I am working on my master thesis which has as a main subject the CKKS algorithm. I am following the paper https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/421.pdf in which on page 8 it is mentioned that the encoding/decoding in the CKKS are isometric ring isomorphisms between $(S, \|\cdot \|_{\infty}^{can})$ and $(\mathbb{C}^{N/2}, \|\cdot \|_{\infty})$ where $S = \mathbb{R}[X]/(\Phi_M(X))$, $\Phi_M(X)$ a cyclotomic polynomial of degree $N = \phi(M), \|\cdot \|_{\infty}$ is the infinity norm and $\| m\|_{\infty}^{can} = \|\sigma (m)\|_{\infty}$ with $\sigma$ to be the canonical embedding between $S$ and $\mathbb{C}^N.$ I am trying to prove that the norms are preserved but all my attempts didn't work. What I am trying to prove is $\| Dec (m) \|_{\infty}=\|m\|_{\infty}^{can}$
Attempt 1 : $\begin{align*}
\| Dec (m) \|_{\infty} = \| \pi \circ \sigma (\Delta^{-1}m)\|_{\infty} =\max\limits_i |\pi \circ \sigma (\Delta^{-1}m_i)| = \max\limits_i |\sigma (\Delta^{-1}m_i)|_{\infty} = \|\Delta^{-1}m\|_{\infty}^{can}= \Delta^{-1} \|m\|_{\infty}^{can} \end{align*} $
So I am ending up with a $\Delta^{-1}$ factor the I don't want
Attempt 2: On this one, I only focus on the form of the polynomials that I will use in the CKKS algorithm, or in other words, I assumed that my polynomial $m$ already carries a $\Delta$ factor, i.e, $m = \Delta m_1$ some polynomial $m_1$, but still:
\|Dec(m)\|_{\infty} = \Delta^{-1} \|m\|_{\infty}^{can} = \Delta^{-1}\|\Delta m_1\|_{\infty}^{can} = \|m_1\|_{\infty}^{can}
getting a different polynomial from the one I started with, which doesn't seem to be what I need.
Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance