
Circuits for general computing

bl flag

In TCS, functions need to be converted into boolean circuits.

So is this Boolean circuit a combinational logic, i.e. a directed acyclic graph, satisfying the topological order?

I would appreciate your answer. Thanks!

cn flag

A loop can be transformed into a circuit. The circuit might be bigger, but any polynomial-time program you can think of can be converted into a polynomial-size boolean circuit. Garbled circuits capture general two-party computation and is not limited to a restricted set of functions.

Crypto Learner avatar
in flag
Yeah, that is more accurate.
Emison Lu avatar
bl flag
Hi! Can we compile these `loop` into cyclic combinational circuits?
Geoffroy Couteau avatar
cn flag
What is a cyclic combinational circuit?
in flag

We have to think about the cost of realizing a specific kind of circuit complexity.

We can say that a general program executing some kind of interactive command can't be converted in a feasible circuit: think about a main() { while(true) {} }.

An interesting discussion can be read here Conditional Boolean circuits

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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