Latest Server related questions

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Apache and letsencrypt ssl | need assistance from cloudflare gurus or experts in ssl
in flag

hope you are all staying well and safe.

So just to explain my setup which I have always proffered do which worked for me, until now..

I have:

  • Ubuntu server running apache2 for websites
  • Letsencrypt via certbot (installed last week along with fresh ubuntu server)
  • Cloudflare linked

With this I am able to host my multiple sites and provide free ssl to them (letsencrypt) via running the command: sudo ce ...

Score: 1
Timeouts on Cloud SQL and other external services when using NAT + IP Masquerade on GKE
it flag

I have to configure a static IP in one of my PODs because a remote service (outside of my cluster) requires trusted IP whitelisting.

I followed the documentation provided by Google:

But when trying to configure egress traffic using Google cloud NAT service in my GKE cluster plus  ...

Score: 3
What is the best metric for auto-scaling GPU instances for machine learning inference in the cloud?
ps flag

We have an API in AWS with a GPU instance that does inference. We have an auto-scaler setup with the minimum and maximum number of instances, but aren’t sure which metric (GPU/CPU usage, RAM usage, average latency, etc) or combination of metrics should be used to determine when a new instance needs to be launched to keep up with incoming requests.

Are there best practices in regards to what met ...

Score: 0
hardcheese avatar
Middle sized company server architecture
gf flag

I am designing server for middle sized company which should offer services as accountancy software, property record software, file server etc. My idea is using Hyper V server as type 1 hypervisor. As virtual OSes I need use Windows for one of the requested software (company has the license). For other software I am thinking about 1 virtual OS for 1 application + virtual server dedicated for database whi ...

Score: 0
Use ipmi to control fan speed on ASRock X570D4U-2L2T server
br flag


I can't use ipmi to control fan speed.

I have an X570D4U-2L2T motherboard with a Ryzen 5600x and am running Ubuntu 21.04.

Can the community advise how I might use ipmitool or ipmiutil to control the fan speeds – either to set a constant value or to set a curve?

Background information

I tried the web interface. I can log on but it's not particularly easy to use and no matter what settings ...

Score: 1
zelocalhost avatar
NAPTR DNS in Gandi registrar
ae flag

as it's said on i have to add this in my Gandi DNS :

@ IN NAPTR 10 0 "s" "RELAY:turn.udp" ""

But every time i try to add this, i have an syntax error, so what's wrong in this line ? I have successfully added the others lines needed but not this one.


Score: 0
Constant timeouts when conecting from LAN to services behind a reverse proxy
cn flag

years after my first home server died, i've decided to have one again. This time for the sake of learning and having more flexibility i'm doing it with docker containers. The thing is, i've set up a reverse proxy with nginx and the let's ecnrypt companion, to provide SSL encription & to avoid forwarding more ports on my router.

This works pretty much flawlessly, from my phone with mobile dat ...

Score: 0
thisismoooo avatar
Best practices for database with direct user input
cn flag

I’m currently working on a dynamic project, in which the users feed the database with new objects/data. Other users can later access the data other users provided.

Because the data’s coming directly from the user, I will sanitize the inputs. Nonetheless I don’t want them to feed data directly into my main database, so I thought of putting a new, temporary database in front of the main one.  ...

Score: 0
Are MX record names important?
cn flag

When creating MX records for a domain, is it important what they are called?

I want to manage email through a remote service and have added the appropriate destination and priority. The service that is used to manage the domain (cpanel) does not allow the MX record name to be called @ so I gave it a name like

Is this is a problem when setting up MX records?

Score: 0
Maciek Semik avatar
Some Google Cloud SQL Authorized Network IPs do not work?
vn flag

I use Google Cloud SQL for my databases. It's connected to my website and working just fine, but I also authorized my local computer to access the Database via Sequel Pro. But for today, I went to my parent's place and tried to log into these databases. For hours I could not get into it and to work on it, but after adding the correct IP to the Authorized Networks section, in the SQL console. But  ...

Score: 0
Nginx configuration to make open ports look like they're closed
cn flag

I have ports 443 and 80 open on my firewall and pointing to my Nginx reverse-proxy server. I have Nginx setup so that if anyone accesses ports 443 or 80 using my IP address Nginx returns a 444 error. I would like to set Nginx up in such a way so that if someone does a port scan of my IP address they won't even see the ports as open. Is this something that's possible? My current config looks like this: ...

Score: 1
ehsan_kabiri_33 avatar
Installing Nginx-extras module, downgrade nginx-1.20 to 1.14 on Debian 10
de flag

I've installed Nginx 1.20 on Debian 10 following this :

Nginx on Debian

I need to install Nginx-extras, but after sudo apt-get install -y nginx-extras when I check Nginx -v it returns 1.14.2 ... (In Ubuntu 20 it downgrade from 1.20 to 1.18)

More Info: When I install Nginx on Debian using default repository, version 1.14.2 will be installed. In my .conf file I need to use delay like this:

limit_req z ...
Score: 0
nginx serve static files AND reverse proxy
za flag

I want the browser to be in constant communication (websocket) with my backend servers as they are constantly receiving data. But I also want static files to be served to them by nginx. In other words, I want nginx to serve static files AND ALSO proxy to my backend servers. I've tried putting both directives in the same location block:

location / {

        root C:blah ...
Score: 0
Tyler Durden avatar
How do I hook up a business modem with 6 ports to a switched network?
no flag

I have a small business modem that has 6 ports on it, each being a static IP.

My network has grown however to the point where I have more than 6 devices, so I am moving to use a switch, which has other benefits as well.

Does that make my 6 static IPs redundant? Should I just connect one of them to the switch and NAT everything, or is there a way I can use all 6 IPs?

Score: 0
itmxr avatar
Linux doesn't boot when HP HBA controller is connected
us flag

I have an HP H240 Smart HBA. On Windows 10, it works without a problem, but any Linux I tested refuses to boot with a connected controller.

Platform: AMD B450 (AM4, various processors) List of tested Linux distributions: Ubuntu Server 20.04, Ubuntu Desktop 20.04, Debian 10 (PVE), Linux Mint 20.

The error is approximately as follows:

[0.316237] __common_interrupt: 2.55 No irq handler for vector
[0.316237] ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.