I am looking at the paper on Kate Polynomial Commitments.
On Page 7, VerifyEval, the verifier checks the following to verify commitment.
$e(\mathcal C, g) \stackrel {?}{=} e(w_i, \frac {g(\alpha)}{g(i)})e(g, g)^{\phi(i)}$
In the next line, the paper explains why this equality will be true if the commitment is in fact honest.
I understand the completeness part of the proof, but I am not convinced about the soundness part.
Let the pairing map be
$e: G\space \times \space G \mapsto G_T$
Let $h_1, h_2, h_3, h_4$ be elements of $G$
Let $r_1$ & $r_2$ be elements of $G_T$.
$e(h_1, h_2) = r_1$
$e(h_3, h_4) = r_2$
If $h_1 = h_3$ & $h_2 = h_4$, then
$r_1 = r_2$
What we are checking in Commitment Scheme's VerifyEval is if $r_1 \stackrel {?}{=} r_2$
I agree this proves the completeness of the commitment.
However, I am not sure if it's proves the soundness.
Can't 2 different sets of elements when used as input to the pairing map end up with the same output element?
In the case where
$h_1 \ne h_3$ & $h_2 \ne h_4$, can't the output of the 2 mappings still be the same?
i.e. can't this be true still?
$e(h_1, h_2) = e(h_3,h_4)$
What property of elliptic curve pairings proves that the probability of $e(h_1, h_2)$ being equal to $e(h_3,h_4)$ is negligible in case $h_1 \ne h_3$ & $h_2 \ne h_4$?