How does the magnitude of $p$ influence the difficulty of doing this, by some useful criteria?
Well, the expensive part of Shor's algorithm is the necessity of performing $O(\log q)$ multiplications (on entangled qubits) in the group (which, in this case, is mod $p$).
So, to do this would require $O(\log p)$ qubits, and (assuming you use the textbook multiplication algorithm) $O(\log q (\log p)^2)$ quantum operations. So, increasing $p$ would increase both the required number of qubits and the total number of operations (but both by a low order polynomial factor).
Now, one suggestion I heard (by Shamir) was to instead do radically imbalanced RSA - we take a very large prime $p$ and a moderate prime $q$ (e.g. 1024 bits), and have our public key be $pq$ and a small exponent $e > \log p / \log q$; the private key is the value $q$ and $d = e^{-1} \bmod q-1$. To encrypt a ciphertext $m$ (which is required to be less than $q$), we do the conventional encryption $c = m^e \bmod pq$. To decrypt a ciphertext $c$, we first compute $c \bmod q$, and then compute $m = (c \bmod q)^d \bmod q$ (ignoring the $p$ part). Here, encryption and decryption are both not that expensive, and to break the scheme, the only obvious approach is to factor $pq$ (which, because $p$ is large, might not be practical for first generation CRQC's).
I can't endorse this idea (because we have no idea how fast CRQC's will scale up) - however, it may perform better than your Schnorr group idea...