
ed25519 base point coordinates

ph flag

For the ed25519 standard Base Point is $B = (x, 4/5)$. According to Stack Question the y coordinate equals


But how this value is received? As I understand $y = 4 \cdot 5^{-1} \mod l$, where $l = 2^{252} + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493$.

So $5^{-1} \mod l$ gives


and then $4 \cdot 5^{-1} \mod l$ calculates to


Where do I make the mistake?

the default. avatar
id flag
It's 4/5 mod p (the prime), not mod l (the group order).
Кирилл Волков avatar
ph flag
What is the value of p?
the default. avatar
id flag
2^255 - 19, according to Google (which probably explains the curve name).
Maarten Bodewes avatar
in flag
Yes, that's the origin of the name. Similarly, Poly1305 has nothing to do with the value 1305 :)
Кирилл Волков avatar
ph flag
Oh, yes. I am foolish. Thank you very much!
Maarten Bodewes avatar
in flag
Please report back with the findings, would be nice if @thedefault. writes a short answer based on it!

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