Latest Crypto related questions

Score: 2
shxxlas avatar
How to implement hash functions $H1 \colon \{0,1\}^* \to \mathbb{Z}_p^*$ and $H2 \colon \mathbb{Z}_p^* \to \{0,1\}^k$?
bi flag

I would like to implement a hash function $H1 \colon \{0,1\}^* \to \mathbb{Z}_p^*$ such that $p$ is a prime number and second fonction $H2 \colon \mathbb{Z}_p^* \to \{0,1\}^k$ where $k$ is a security parameter

what is the best way to implement them with SHA 256 or another hash function?

Score: 2
xade93 avatar
Avoid CKKS Bootstraping
gf flag

CKKS is a levelled scheme, because the rescale $\lfloor\frac{x}{\Delta}\rceil$ operation requires truncating a modulus to be efficiently evaluated, and rescale is (usually) needed after every multiplication to control noise growth.

But I don't understand why rescale have to decrease ciphertext modulus. In residue number system it is probably hard to divide without removing ciphertext modulus, but w ...

Score: 3
pintor avatar
Privacy intuition vs formal definition
ng flag

Suppose we define privacy as a game where a machine $M$ has a coin $b$, and on input $M_0, M_1$ always replies with encrypted $M_0$ if $b=0$ and encrypted $M_1$ if $b=1$. The adversary can send as many pairs $M_0, M_1$ as he wants. The goal is to guess $b$. If he cannot do better than guessing at random (i.e., with probability $1/2$), then privacy holds (Simplified Benaloh's ballot privacy definition, i ...

Score: 0
Ian Gallegos avatar
Pseudo Random Number Generator test uniform distribution
cw flag

If I test the Pseudo Random Number Generator(PRNG) and it satisfies the serial test, it is not sure that the resulting distribution is uniform. Is my observation correct? If it is correct, what test should I do to be sure?

Score: 1
DurandA avatar
Derive related universally unique identifier (UUID) from a main UUID
us flag

Given a list of base entities (B) with each of them having a universally unique identifier (UUID) of 128 bits.

I want to attach to them a list of ≤ 7 related entities (TE, UE, ..., ZE) with each of them having their own UUID. One requirement is that I should be able to get the UUID of the main entity from the related entities, and get the UUIDs of the related entity from the main entity.

Example: ...

Score: 4
MERTON avatar
Why does the challenge need to be prime in Wesolowski's succinct argument of $y=x^{e}$?
fj flag

In Wesolowski's VDF (verifiable delay function) a prover produces a pair $(x, y)$ and needs to argue to the verifier that the pair satisfies $y = x^e \pmod N$ for some $e$ computable to both. The verifier is compute limited and $e$ is really large, so cannot compute $x^e\pmod N$ herself. The prover needs to convince the verifier with the verifier doing little work.

To achieve this, the verifier g ...

Score: 2
netbeansnewbie avatar
Number of characters in 64-bit and 128-bit password
ne flag

I have a simple question but I can't seem to find the answer of.

I know that

  • A 128-bit hash contains 32 characters since each represents a hexadecimal.
  • Similarly, a 64-bit hash would contain 16 characters.
  1. However, if I had a 64-bit and 128-bit string consisting of letters (both uppercase and lowercase) and numbers (0-9), how many characters would it occupy?

  2. Similarly, if I had a 64-bit and 128-b ...

Score: 1
talisman avatar
Symmetry shares
fo flag

I’m sorry if this is already answered, however, regarding symmetric key components to create a symmetric key using xor (So eg comp1 xor comp2 xor comp3 = key)

If in the case of an AES KEY, which goes through an expansion routine(?) If someone gets one of the values (who shouldn’t), what is the actual risk? It gives nothing away of the resulting key except size?

Score: 3
Cisco Saeed avatar
Elliptic Curve NAF scalar method
pl flag

I am new in Elliptic curve and I got a lot of knowledge through reading :) but I reached to NAF method as a scalar multiplication method, but don't understand how in this example get it:

Let k = 1234567 and its binary representation contains 21- bits:
100101101011010000111. In this 
11 1′s and 10 0′s can be found resulting in 20 doubling operations (D) and 10 point addition operations (A). The  ...
Score: 0
Check if an Elliptic Curve point (over finite field) is nearer than another point
US flag

Is there any algorithm that I can check if point(G^9857) is more near to point(G^54) rather than point(G^448)?

Score: 3
Question about the soundness of using a pairing map in the Kate Polynomial Commitment Scheme
et flag

I am looking at the paper on Kate Polynomial Commitments.

