
Verifiable Delay Function - Fake Proofs

tv flag

For unknown group order such as RSA groups $ G %$, it takes $T$ sequential steps to compute the below function (time-lock puzzle).

$$ y = g^{2^T} mod N$$

This paper states that if $ /Phi(N) $ (Group order) is known, it takes only two exponentiation to compute $y$.

$$ e = 2^T mod |G| $$ $$ y = g^e $$

I am not sure I understand how these two results are equivalent.

kelalaka avatar
in flag
$e = 2^T mod |N|$ should be $e = 2^T \bmod \varphi (N)$. Knowing the $\varphi$ helps to reduce the power. The two exponentiation are the last two exponentiation. The operations re not counted.
tv flag
I know it is reduced. However, I give values to check the results but it fails
Yehuda Lindell avatar
us flag
Did you compute $y = g^e \bmod N$? This is also needed.

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