Latest Crypto related questions

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rerouille avatar
Difference between Decryption-failure and Plaintext-checking oracles
dk flag

I am reading this paper, which in the introduction, tells about two main types of key recovery SCAs :

  • Reaction_type SCAs, which uses a decryption failure oracle
  • Message-recovery-type SCAs, which uses a plaintext-checking oracle

I don't understand the difference between these two oracles. In this presentation, the authors categorize three different oracles, including these two.

My understanding is th ...

Score: 2
Mr. McNiki avatar
Why is $d = e^{-1} \mod \phi(N) \equiv e^{\phi(N)-1} \mod \phi(N)$ and not commonly used in RSA key generation?
ao flag

On some lecture slides regarding to RSA-Encryption, the formula for calculation of the private key is given as $d = e^{-1} \equiv e^{\phi(N)-1} \mod \phi(N)$. The second equation is justified by the fact that $gcd(e,\phi(N))=1$.

My questions:

1.How does the second equality come about? I know, that Eulers Theorem shows, that $a^{\phi(b)} \equiv 1 \mod b$ for coprime $a,b$. So why we dont need to write

Score: 2
securityauditor avatar
Recommended puzzles?
sa flag

I am beginning my journey into Cryptography, having studied a theory-heavy master's degree module, and I have also read The Code Book by Simon Singh, among many other online resources.

What puzzle books would the community recommend, just so I can get into the mindset of code-breaking? I noticed that certain newspapers have puzzles that are just like the Playfair Cipher. This is something that sh ...

Score: 3
samuel-lucas6 avatar
CX vs padding fix for AEAD key commitment
bs flag

The padding fix by Albertini et al. for AEAD key commitment (pp. 3292 and 3301-3302) involves prepending a block or two of zeros to the plaintext before encrypting. After decryption, these bytes are checked to be zero to verify that the same key was used for decryption.

The Counter-then-Xor (CX) construction by Bellare and Hoang (pp. 25-26) involves encrypting a nonce padded with zeros concatenate ...

Score: 1
secret-token avatar
How can knowledge of a secret be compared among untrusted entities?
si flag

Lets say entity A sends a secret "token" to anybody that they trust.
The token itself is the proof and its sent equally to everybody and it has or needs to be derived from application specific data.

Entities B, C and D get the same token and want to publish a timestamped event for proof, but they don't trust anybody, each of them separately, salt&hash the secret and publish it to the outer world. ...

Score: 2
Pedro avatar
Clarification on the intractability of the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem
im flag

I'm currently going through the book "Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography" by Darrel Hankerson, Scott Vanstone, and Alfred Menezes. In the book, the authors state that

[…] there is no mathematical proof that the ECDLP is intractable. That is, no one has proven that there does not exist an efficient algorithm for solving the ECDLP. Indeed, such a proof would be extremely surprising. For example, the n ...

Score: 7
nitchan avatar
Why is Threefish not widely used?
gr flag

I haven't seen Threefish widely used. For example, I've seen Twofish used in file encryption software, even though it was not standardized, but I've never seen Threefish. Are there security issues?

Score: 1
n-l-i avatar
Can HKDF be used in place of a cryptographic hash function?
cx flag

For context, I'm making a non-production grade reference implementation of the balloon hash function using the Web Crypto API. In order to make it less susceptible to certain attacks on common memory hard KDFs, the number of memory blocks should be reduced, meaning their size should increase. I am however restricted in the choice of cryptographic functions to the functions defined in the SubtleCrypto inte ...

Score: 2
foo avatar
Confusion+Diffusion comparison table? (e.g. with Avalanche Criterion / SAC)
br flag

I'm looking for a general comparison of encryption algorithms in regard to Confusion and Diffusion (as defined by Claude Shannon), and if possible, specifically for their SAC and BIC quality.

For example, xor-streaming ciphers have no (0, zero, zilch) diffusion - you switch 1 bit in the ciphertext, you know which single bit in the plaintext after decryption will be flipped.

Most ciphers, especially blo ...

Score: 1
Rafael Werlang avatar
Is a single 256 bits hash table in which the digests are from mixed cryptographic hashing algorithms still considered collision resistant?
aw flag

Consider a single hash table containing digests from about 10 different 256 bits cryptographic hashing functions, like SHA256, SHA3, KECCACK256, BLAKE2, BLAKE3, etc...

Is such table still considered collision resistant?

I am inclined to think so, but I might be missing something.