On Page 7, VerifyEval, the verifier checks the following to verify commitment.

$e(\mathcal C, g) \stackrel {?}{=} e(w_i, \frac {g(\alpha)}{g(i)})e(g, g)^{\phi(i)}$

In the next line, the paper explains why this equality will be true if the commitment is in fact honest.

I understand the completeness part of the proof, but I am not convinced abou ...

Score: 1
General Questions on Big Data and AI privacy
cn flag


Recently, I came across a question on privacy for big data and AI.

IMO, big data privacy focuses on "anonymization" aspect where sensitive informatino such as Personal Identitfiable Information should be protected, while AI privacy focuses on "raw data stealth" where raw data should not be inferred or derived from the training and inference processes.

Just want to know other's thought. All comment ...

Score: 3
Chirag Parmar avatar
CRYSTALS-KYBER versus FrodoKEM, what makes each of them different than the other?
cn flag

NIST's main recommendation for encryption/decryption mechanism is CRYSTALS-KYBER. Whereas, the BSI (German equivalent) chooses FrodoKEM.

As far as my knowledge goes both these mechanisms use LWE lattice problem for their cryptographic security.

  • Then what makes the two mechanisms different?
  • Is it just the parameterization of the lattices?
  • Is one better than the other, if so why?
Score: 6
Daniel S avatar
Covering codes for digital signatures
ru flag

An encryption scheme should be injective in the sense that each ciphertext should only be associated with at most one message, in order that decryption is unambiguous. An efficient signature verification scheme should be surjective in the sense that each message (equivalently message hash) has an associated signature, so that all possible messages (resp. hashes) can be signed without rehashing.

I ...

Score: 4
fgrieu avatar
Difficulty of Shor's algorithm in a Schnorr group as a function of the modulus
ng flag

Consider a Schnorr group with order a prime $q$ sized for security against current computers (like $q$ of 256 bit); modulus a prime $p=q\,r+1$ large enough (e.g. 3072 to 32768-bit) that the algorithms of choice for solving the DLP in the group are Pollard's rho or Pollard's kangaroo, rather than Index calculus, Function field sieve or GNFS.

The expected cost of breaking the Discrete Logarithm Problem ...

Score: 2
crypt avatar
Significance of theoretical weaknesses?
cn flag

What is the significance of theoretical weaknesses? Any real life incident where a theoretical weakness was ignored and later it compromised the system? Whats the dividing line between theoretical and practical weakness? Are there any other categories? How quantifies a practical weakness as what seems impossible for one person might be doable by another?

Score: 1
encoding/decoding in the CKKS are isometric ring isomorphisms?
eg flag

I am working on my master thesis which has as a main subject the CKKS algorithm. I am following the paper in which on page 8 it is mentioned that the encoding/decoding in the CKKS are isometric ring isomorphisms between $(S, \|\cdot \|_{\infty}^{can})$ and $(\mathbb{C}^{N/2}, \|\cdot \|_{\infty})$ where $S = \mathbb{R}[X]/(\Phi_M(X))$, $\Phi_M(X)$ a cyclotomic ...

Score: 3
ahron avatar
How is the Unix / PostgreSQL crypt function a trapdoor function?
sl flag

I am looking at this in the context of password hashing in PostgreSQL, specifically, the crypt function of the pgcrypto extension.

The PostgreSQL documentation refers to the Unix man page of the crypt function. The man page (man 3 crypt) of the crypt function states that it performs Trapdoor encryption. Now a trapdoor function should

  1. Be easy to compute in one direction - this I understand.
  2. Be hard to com ...
Score: 1
rubixibuc avatar
Hashing a random string of letters upper/lower + numbers 256 characters long with SHA256
in flag

Is hashing a pseudo-random generated string of letters upper/lower + numbers 256 characters long with SHA256 insecure, in the sense that in any reasonable amount of time you can go from hash to original string?

Would using a more conventionally strong password hashing algorithm be necessary to still answer no to the above question?

Score: 1
Giusy avatar
Construction of a SKE scheme based on a PRF family and on a MAC with UF-CMA security. Is the scheme secure?
ml flag

Consider the following construction of a SKE scheme $\Pi^*=(Enc^*,Dec^*)$ based on a PRF family $F=\{F_k:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow \{0,1\}^n\}_{k\in\{0,1\}^\lambda}$ and on a MAC $ Tag:\{0,1\}^\lambda \times \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^\lambda$ with UF-CMA security.

