This question is about the serialization of pk
, sk
, and context
in HElib.
In my scenario, there are two trusted parties (A and B), these two parties can encrypt the messages and decrypt the ciphertexts.
So, A will send the context
, pk
, and sk
to B. Then, A encrypts the message and send ctxtA
to B, B decrypts ctxtA
and sends another ctxtB
to A. This example is just for explanation.
But it's confusing in the implementation of HElib, get the error: context dismatch
, sample code is shown below:
Context* newContext;
unique_ptr<SecKey> newSecKey;
unique_ptr<PubKey> newPubKey;
void test::testStruct(){
unsigned long p = 127;
unsigned long m = 12800;
unsigned long r = 1;
unsigned long bits = 119;
unsigned long c = 2;
helib::Context context = helib::ContextBuilder<helib::BGV>()
helib::SecKey oldSk(context);
const helib::PubKey& oldPk = oldSk;
stringstream ss;
newContext = Context::readPtrFrom(ss);
cout << "Context isEqual: " << (newContext == context) << endl; // result:1
// new generated pk and sk
newSecKey = make_unique<SecKey>(*newContext);
newPubKey = make_unique<PubKey>(*newSecKey);
encryptt(*newContext, *newPubKey, *newSecKey); // this works
// encryptt(*newContext, *newPubKey, oldSk); fail due to context dismatch
// or encryptt(*newContext, oldPk, *newSecKey); fail due to context dismatch
void test::encryptt(const Context& con, const PubKey& pk, const SecKey& sk){
vector<long> inputtest(256);
for (long i = 0; i< 256; i++) {
inputtest[i] = i % 2;
cout << inputtest << endl;
Ctxt ct(pk);
vector<long> outputtest;
con.getEA().encrypt(ct, pk, inputtest);
con.getEA().decrypt(ct, sk, outputtest);
cout << outputtest << endl;
Overall, (oldContext, oldSk, oldPk)
and (newContext, newSk, newPk)
cannot be mixed.
encryptt(*newContext, *newPubKey, oldSk); fail due to context dismatch
// or encryptt(*newContext, oldPk, *newSecKey); fail due to context dismatch
But, we can see that the new and old context is equal according to the code:
cout << "Context isEqual: " << (newContext == context) << endl; // result:1
P.S. Write to and read from the file is not considered, only stringstream.