
Determine if a function is a PRG when PRG concatenated with Seed?

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I am a newbie in Cryptography and have trouble to solve the following question.

Let $G: \{0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{0,1 \}^{l(n)}$ be a PRG and $x \epsilon \{0,1 \}^n$. Determine if the function $Z: \{0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{0,1 \}^{(l(n)+n)}$ s.t. $Z(x) := G(x)||x$ is also a PRG.

My first assumption was that it is a PRG, because the concatenation of the PRG Output G(x) as pseudorandomstring with a uniformly distributed random String x is also a random string. Hence, it can also not be distinguished by an adversary. Furthermore l(n)+n > n, so Expansion is also ok.

How can i prove that? My idea is a Reduction that if there is a distinguisher D who breaks Z(x) would break also G(x) with non-negl probability, which contradicts the initial assumption that G(x) is a PRG.

Am i on the right track or completely lost?

Maarten Bodewes avatar
in flag
So your function Z is outputting the seed together with the random values derived from it? The algorithm is known as well.
cryptonoob avatar
bd flag
@MaartenBodewes Yes, exactly. But what do you mean with "algorithm is known as well"? G ist not specified any further. Therefore, if I need to give a counterexample for the case that Z is not a PRG, I can design G however I want.
Maarten Bodewes avatar
in flag
No, this is not usually correct. We generally assume Kerckhoff's principle: any security is not in the algorithm but in the key or - in this case - seed. You can design $G$ however you want, but you should assume that any adversary knows the algorithm. In other words: you cannot assume $G$ to generate any secrecy besides the seed $x$. Now what would happen if you first generate a key and then an IV using $Z$?
SEJPM avatar
us flag
Hint: Is there perhaps some kind of test / distinguisher that can check whether a given random-looking string is coming from $Z$ or just plain random? Assume the adversary can compute $G$ as well.
cryptonoob avatar
bd flag
@MaartenBodewes The only idea that i have is that an adversary can get the key/seed from the output of Z by performing a cut (because adversary knows the algorithm and knows that the key has a length of n). Then he can input this "key" into the function and check whether it is the same output or not. As far as I know, a PRG is deterministic. And in this case he even knows the key. Right track?
Maarten Bodewes avatar
in flag
Yeah, that's the right track. Generally it should not be possible to derive the state of the RNG as it would leak information about all the other bytes in the stream.

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