In Wesolowski's VDF (verifiable delay function) a prover produces a pair $(x, y)$ and needs to argue to the verifier that the pair satisfies $y = x^e \pmod N$ for some $e$ computable to both. The verifier is compute limited and $e$ is really large, so cannot compute $x^e\pmod N$ herself. The prover needs to convince the verifier with the verifier doing little work.
To achieve this, the verifier generates a challenge $c$ which is prime, and the prover responds with $\pi = x^{\lfloor e/c\rfloor}\pmod N$. Now the verifier can be convinced if $y = \pi^c x^{r}\pmod N$, where $r$ is the remainder of $e$ divided by $c$.
How does the primality of $c$ come into play? Is there a forged proof attack for composite challenges?
In [1] the base difficulty assumption is this game:
Game 1: We are given an $N$ guaranteed to be a product of two primes . We choose $u\neq 1$. After this we're given a uniform random k-bit prime $c$. We win if we output $v$ such that $v^c = u\pmod N$.
Does this game become easier if instead we're given just a random k-bit number? The reduction from the VDF problem to Game 1 does not seem to use the fact that $c$ is a prime either.
Later on [2] names the statement "Game 1 is hard" the adaptive root assumption. They also work with primes only, with no justification.