Score: 3
infinite-blank- avatar
Quickest way to find MD5 collision
es flag

I'm trying to find a MD5 hash collision between 2 numbers such that one is prime and the other is composite (at most 1024-bit). I'm using fastcoll with random prefixes for each iteration.

For this I wrote this script:

import subprocess
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, isPrime
import string
import random

won = False

N = 10

while not won:
    # Run the fastcoll executable to generate ...
Score: 0
SN-Grotesque avatar
How does the public key cryptography algorithm generate a public key based on the private key?
im flag

Because of the need of the project, I want to develop a simple public key cryptography algorithm, but I have doubts when generating the key pair.

I have learned about the key generation process of RSA. It is to prepare two coprime numbers (p, q), multiply them to obtain N, and then calculate L (that is, L=lcm (p-1, q-1)), calculate the public key (pk is a number larger than 1 and smaller than L,  ...

Score: 2
crypt avatar
Paper based OTP and MAC
cn flag

Consider the following paper based OTP

  1. Plaintext has 11 possible symbols 0-10.
  2. $C_i = M_i + K_i\ mod\ 11$.
  3. $K_i$ comes from a pre-shared key material which is never reused.

How to introduce data integrity/ MAC in it which can be calculated using pen & paper.

Score: 0
Bean Guy avatar
Why it is important the notion of equivalent divisors in pairing definitions?
in flag

Following the book Pairing for Beginners, the Tate pairing computation requirements are:

  1. Let $P$ be an point on the $r$-torsion subgroup in $E(\mathbb{F}_q)$.
  2. Let $f$ be a function whose divisor is $(f) = f(P) - r(\mathbb{O})$.
  3. Let $Q$ be a point of $E(\mathbb{F}_{q^k})$.
  4. Let $D_Q$ be a degree zero divisor that is equivalent to $(Q) - (\mathbb{O})$, with disjoint support to the one of $(f)$.

The  ...

Score: 2
Joe avatar
Why must ECDSA verification ensure the point is on the curve?
kp flag

In ECDSA, when parsing the public key a test is made to ensure the public key really lies on the curve. What vulnerabilities appear if one does not do this?

Score: 1
user108142 avatar
LWE encryption: Errors for encrypted messages
sy flag

I am following this paper Encryption from Learning with Errors for the generation of errors e1 and e2 to retrieve the ciphertext u and v as described below.

u = Ar + e1
v = br + m (q/2) + e2

For this text:

We require for this algorithm to work that the χ distribution has a mean of zero and, with overwhelming probability falls into the range [−q/4, q/4]. If we require perfect correctness, then we can ...

Score: 2
misaq saadat avatar
Implementing ECDSA threshold using a secret sharing scheme
am flag

My question might be a duplicate but I wasn't able to find a similar question.

I recently developed a wallet-like app and I am trying to implement some MPC features.

I searched a little and even asked ChatGPT about how I can achieve that.

I know how ECdsa and how Shamir’s secret sharing work but I can't find a way to combine their functionalities.

I need functionality similar to this:

n parties have ...

Score: 0
troubleddev avatar
Use name as the initialization vector to encrypt passwords for users
ps flag

I'm using AES-256-CBC to encrypt password for a set of users, and for each user in the database we gotta generate and store the password in the database. The database has constraint that the name of the user must be unique, so I was wondering if using the name of the person as the initialization vector was okay, because names are sufficiently random for a cryptographic perspective, if I encode it to ...

Score: 2
Kevin Perez avatar
Walsh-Hadamard transform in randomness testing
ge flag

I am working on using the Hadamard transform as a way to map randomly generated values and then apply statistical tests as defined by Nist or other institutions. One resource online I found particularly helpful, yet I do not seem to have the mathematical intuition to understand some parts. The python code and the text are found on quant at risk.

2D matrix of $x_{\text {seq }}$ holding our signal ...

Score: 3
Chris avatar
Proving that a PRG is predictable
lk flag

I am attending the video lectures from Prof Dan Boneh. He gives the following example.

Let $G:\mathcal K\longrightarrow \Bbb Z_2^n$ be a PRG with the property that from the last $\frac{n}{2}$ digits of $G(k)$ we can easily compute the first $\frac{n}{2}$ digits of $G(k)$. We want to show that $G$ is predictable for some $i\in\{0,\dots,n-1\}$.

Well, it is clear that we should use the contrapositive ...

