
Difference between Decryption-failure and Plaintext-checking oracles

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I am reading this paper, which in the introduction, tells about two main types of key recovery SCAs :

  • Reaction_type SCAs, which uses a decryption failure oracle
  • Message-recovery-type SCAs, which uses a plaintext-checking oracle

I don't understand the difference between these two oracles. In this presentation, the authors categorize three different oracles, including these two.

My understanding is that a plaintext-checking oracle takes a ciphertext $c$ and a plaintext $m$ and returns 1 if the decryption of $c$ gives $m$, and 0 otherwise.

Regarding decryption failure oracle, it returns 0 if the decryption has failed, 1 otherwise. I don't understand if this oracle only takes a ciphertext $c$ or also a plaintext $m$. This is really unclear to me.

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