Key Generation: The key generation algorithm returns a random key $k^*=(k^{'},k^{''})$ where $k^{'},k^{''} \in \{0,1\}^\lambda$.


Score: 1
ubiquibacon avatar
For RSA keys, is there any security benefit to having P and Q of different bit counts
cn flag

In some RSA libraries I've encountered, the P bit count is left shifted by some amount and Q bit count right shifted by the same amount. For example, if generating a 2048 bit key, the P bit count would be 1088 and the Q bit count would be 960, so the N bit count would still be the requested 2048, assuming appropriate P and Q values are selected.

I've only seen one comment in code explaining this ...

Score: 0
user106260 avatar
How to decrypt a RSA plaintext given a public exponent e and a RSA modulus n
gm flag

I am doing a RSA cryptography task where I need to decrypt a ciphertext but I am only given the ciphertext ,c, a public exponent, e, and a RSA modulus, n, which has two prime factors p and q such that |p − q| < 10000.

I am unsure of how to do this but I am given the hint of using a low exponent attack (although the exponent is the usual 65537) and a binary search somewhere.

Could someone point  ...

Score: 0
hasin avatar
How many bits of encryption are enforced in WEP (wired equivalent protocol)
jp flag

I'm currently taking a computer security module in University and as part of a problem have been asked:

enter image description here

My thought for the question is that no it does not provide 64 bits of security strength. This is as (IV,C) is transmitted over the network meaning that if the signal were intercepted by an adversary IV can easily be obtained as it has not been encrypted and hence is not confidential meaning that it doe ...

Score: 14
Flan1335 avatar
Kyber and Dilithium explained to primary school students?
tc flag

Kyber and Dilithium are post-quantum cryptographic designs, but the resources are hard to understand. Is it possible to explain those ciphers to children?

Score: 2
pes oves avatar
Zk-snark range proof
gr flag

The task is something like this. Alice must send Bob the money, but so that the amount remains hidden.

How can this be done if only "hiding" balances are stored in the blockchain? How can I prove to someone that my balance is positive after the transfer?

In other words, how can I prove to someone that the number x >0, if the person only knows the "hiding" of this number, say, g^x, where g is the ge ...

Score: 1
gct avatar
Probability of a collision in the sum of hashed 64-bit values
tr flag

I'm working on a problem where I need to track some state that's 64-bit integers. It turns out this state can tracked by simply accumulating a sum of differences, which in my case turns out to naturally sum to zero:

$$s = \sum_k (b_k-a_k)$$

This is a "closure" relationship that relies on all the values being transitively accounted for, so I might have e.g. $(a-c)+(c-b)+(b-a) = 0$, but that will a ...

Score: 1
Niels avatar
Drawbacks of multiple sources of entropy for AES
ao flag

Since AES needs IV to be random (unless fed by a unit test), I was wondering how to properly handle it.

I know that Intel/AMD now supports the rdrand64 function but I don't fully want to rely on that.

Can I safely combine multiple sources of randomness and SHA256 them to produce a random 256-bit number?

My sources of randomness will be: time in ns, clock from rdtsc instruction, BCryptGenRandom (for win ...

Score: 4
Does $X \rightarrow y$ being CDH imply that, given $X$ distinguishing between $y, r$ is DDH $\forall r\in Z_{p}^{*}$
uz flag

In one proof I show that, given a cyclic group $Z_{p}^{*}$ where $p$ is prime, and a set of information $X$ computing $y\in Z_{p}^{*}$ is as difficult as solving Computational Diffie Hellman (CDH) problem.

In another proof can I make the argument that as transformation $X \rightarrow y$ is proven to be CDH, given $X$, distinguishing between any random $r\in Z_{p}^{*}$ from $y$ is as difficult as De ...

Score: 0
Solve discrete logarithm with new chinese research
US flag

Does this research also work for breaking bitcoin ECDSA? If so, how many qubit will be needed for 256-bit elliptic curve key?

Score: 3
Don Freecs avatar
ISIS problem in the case of $m=n$
sz flag

The Inhomogeneous Short Integer Solution (ISIS) problem is as follows: given an integer $q$, a matrix $A\in \mathbb{Z}^{n\times m}_q$, a vector $b\in \mathbb{Z}^{n}_q$, and a real $\beta$, find an integer vector $e\in\mathbb{Z}^m$ such that $Ae=b\mod q$ and $0<\Vert e\Vert_2\leq\beta$.

if we assume that $n=m$ is this average-case problem is still hard for a well-chosen $(n,q,\beta)$?

because (I have te ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.