
Combining WireGuard keys

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I suspect the answer is "no", but still:

In WireGuard [1], there's a concept of private and public keys for peers; public key derives from a private one and connection between two parties can be established only when keys match. Let's say we have two peers A and B. To connect them, they each have to:

  1. generate private key;
  2. generate public key using private one from previous step;
  3. share public key with other party.

Their configuration will look like that:

peer A:

PrivateKey = <private key of A>

PublicKey = <public key of B>

peer B:

PrivateKey = <private key of B>

PublicKey = <public key of A>

This is very straightforward and creates one-to-one connection.

Now, let's say we have a set of peers N, each with their own private/public keypair. There's also peer Z, which shared its public key with everyone in N, so Z can connect to any of N without issue (with relevant config change of [Peer] section).

Is it possible to do smth like that for Z:

PrivateKey = <private key of Z>

PublicKey = f(N1, N2, ...Ni)

Where f(...) is a function which "combines" all public keys in the set N, thus allowing Z to connect to any from N without configuration changes?


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