Latest Server related questions

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A X avatar
AWS Route 53 Failover DNS with Healthcheck not updating IP (even though health check shows failure)
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Our goal is to have a Healthcheck continuously evaluate the health of an endpoint. When it becomes unhealthy, we want the DNS to failover to a different IP address. We have set this up but we now realized that it actually doesn't work (i.e. when the Healthcheck goes red, no failover happens). Here is our current configuration:

A Record

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Yevgeny Simkin avatar
How reliable is the "host" in an incoming HTTPS request?
us flag

I'm trying to understand what level of confidence I can have when my API which lives at receives a POST request from a page that has specified as its host value in the header.

Specifically - is this something that can be faked (maybe even is somehow easy to fake?) or is it difficult (impossible?) for someone to send something to from some entirely alternate location  ...

Score: 2
laimison avatar
Tuning Linux router and server for better performance / solving single TCP connection slow speed
au flag

I have a simplest/common network architecture.

Web server sits behind router on local network. This router does iptables DNAT so port forwarding is achieved to web server.

Therefore, I'm able to download file from server 1 to my computer over the internet.

enter image description here

My questions

  1. What is the proper kernel tuning to ensure that router is using most of its potential (for around 2000 connections and highest thr ...

Score: 0
Stephano Ermon avatar
How to understand kernel crash with vmcore-dmesg.txt and kexec-dmesg.log
cn flag

I have a server running CentOS 8, the kernel crashed someday and I found the found the following three files in /var/crash: vmcore, vmcore-dmesg.txt, and kexec-dmesg.log.

I first looked at vmcore-dmesg.txt, which gives me the following info at the end

[291071.552140] {2}[Hardware Error]: Hardware error from APEI Generic Hardware Error Source: 1
[291071.552141] {2}[Hardware Error]: event severity: ...
Score: 1
Thiago Dias avatar
2 domains configured on digital ocean, only 1 works with direct browser access using Apache2
in flag

I have a droplet on digital ocean which was initially configured with only one domain (, it worked right out of the box after installing either Apache or Nginx without any extra configuration.

after some time I configured a second domain ( on the same droplet via digital ocean admin panel, the first weird behavior was that every time I tried to access the domain raphaelvie ...

Score: -1
Milen Todorov avatar
Restore files from software RAID 1
sa flag

I accidentally erased my files from my MDADM raid when I created a Docker container and mapped my raid but after that all files in the raid disappeared. The discs are not currently being written or read. I want to ask what is the way I can recover my files? Unfortunately I don't have a backup. Also I am open to any suggestions even to attach disks to Windows machine. This is my Docker compose config fil ...

Score: 0
user132645 avatar
Is it possible to route data between 2 wireguard devices on the same machine?
de flag

I want to find out how much overhead wireguard creates on my machine in terms of latency. However, my server is remote, so I would like to test it solely on the machine to avoid measuring the whole network latency.

So for measuring the latency, I thought about the following setup.

I add two wireguard devices to the machine, wg0 and wg1. I then send a packet to wg0, which encrypts the packet and send ...

Score: 2
iPhone users does not connect to StrongSwan VPN, while Android and Windows 10 users do?
us flag

I have a StrongSwan VPN that for some reason unknown to me cannot connect iOS users to my VPN server.

A few quick notes:

  • My StrongSwan server is front for VPN clients who connects to my network. I used WireGuard for my backend site-to-site routing.

  • All StrongSwan VPN users are validated against a FreeRadius server.

  • StrongSwan clients are assigned an IP on the subnet, while WireGuard  ...

Score: 0
Learner avatar
Lotus Notes web application fails to launch
in flag

There were a few changes that I made due to server vulnerability such as giving No Access to Anonymous for dbs: db4.nsf, admin4.nsf, decsdoc.nsf, lsxlc.nsf, lccon.nsf, domcfg.nsf, and agentlog.nsf.

Additionally, I set HTTPDISABLEMETHODS=TRACE in notes.ini as was suggested by my server team.

However, after http restart, my web application fails to launch. I am using Notes 9.0.1 FP2. I soon realized t ...

Score: 0
explogx avatar
Kerberos: ticket with no REALM after principal name (i.e. `principal@`)
cn flag

When I run a klist after ssh-ing into a Kerberized instance, I obtain the TGS for the principal host/vmtest001, however, why do I get two of them including one with no REALM after the @ separator?

Here is the output of klist:

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
06/13/21 21:05:00  06/14/21 07:05:00  krbtgt/ ...
Score: 0
Andyc avatar
Linux - Set-up a client-server network from scratch
gb flag

I have been looking for this, but haven't been able to find anything "complete" out there, probably because it's such a standard setup that people think it's included in the human genome by now. I know they are a lot of things in one question, but they are all related.

Here's what I would like to do:

  • Have one (in a more involved scenario more than one) Linux server, where information about users is sto ...
Score: 1
how to monitor a secure lab's machine and product's log files from my organization laptop?
uz flag

I'm trying to find a solution that will help me to monitor the product's machines and log files in each one of them. here are some fact about my working environment:

  • I have a product that's installed on labs composed of several machine (some of them 3 and some 8 VMs) of Windows server 2016 and up and Windows 10.

  • My laptop is in one LAN and the Lab in another LAN

  • The product creates several log ...

Score: 1
Managing Storage Spaces Direct in Windows Admin Center
cn flag

I have a Hyper-V server, also running Windows Admin Center, let's call it FISH. That server is set up as gateway. On it, there are two storage pools, which can be managed via the Server Manager normally, and some VMs.

In Windows Admin Center, Storage Spaces (Direct) is not available in server management, and from what I gathered, I need to connect to a Cluster.

I have tried to add a cluster, but  ...

Score: 0 avatar
Best practice for adding contract companies as AAD guests
br flag

Our small business has an Azure Active Directory "Azure AD for Office 365" subscription. Recently, we've started hiring outside companies to do product development. For now, this involves adding a very small number of people from each company to our Azure AD to allow them access to our resources.

When we start doing business with a company and their employees, I add their employees to our Azure A ...

Score: 0
Nimrod avatar
What happens to the disk data if the disk is made RAID ready?
us flag

I have a PERC H730P mini RAID controller. I have a single physical (non-raid) disk with important data which I falsely executed as "Convert to RAID capable". Apart from this, I haven't done anything else to the disk. My question is that if the controller destroys data on the disk to be part of a RAID group or the RAID controller sets a flag only to include it in Virtual Disk (RAID) group. Since I have a ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.