photons in Quantum Cryptography
hn flag

Bob has two detectors + and x. You can see it in the picture I sent. Alice sends a photon with vertical polarization and Bob uses the + detector and the detector is detecting Alice's photon.

Bob's + detector detects when the polarization of the photon from Alice is either vertical or horizontal. (because it is + detector)

Bob can only tell if his detector is detecting a photon or not, if it is detec ...

Score: 1
Dimitri Koshelev avatar
Are you aware of cryptographic contexts (e.g., post-quantum) in which a square root $\sqrt{\cdot}$ must be computed in constant time?
id flag

Let $\mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field of odd characteristic. I know that a constant-time implementation of the square root extraction $\sqrt{\cdot} \in \mathbb{F}_q$ is used in the context of hashing to elliptic curves (see Appendix I of the draft).

Are you aware of other cryptographic contexts in which a square root $\sqrt{\cdot}$ must be computed in constant time to be protected against timing a ...

Score: 1
Jakab Martin avatar
What is the proof that the RSA is collision-free?
cl flag

We have the RSA function: $c = m^e (mod n)$. I would like to know the proof that there is not an $m_1$ and an $m_2$ message that produce the same $c$.

My thoughts:

We know that $m \le n$, so $m_1 \ncong m_2 (mod n)$. We also know that if $a \cong b (mod n)$, then $a^k \cong b^k (mod n)$. So if $m_1 \ncong m_2 (mod n)$ then $m_1^e \ncong m_2^e (mod n)$?

Score: 1
alpominth avatar
Why do the hash functions tested by SMhasher appear to be exceptionally fast?
il flag

In SMhasher, it seems that data (keys) are read one by one sequentialy, and not splited and:

MiB/sec: The average of the Bulk key speed test for alignments 0-7 with 262144-byte keys. The higher the better.

/\ This is written in its README.

The author said that are the output of hash functions that is measured.

Take a fast hash function tested by SMhasher, for example Blake3, it has 1288.84 MiB/S  ...

Score: 1
Paritosh007 avatar
How is a message $\mu$ encrypted in a witness encryption scheme below? What does C(x) = 1 mean below?
sm flag

I was reading this paper, where I came across the following statement on Pg 4 under the Homomorphic Commitments:

A witness encryption scheme, associated with a NP language, consists of an encryption and a decryption algorithm: Anyone can encrypt their message µ under an NP instance and the decryption algorithm can obtain µ using the witness to this instance. We use witness encryption as follows: T ...

Score: 0
user1035648 avatar
master secret key or master private key in functional encryption
pt flag

In public-key encryption, we have a pair of private key, public key for each user.
In functional encryption (like Identity-Based Encryption (IBE), Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) and ...), we have public parameters, master secret key, public key and secret key for each user or functionality.
Asking about terminology,

Why the term "master secret key" was not called "master private key"?
Is t ...

Score: 0
Simon Balfe avatar
Differential trails in differential cryptanalysis
ir flag

From section 4.4 of this book

I'm confused on how the differential trail is formed given they don't know the round key. I would love if someone could give a clear example of how this attack actually works. They mention you can calculate the output xor without knowi ...

Score: 1
Paritosh007 avatar
What does a semi-malicious setting mean in MPC? How is it different from malicious or semi-honest setting?
sm flag

I was reading this paper, where I came across the following statement:

We consider the problem of unbounded MPC with security against semi-malicious adversaries in the dishonest majority setting. In our communication model, parties publish their first message through a broadcast channel which is immediately delivered to all participants. At any point in time, any subset S of participants (with a  ...

Score: 1
rouguex avatar
SUPERCOP benchmark of signature scheme: Number of cycles of key generation
kg flag

I'm having troubles in interpreting the output of the SUPERCOP benchmarks of some digital signature schemes.

Precisely, I don't understand how to read the number of cycles for the key generation. This should be found in the line of the SUPERCOP output file with the keyword "keypair_cycles". However, I find three such lines, with significantly different numbers. Below the three lines from the benc ...

Score: 1
leon._ avatar
Single Term Off-Line Coins : Corrections on the final signatures
gg flag

I am making an implementation of Niels Ferguson's paper: Single Term Off-Line Coins in Python.

In the Coin withdrawal protocol, in the last steps, Alice checks that the signatures she received are correct. She checks if she needs to adjust the signatures by making corrections. When I run the program I get most of the times that $S_{b}^{v} = C^{U}B$ but not that $S_{a}^{v} = C^{k}A$. I try to find c ...

Score: 4
How can a verifier benefit from being malicious or dishonest in a Zero Knowledge interactive proof?
et flag

Several texts talk about malicious/dishonest verifiers in a zero-knowledge interactive proof but none of them properly detail how a dishonest verifier can gain extra knowledge over an honest verifier using some examples like "Quadratic Residue Interactive proof" or "graph 3 colouring Interactive proof".

I went over the proofs for these 2 examples for honest verifier where obviously no knowledge is  ...

Score: 2
Yiyi avatar
How to compare two field elements in Arithmetic Circuit?
wf flag

Given two field elements as input of Arithmetic Circuit (consists of adding gates and multiplicating gates only), how could I output the bigger one? Or, how to place the gates in order to distinguish which one is bigger (using Arithmetic Circuit)? Could you please describe the method in picture?

In Zero-knowledge Proof, the statement to be proved would be described in a standard form first, such as Boolea ...

Score: 1
Clara Raquel avatar
best HMACSHA signed JWT secret length
id flag

I would like to use JWT but one thing I'm still thinking is ¿what is the best length for the secret?

If I'm using HS512 as a signing method the secret should have a length of 512 bits as far as I understand and I imagine that 512 bits are 64 characters (of 1 byte) because the secret is a string, as far as I understand.

But what I noticed Is that I could use any length I want for the secret, 1 chara ...

Score: 1
BAO avatar
Encrypting Small messages (BLE Beacon) - with little entropy - symmetric
cf flag

I want to encrypt Bluetooth Beacon data. I was wondering if having very little entropy in the clear text would make the key easier to guess? The maximum data length is 31 bytes

An example of the data (packed struct): where sequence monotonically increases, all other measurements have small variations between readings (nature of what's being measured, think 25.00 -> 25.01 -> 25.02 -> 25.0 ...

Score: 2
Jim avatar
How to multiply the Pedersen Commitment of two numbers?
cw flag

Given two numbers $x_1$, $x_2$ and their respective binding numbers, $b_1$ and $b_2$, let's take their Pedersen Commitment to be $C(x_n, b_n)$ $\forall n=1,2$.

What is $C(x_1 * x_2, b_1 * b_2)$?

Score: 7
user5207081 avatar
Are rejected Dilithium commitments secret?
cn flag

On 6 March, Yi Lee sent over the NIST mailing list an announcement of their submitted paper that found a flaw in the original security proof for Dilithium. In their manuscript, they fix the proof on paper, and they also verified whole proof using EasyCrypt. URL:

In Section 3.2, paragraph "The ‘Program once’ game hop", they bound the distance between $\mathcal{A}^\textsf{Pr ...

Score: 1
mad0x60 avatar
When could CPA work against non-deterministic encryption schemes?
ba flag

Is there a non-deterministic encryption scheme that is vulnerable to a CPA? I got asked this in an interview and I answered with no but the interviewer said that my answer is wrong. Would somebody clarify if this is possible?

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.