Score: 3
Eshkod avatar
Why: $G'(s) = G(s_1, \ldots, s_{\lfloor{n/2}\rfloor})$, where $s = s_1, \ldots, s_n$ is PRG?
gp flag

I'm a novice reader of Introduction to Modern Cryptography, where it states:

Let $G$ be a pseudorandom generator with expansion factor $\ell(n) > 2n$.
In each of the following cases, say whether $G′$ is necessarily a pseudorandom generator. If yes, give a proof; if not, show a counterexample.
(a) Define $G'(s) = G(s_1, \ldots, s_{\lfloor n/2\rfloor})$, where $s = s_1, \ldots, s_n$.

I thoug ...

Score: 1
Javier Albarracin avatar
How is asymmetric encryption possible if you need a passcode in order to encrypt something?
et flag

Cant you look at the algorithm used to encrypt and find the private key from the public key that way? As an example, here's a simple python algorithm that encrypts an input:

return [(tran_ltn[content[i]] + rnd.randint(400, 1400)) for i in range(len(content))]

This is obviously symmetric. However, if I wanted to make it so that a different passcode decrypts this output, I could writ ...

Score: 1
filter hash avatar
Is the composite order matrix-DDH secure?
cn flag

I recently read a paper that proposed a matrix-DDH which is a matrix variant of DDH assumption. The brief definition is follows:

Let $G$ be a group of prime order $q$. Then, the matrix-DDH says that it is hard to distinguish between two distributions: $\{[A], [A\cdot w] \} \approx \{[A], [u], u\leftarrow \text{random} \}$.

Here, the bracket notation $[x]$ denotes the group element with discrete logarit ...

Score: 0
Koray Kaya avatar
Is it possible to generate a read-only key for a symmetrical encryption (AES)?
om flag

I am working with hardware that can only encrypt with AES. The problem with this is that the message must be publicly verifiable, without the encoding key being exposed. This is the textbook use-case for asymmetrical keys, yet the hardware does not support this. I cant come up with a method myself where a message is encrypted with AES and decrypted with an asymmetrical public key. Is there a way to do t ...

Score: 1
user108142 avatar
LWE Decryption: Generating errors for (c1, c2) that match binary message m
sy flag

In the encryption process, the ciphertexts c1 and c2 are added to errors e1 and e2 each to get noisy ciphertexts u and v.

c1 = A * r
c2 = b * r + m * (q/2)

u = c1 + e1
v = c2 + e1

However, choosing a random value for e1 and e2 would cause u and v to not match to its message m. Wikipedia and several research papers suggest using discrete Gaussian distribution to choose e1 and e2 that match with m. The e ...

Score: 1
Emison Lu avatar
Circuits for general computing
bl flag

In TCS, functions need to be converted into boolean circuits.

So is this Boolean circuit a combinational logic, i.e. a directed acyclic graph, satisfying the topological order?

I would appreciate your answer. Thanks!

Score: 1
EmbeddedEnthusiast avatar
AES-GCM and tag length
im flag

Due to protocol limitations, I can put in 24 bytes of data only for tx (excluding headers), if I use AES_GCM for encrypting my data, I understand I don't need to worry about padding.

For instance, if my data is 22 bytes, I would be getting a 22 bytes encrypted output. So, I had zero-ed in on AES-GCM or AES-CTR. However, I have observed AES-CTR stream cipher is not available in Microsoft crypto li ...

Score: 1
Sujan SM avatar
How is Crystal Kyber CPA-secure algorithms converted into a CCA-secure algorithm
br flag

In Crystal Kyber specification, page no10, there are 3 algorithms namely KYBER.CCAKEM for making the CPA-secure Kyber into CCA-secure one.

Q1: How is the shared key K being generated in KYBER.CCAKEM.Enc & KYBER.CCAKEM.Enc related to the CPA-secure algorithms ?

Q2: Is the shared key K used as input parameter of sorts, for the CPA-secure algorithm ?

Score: 0
alpominth avatar
Is there a way to make a pseudorandom function to generate decimal numbers in a specified range and not only producing big ones?
il flag

When I try to generate decimal numbers in the range 0-18446744073709551616 using a hash function I always get big numbers like this:

$ A=$(date | b2sum -l 64 | awk '{ print $1 }'); echo $(calc 0x$A)
$ A=$(date | b2sum -l 64 | awk '{ print $1 }'); echo $(calc 0x$A)
$ A=$(date | b2sum -l 64 | awk '{ print $1 }'); echo $(calc 0x$A)
$ A=$(da ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.